Discouraged Slow Weight Loss

Losing 1.5 lb this disappoints me. I know a pound a week I have been told is good, but it doesn't feel good to only lose
36.8 lbs in 4 1/2 months when your big. I have people telling me how they lost alot more than that in 2-3 months.
It seems my body doesn't want to let go of the weight fast.

The last couple of weeks I have really walked alot and for me that is hard with foot and knee issues.
So today my knee's are killing me and was hoping to lose more than I did.

I guess I always understood bigger lose faster than those who are smaller with less weight to lose. Y
et it seems not so.


  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Stop beating yourself up! You've lost almost FORTY pounds. That's so great and good for your body/health! Stop comparing yourself to how other people lost weight, since we are all different. The slower it comes off, hopefully the longer it will STAY off! When I lost weight I was so proud for awhile and then I started stalling and looking in the mirror and thinking how I still wasn't at my goal and I started looking at my flaws, BUT I made a CHOICE to say "Wait a second! I've lost x pounds! That's great and I'm doing my body good wether I'm losing right now or not" :)
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I just wanted to give you a hug. I know how you feel because I'm feeling the same way today. We know that losing slowly is better than not losing at all and definitely better than gaining but when it doesn't happen as fast as we'd like it can be discouraging. And sometimes we don't have an honest and realistic idea of what losing and losing slowly really are because we see other people dropping pounds fast or worse - we watch The Biggest Loser. I remember years ago seeing a woman on the Dr Phil show complaining about this very thing. He told her in his Southern twang, "What difference does it make what they're doing? That ain't you." And he was right. I'm trying to keep in mind a great quote I read recently which said, "Comparison is the thief of joy". When we compare ourselves to others we rob ourselves of the feeling happy and proud of our own accomplishments.

    I'm going to really try to take my own advice here, quit the internal (and external) whining, and accept whatever happens by making smarter choices.
  • jessicabakernyc
    jessicabakernyc Posts: 29 Member
    I'm with you, but you must stay focused on how far you have come. I've been logging consistently for two months, exercising, and staying mostly within my calorie goals and have only lost 9 pounds so far. It seems so slow to me, but I have to keep reminding myself of all the positive changes I'm making that are really hard. Being conscious about what I eat is a big change for me. As is the exercise. Many of my buddies have lost a lo more than me in the same amount of time, but that's them, not me. Please know you are not alone, many of us are losing slowly. It will probably take me a year or more to lose the 60 pounds I want to lose. But I keep reminding myself that it took me years to gain all this weight, so why wouldn't take awhile to come off. You are not alone! Keep up the great progress, 36.8 pounds in 4.5 months is amazing, and you have inspired me to know that can be possible! Keep going, one day at a time!!
  • VBahrke
    VBahrke Posts: 1 Member
    36.8 in 4½ months is great! I know you feel better than before. Don't get discouraged. Look at the positives: the length of time you have stuck with it, the weight you have lost. I have dieted on and off my whole life and I know how hard it is when the scale does not move. Try to look at the whole picture and not just a snapshot of the current view. Hang in there, I think you are doing really well and I know you will continue toward your goals.
  • Inkybit
    Inkybit Posts: 37 Member
    I know how much it sucks losing weight slowly. But losing it slowly seems to help keep it off longer easier and without the same stress of every single itty bitty calories like with crash dieting.
    it has taken me a little more than 2 years to lose 75 pounds however I have very few relapses with my weight and although the weight loss has been slow the overall appearance of my skin and where I lost the weight looks better then it did any time in my history of crash dieting.
    taking a long time to lose weight helps your body register anew set point so if you do put on weight you do not put on quite as much your body stops it when it reaches a previous point that you got stuck at or stabalized. I stabalized every 10 lbs. anytime I've ever put on weight and relapse it's only been 2 or 3 pounds which is the next closest set weight I was at for a month or 2 at a time yes it took a long time but my fall off the wagon it was far less severe.
  • oceanbreeze22
    oceanbreeze22 Posts: 83 Member
    Stop beating yourself up! You've lost almost FORTY pounds. That's so great and good for your body/health! Stop comparing yourself to how other people lost weight, since we are all different. The slower it comes off, hopefully the longer it will STAY off! When I lost weight I was so proud for awhile and then I started stalling and looking in the mirror and thinking how I still wasn't at my goal and I started looking at my flaws, BUT I made a CHOICE to say "Wait a second! I've lost x pounds! That's great and I'm doing my body good wether I'm losing right now or not" :)
    Almost Forty pounds does sound like a good amount.
  • rebholz66
    rebholz66 Posts: 1 Member
    everyone is different, keep at it. its not a race its a marathon
  • Give it a visual touch if you have to...look at what 40 lbs of butter or 8, 5lb bags of flour look like...That always helps me!!!
  • oceanbreeze22
    oceanbreeze22 Posts: 83 Member
    I just wanted to give you a hug. I know how you feel because I'm feeling the same way today. We know that losing slowly is better than not losing at all and definitely better than gaining but when it doesn't happen as fast as we'd like it can be discouraging. And sometimes we don't have an honest and realistic idea of what losing and losing slowly really are because we see other people dropping pounds fast or worse - we watch The Biggest Loser. I remember years ago seeing a woman on the Dr Phil show complaining about this very thing. He told her in his Southern twang, "What difference does it make what they're doing? That ain't you." And he was right. I'm trying to keep in mind a great quote I read recently which said, "Comparison is the thief of joy". When we compare ourselves to others we rob ourselves of the feeling happy and proud of our own accomplishments.

