Sometimes I hate certain people......



  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    Wow! That sucks. I have the same problem with my primary care doc. Even when I was in his weight loss clinic and lost 50 pounds, he blamed everything from sinus infections to a swollen leg from a car accident on my obesity (ahem "if you were not so overweight, the seatbelt would fit properly...except it was a head-on crash and the injury was to my leg from driving it up under the dashboard.) I have since come to realize that he's a misogynist because my horribly overweight hubby gets full blood panels and complete physicals with a pat on the head and a "keep doing what you're doing." Bah!

    Find a new OBGYN and keep doing what you're doing. It sucks finding a new doctor, but it's someone you are literally relying on to save your life. If you aren't comfortable naked and asking questions, then that's not the right doc for you.
  • Thinwithin2010
    Thinwithin2010 Posts: 166 Member
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    Oh... I agree... you definitely need a new doctor. That was totally unprofessional... your weight loss has nothing to do with the reason you're there. That's bull****!

    I'm sorry you had to go through that hon... you will find a better doctor. :)
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I had doctors tell me I was fat and give me a hand out with a 1000 calorie low fat diet and told me to exercise............Had others say I was making up my symptoms.
    Sorry, but the quote thingy doesn't want to work on the iPhone. Anyway, this exactly what my doc did, except he didn't give me the diet plan. When I finally found a new doctor it turned out I was in early menopause and I did have a thyroid issue...and fibroids. Although it was my bad for letting a PC do my annuals for so many years.
  • iguanaliz
    iguanaliz Posts: 95 Member
    I had doctors tell me I was fat and give me a hand out with a 1000 calorie low fat diet and told me to exercise............Had others say I was making up my symptoms.
    Sorry, but the quote thingy doesn't want to work on the iPhone. Anyway, this exactly what my doc did, except he didn't give me the diet plan. When I finally found a new doctor it turned out I was in early menopause and I did have a thyroid issue...and fibroids. Although it was my bad for letting a PC do my annuals for so many years.
  • MzMolly
    MzMolly Posts: 169 Member
    I am so glad to hear you are not going to go back to that jerk. There are good doctors out there, find one that will support you and build you up, not knock you down. Keep up the great work, 11 pounds is wonderful.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I had doctors tell me I was fat and give me a hand out with a 1000 calorie low fat diet and told me to exercise............Had others say I was making up my symptoms.
    Sorry, but the quote thingy doesn't want to work on the iPhone. Anyway, this exactly what my doc did, except he didn't give me the diet plan. When I finally found a new doctor it turned out I was in early menopause and I did have a thyroid issue...and fibroids. Although it was my bad for letting a PC do my annuals for so many years.

    This was a gynecologist I went to because I wasn't having periods. When he gave me the handout, he said, "If you weren't so fat, you would get periods."

    I went from 120 pounds up to 270 at my heaviest when I was finally diagnosed in 2003.

    I have a hard time having faith in Doctors. I am going through this now trying to get my PCP to prescribe me thyroid meds again. I am one of those people who's thyroid blood tests come back as "normal" but I have every symptom of hypothyroidism. I am on my 4th Doctor. I have the medical records that says the were treating according to symptoms, not the lab results, but these doctors around here just don't seem to get it.

    I moved away from my naturopathic doctor who had me straight last year and I lost weight fairly easy when taking the supplements he recommended. I haven't found one in this area as of yet.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • Tobi1013
    Tobi1013 Posts: 732 Member
    So sorry to hear you had such a bad experience with your Dr! I am sad to say that I, too, can relate...My old GYNO found new ways to tell me I was fat every year. The one that pissed me off the most was when he told me that "low dose birth control pills are less effective for women over a certain weight threshold." Shortly thereafter I moved and found a WONDERFUL female doctor who has been nothing but completely supportive.

    Best of luck in your search for a good doctor!!!!
  • NWgardener
    NWgardener Posts: 28
    He's a *kitten*.
    I couldn't agree more! A *kitten* indeed. Life is short--no need to put up with that kind of BS. Can the doc!
  • dcerro
    dcerro Posts: 3
    Screw him . Run from this Doc as fast as you can! There are good ones out there you just have to look hard. Congrats on 11 poiunds and keep up the good work.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Sorry that you went through that crap! Glad to hear that you are not going back to him. He does not deserve you as a client.
    My gyno is like my therapist, it's such a personal relationship it HAS to be better than that.

