Canadian Eh - THURSDAY

Happy Thursday morning to everyone.

Not much planned for today. Got up early this morning, and I must have slept funny, because man my neck is killing me. Neck, back and shoulders were all getting so much better after the accident, until today. Oweeeee!

Anyway got the kiddies off to school this morning, came home and I am just relaxing on the couch with my Java and my “Cookie”, oh they are soooo good, and soooo filling. I cannot believe that I was full (sooo full) until about 2:00 yesterday after eating one of those morsels. Yummy.

The rain has FINALLY stopped here, but it looks like it will be back soon….SUCKS.

Anyone into So you think you can dance? Kinda disappointed that they are only taking 10 this year. Whats with that? And they are already in Vegas week….huh, wasn’t there like 25 weeks of auditions last season? Lol. And only one week this year? Anywho…

Funnygirl 4 DONUTS EACH???? OMG, really? Ha ha on the burpies.

Barboomer I am TOTALLY doing this thread for selfish reasons..tee hee. I need the accountability and motivation daily from people. “On the go” is DEFINATLEY great exercise. Any moving is good moving.

Softball for two of the kids tonight, but nothing until then….yay I get to rest my poow widdle head.

What’s for dinner???

Me: Grilled Salmon or Chicken, haven’t decided, on a BIG plate of salad, with lots of grilled veggies too. Mmmmm

Ta Ta ladies, will check in later.
Have a fantabulous day!


  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    I just have to say that I love your profile pic.
  • Allibaba
    Allibaba Posts: 457 Member
    Hello, I love the idea od a CDN thread. I am having a good day so far, I am about to head out for a walk on my lunch break then I am going to have a healthy meal. I wish the sunshine would stay out for longer so that it will be nice and warm on my walk!
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    I just have to say that I love your profile pic.

    Thanks I thought it was pretty cute.
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Hello, I love the idea od a CDN thread. I am having a good day so far, I am about to head out for a walk on my lunch break then I am going to have a healthy meal. I wish the sunshine would stay out for longer so that it will be nice and warm on my walk!


    Its beautiful out there right now, but Im sure in about a minute or so it will be dull again.....yup there goes the sun, here comes the clouds as I type this....OMG and there's the sun again. I could do this all
  • hexidecimal
    Hi All: Well I managed to dodge rainstorms yesterday to take the dog for a walk on the dikes. I needed some extra cals so I could eat dinner! LOL. Tonight's dinner will be a challenge - my entertainment group is selling raffle tix at a school fundraiser and they're feeding us hamburgers. Makes it tough since I don't eat beef and am trying to avoid white bread - I feel another power walk coming on!

    WildeChick - I grad-ed in '86 from Centennial (Go Centaurs!). I went up there for French Immersion. Prior to that I was at Kilmer and Mary Hill Jr. I must say - we tried to buy a house on the South side but couldn't afford it - so we crossed the tracks and now I'm a North side convert.

    Thanks for managing this group - makes it fun.

  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Hi All: Well I managed to dodge rainstorms yesterday to take the dog for a walk on the dikes. I needed some extra cals so I could eat dinner! LOL. Tonight's dinner will be a challenge - my entertainment group is selling raffle tix at a school fundraiser and they're feeding us hamburgers. Makes it tough since I don't eat beef and am trying to avoid white bread - I feel another power walk coming on!

    WildeChick - I grad-ed in '86 from Centennial (Go Centaurs!). I went up there for French Immersion. Prior to that I was at Kilmer and Mary Hill Jr. I must say - we tried to buy a house on the South side but couldn't afford it - so we crossed the tracks and now I'm a North side convert.

    Thanks for managing this group - makes it fun.


    I gradded in 88, from Terry Fox..."GO RAVENS" lol. NO french in my vocabulary. Hubby took French Immersion in Grades 8-10, BUT alas he forgets everything now.

    Do you know a guy named Jay Tollentino? He went to Centennial

    Funny I went to Mary Hill Elementary and my kids now go to Kilmer. We live a block away from the school. LOVE the area. We bought our house, just before the BIG housing price increases....thankfully.
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Hi all you wonderfully supportive Canadians.

    I am at work and not doing so bad in the eating department. I was extremely tempted by a huge piece of puffed wheat cake, but managed to control my urge (yeah me!!). I did what I planned for lunch...mostly salad. Stephan made a salad with Romaine, fresh mushrooms, red peppers, and sliced strawberries...all I had to do was add a bit of ranch dressing.

    Supper??? Not my problem to figure out tonight...hubby on night shift tonight so is home to cook. We have decided not to do burger and beer, so we will see what he comes up with. I know how he cooks, so I am sure it won't be low fat/low cal. Just have to watch portions.

    No exercise yet plan is to spend an hour doing things on wii...I tried boxing last night and it was a good work out. Don't think I can do that for an hour though, so thought I would add it some DDR (Disney version), bowling, golf, we'll see.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    hi everyone!

    yeah, this week is almost done. pretty good day, had some leftover lasagna for lunch (grr....) but passed on popsicles my boss was passing around.

    we had thunderstorms today so my big plan of jogging or blading after work got a bit mucked up but i may go get muddy after dinner... run? bike ride? not sure yet

    besides that, i'm trying to find ways to lower stress. i'm trying to loose the last of my weight, and its stubbornly sitting on my waist so i figure if i can start to lower my stress, the better i'll be

    well gonna go sweat it out on day 3 of the 30 day shred level 2. i couldn't finish last night as i had a bbq to go to so i'm going to finish it tonight, plus do today's workout...

    have a great evening, everyone!
  • Corrie62
    Corrie62 Posts: 191
    Supper - Cheese Smoky on a bun with cheese slice and light mayo (don't do ketchup and all that). Deep fried french fries (only ate about 12). Told you all hubby doesn't always pick the healthiest food. What is different is that I feel hugely stuffed. I think my body is getting used to being hungry all the time (I am not starving by any means).

    Still have to find the time for the exercise though...have to leave in a bit to take the elder child to soccer in a town 1/2 hour or so away. Not back til 8:30 or so...gonna be a late workout I think...or I might take off an walk for half of soccer game maybe.

    Funnygrrl...I admire your committment to working out...I am still struggling with that...It is a chore to convince myself to do it everyday...still come up for lots of excuses to skip it, but still do it anyway.

    Raining again here today...stopped for now...hopefully Sara can get through her soccer game before it starts again.

  • chgraham
    chgraham Posts: 122
    Good evening

    Today was interesting weatherwise here in the Edmonton Area. Started off really nice and warm and then about 1:45, major downpour in my area, then about 20 minutes later, it was over. Of course now it is grey and sprinkling.

    I had my job interview this afternoon and it went really well. They are going to let me know before the end of next week. I am not too worried if I don't get the job, I have a great job right now, just getting tired of some of the politics. My only issue with this job.....I might have to go shopping sooner than planned. My current job is very casual (jeans and t-shirt), this new one would be more professional.

    Supper tonight was Hot Dogs for the family and Chicken breast, with veggies and small potato for me.

    Everyone have a wonderful evening.
  • funnygrrl
    funnygrrl Posts: 170 Member
    chgraham,good luck on the job!!!

    everyone, good night! :yawn:
  • WildeChikk
    WildeChikk Posts: 49 Member
    Corrie hmmm puffed wheat cake? Sounds kinda healthy???? YES lower stress…my doc and physio are both trying to get me to meditate. Apparently it will help A LOT with the concussion. I think I just might try, nothing else is helping and I just want to be back to normal…..well as normal as I was before the accident…tee hee. I LOVE the shred, but hated level 2, would much rather do level 3 ANYDAY, OH how I miss Jillian.

    Corrie That dinner sounds to die for….but if I were to eat that I would pay for DAYS. I have been eating so healthy for so long now, if I put anything it that it’s not use to, I am in pain for 3 days afterward. Once you get into a routine of working out, you won’t have to convince yourself to do it anymore, you will want to do it.

    Chgraham I hope you get the job. And what an excuse to go SHOPPING. I am a shopping freak…I actually have problems. At least that’s what hubby tells me. Lol I don’t really need any excuses, I just do it, very therapeutic for me. Ahhh therapeutic…ya, that’s what I’ll tell him, its therapeutic and will help with my concussion, so I have to go… you think he’ll buy it??

    Had a pretty horrible night with the concussion tonight. Had to take my middle daughter to softball, because hubby was with the oldest daughter, and I started to get really nauseous and dizzy while I was there. I am starting to feel a bit better now though, but I think it is off to bed for me VERY soon.

    So on that note, nighty night all…
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Gosh, didn't see this until today...

    Great day yesterday. I went for a run at lunch at work yesterday for the first time. I loved that it was done when I left work. I also had a 1/2 hour walk for a meeting - you can't beat getting paid to walk :bigsmile:

    Went to physio for my hip which I hurt running in Feb - they sent me to the gym to strengthen my lower body. When I told the guy helping me that I was a little embarrased as I had never been to a gym before - he said "Really, but you're in such good shape." Yes, I am still smiling :happy:

    I made Weight Watchers Chili to freeze in single portions and that is what we had for dinner.