    I'm going to really try to take my own advice here, quit the internal (and external) whining, and accept whatever happens by making smarter choices.
    I know comparing ourselves to others is not good and I'm sure it does rob us of appreciating our own success. It's hard not to at times though.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Take your time, remember you are trying to undo years of bad eating habits. As long as it's going down and not going up. you are doing good!
  • oceanbreeze22
    oceanbreeze22 Posts: 83 Member
    I know how much it sucks losing weight slowly. But losing it slowly seems to help keep it off longer easier and without the same stress of every single itty bitty calories like with crash dieting.
    it has taken me a little more than 2 years to lose 75 pounds however I have very few relapses with my weight and although the weight loss has been slow the overall appearance of my skin and where I lost the weight looks better then it did any time in my history of crash dieting.
    taking a long time to lose weight helps your body register anew set point so if you do put on weight you do not put on quite as much your body stops it when it reaches a previous point that you got stuck at or stabalized. I stabalized every 10 lbs. anytime I've ever put on weight and relapse it's only been 2 or 3 pounds which is the next closest set weight I was at for a month or 2 at a time yes it took a long time but my fall off the wagon it was far less severe.
    You have done very well. Congrats on losing 75 lbs. :)
  • oceanbreeze22
    oceanbreeze22 Posts: 83 Member
    Take your time, remember you are trying to undo years of bad eating habits. As long as it's going down and not going up. you are doing good!
    Thanks. Weighing some less does feel best.
  • JVCB
    JVCB Posts: 73 Member
    Give it a visual touch if you have to...look at what 40 lbs of butter or 8, 5lb bags of flour look like...That always helps me!!!

    Now, that is a VERY good tip! Thanks! :flowerforyou:
  • aleesh_
    aleesh_ Posts: 137 Member
    1.5 pounds in a week? That's really good! It took me years to realize this, but losing weight should be about being healthy, not just looking good. Anything more than 2 pounds a week is not recommended, so I think 1.5 pounds sounds great! Also like another poster said, don't compare yourself to others. Everyone is different! Just keep at it, as long as the scale is going down you're on the road to being a healthier you!
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    If I may, I just did a blog post on my thoughts on my slow progress. Maybe my thoughts will put you in a better frame of mind:

  • Inkybit
    Inkybit Posts: 37 Member
    Losing 1.5 lb this disappoints me. I know a pound a week I have been told is good, but it doesn't feel good to only lose
    36.8 lbs in 4 1/2 months when your big. I have people telling me how they lost alot more than that in 2-3 months.
    It seems my body doesn't want to let go of the weight fast.

    The last couple of weeks I have really walked alot and for me that is hard with foot and knee issues.
    So today my knee's are killing me and was hoping to lose more than I did.

    I guess I always understood bigger lose faster than those who are smaller with less weight to lose. Y
    et it seems not so.

    just remember you lose weight too quickly and it's much easier to put it back on. It took me 2 years to lose as much weight as I've lost and it's made it much harder for me to put on weight when I do fall off the wagon. Your body seems like the transition better if you take it nice and slow and try not to stress about it. I know it's detering to see small numbers change on that scale but remember those add up.
    and remember you have more to gain then just a smaller waistline that will come along with your improved health an overall increase in your self appreciation.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Were you just as discouraged that you gained it slowly too?

    I bet you never gained more than 1.5 pounds a week consistently, because that's about 75 pounds a year! You gained it slowly, and you'll lose it slowly, but it will come off like it came on.

    I've been doing this a year and only have lost 65 pounds. Most days I can't even tell a difference in myself. But my clothes are different, and I get compliments, and it's working, even though I didn't even average a pound a week and started at almost 300 pounds. Patience, my friend.
  • oceanbreeze22
    oceanbreeze22 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm with you, but you must stay focused on how far you have come. I've been logging consistently for two months, exercising, and staying mostly within my calorie goals and have only lost 9 pounds so far. It seems so slow to me, but I have to keep reminding myself of all the positive changes I'm making that are really hard. Being conscious about what I eat is a big change for me. As is the exercise. Many of my buddies have lost a lo more than me in the same amount of time, but that's them, not me. Please know you are not alone, many of us are losing slowly. It will probably take me a year or more to lose the 60 pounds I want to lose. But I keep reminding myself that it took me years to gain all this weight, so why wouldn't take awhile to come off. You are not alone! Keep up the great progress, 36.8 pounds in 4.5 months is amazing, and you have inspired me to know that can be possible! Keep going, one day at a time!!
    It did take me some time to gain, that's true. On the other hand my body could gain 10 lbs in one week on a vacation too.
    I am trying to hang in there, but just wishing I would have lost more by now.
  • I know how you feel... today is day 60 for me, and I've only lost 5 lbs. We just have to keep reminding ourselves that it's a process... It seems like everything these days is all about instant gratification, and losing weight isn't necessarily that way. Just keep plugging away and you'll see results. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I'm in the same boat dear. My scale has JUST started to move, this is after days of eating better and gym visits and workouts, not to mention the sweating. It takes time. The longer you wait the better the result, just keep the end result in mind and the wait won't seem so bad.