    This is so me! Except I have a midwife. She is completely awesome and very sensitive to my needs never a jerk about anything. 100% there when needed.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Yup! Sometimes I prefer a nurse practitioner. And a female.
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    If he has other doctors that work in the same office, then I would put in a formal written complaint. Then exploit him all over the internet on all the websites that you can leave feedback from your visit with him. Then I would contact your insurance company and explain that you were not seen correctly and that he can not charge for improper medical care. Then I would ask his office for a refund for my co-pay and if they don't refund you, tell them that you will call all the tv stations and let them know the whole story.

    Sorry, I hate certain people too! And they can't get away with that!:devil: :explode: :mad:
  • kdbell
    kdbell Posts: 37
    IM 19 and still in school so i'm allowed to go to the same doctor iv been going to since i was 4 every time i get on the scale they tell me i'm in he 90th percentile for my age and height and i think have you looked at my body?! I have a women's body I always have i have big boobs hips thighs and a big *kitten* and you wanna compare me to a bunch of little girls? your beautiful besides living in a country that needs a reality check on what is important health wise not one of us is the same and not all of us are going to be a size 4 i'm a size 8 and omg i love my curves! i'm sexy and SO ARE YOU!
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    im sooo sorry that happened to you :( that really sucks. what a jerk!!! i cant believe him... or any doctor that would do that in general. what the hell? i thought they would compliment you for your great effort. and completely ignoring the real reason you went there for not... what you are doing...

    two different thing... >.<

    Change your doctor. that the best choice... by far... dont let him discourage you. you are wonderful beautiful girl :) and i love having you as my friend you are so pretty and got that lovely smile with your glasses :D i just adore you ♥
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I see a female OB/GYN and she never insults me or does that crap! Find a lady one if you can. I feel much more at ease with her than I have with any male OB. :flowerforyou: That dr sounds like a class act jerk!

    Yeah, I would for sure find another Dr. What AWFUL bedside manner!!!! Unreal!!!! That's why I go to a girl. :bigsmile:
  • last25
    last25 Posts: 83
    What an awful, awful man and doctor!! I am glad you will not be going back to him and if there was anyone you could report him to I'd say go for it! What an *kitten*, you totally did not deserve to be treated like that.

    Keep doing what you are doing honey and discard all the negative people and stay positive.

  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    Sorry hon. Definitely get a new doctor.

    I'm lucky... I've had the same doctor for 26 years... so he knows every little thing about me. He's seen the struggles I've gone through with the weight the last 10 years & is very supportive.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Your young, so you haven't had time for your skin to thicken a bit.......but I bet your MOM wishes she had been there:angry:

    Doctor's are weird in the weight loss issue department.I think they feel their words fall on deaf ears.

    I have been going to my PCP for 25 years. He knew me when I was an unhealthy 99 pounds, and has treated me all the way up to 175. Nary a word about my weight gain!!

    Not ONCE did he say "Jeannie, you are reaching an unhealthy weight, which will cause you problems as you age. Here is a diet to follow. Eat more fruits, walk 2 miles each day and drink plenty of water!"

    What he did say is, "Her is a script for your high cholesterol........your joint GERD........your is another for your depession.............your sleeplessness.............your anxiety..........." Pills pills and MORE pills!!

    So I go to him for a 6 month follow up for cholesterol meds. He walks in :noway: walks out and calls the asst. Walks back in and looks at the chart the entire time I am :happy: :happy: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :happy: :happy: I had lost 30 pounds and did not need a refill on any scripts!!

    He says "Great job, keep up the good work Jeannie, you are doing everything right!!"

    I am so sorry your doctor did not take the opportunity to build some rapport with you. To share in your success........and encourage you to continue on this path.

    Grea job hon!! I for one am very very proud of your new life choices!!:flowerforyou: