
I was so utterly discouraged... so I started looking at my pictures for motivation but then noticed that I have nearly NO recent pictures of myself. I've been so disgusted with myself that I rarely ever take pictures anymore. And the pictures that I do find are of me in sweatshirts or baggy clothes (to hide how fat I've gotten). I'm tired of feeling this way and I'm trying to stay positive but I'm struggling. I miss fitting into my old clothes... back then I felt fat and now I'm trying to fit back in those clothes! UGH!


  • heysarge13
    heysarge13 Posts: 403 Member
    Turn your discouragement into the motivation you need to achieve your goal... whether that goal is to loose weight or anything else in life. For myself, set backs are discouraging but sometimes it can be what we need to get somewhere in life... Head up and chin down and fight....btw feel free to add me.
  • jenifo11
    jenifo11 Posts: 55 Member
    I've always thought that if this whole journey was easy we'd all be at that "perfect" weight. I've felt like you have many times, and it eventually passes, but is so tough to get past it. When I'm feeling like you do, I try to get outside, take a walk, enjoy some life, and move on. So many before me have said that the weight didn't get put on overnight, and it sure as heck doesn't come off overnight, but if you push through this, you'll be so proud of yourself, and love the way you feel. You got this!
  • raayfrancy
    raayfrancy Posts: 100
    It was a gradual process to gain the weight, it'll be a gradual process to lose it.

    If you'd like, add me! I've been trying to find the motivation to start working out 6 days a week again ~ I'm going to start today.
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    I just read an article that was about treating and dressing your body as if you were already at your goal weight--Just being happy with what you have while you strive for something better--It specifically advised against hiding in sweatpants and hoodies!! (which is hard for me too, haha. ;)

    Catching yourself in the mirror looking as wonderful as you can is supposedly quite motivating. :) I'll give it a shot if you will! You can make it, I'm sure you're doing great. <3
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Body image issues can get us all down from time to time. . .or at least most of us. It's taken me some time to adjust to the fact that I'm never going to look like a 25 year old fitness model. . .like EVER. I'm a 41 year old mamma whose given birth twice. I sit at a desk all day. I love ice cream and ,well, anything with sugar. I'm always going to be able to find other body types to compare myself against and come up short. . . WAY short. BUT. . .it doesn't mean that I give up trying. I find meaning in meeting new benchmarks. . .running races in faster times. . .living in a body that is healthy and doesn't need medication to keep it working properly. Those are HUGE wins that I can lay right at the feet of better dietary choices and hard work with fitness. And those are WINS. They keep me moving in the right direction!!

    Stay focussed. Realize your body and whatever it's current shape do NOT dictate your value or worth. You are one of a kind and you are valued by many! Take care of yourself and strive for a healthy body!!
  • ozigal
    ozigal Posts: 173 Member
    How;s this for motivation?

    On the upside:
    I've been doing MFP for 3 months. I've lost a ton of weight since I started it. I've been walking 5 miles a day and watching what I eat (and that's it). I met some friends today that I hadnt seen in 3 months. The husband was staring straight at me and didnt recognise me. We went for an 8 mile walk. 3 months ago if someone had talked to me about going for a walk or a hike I would have laughed and said can't we drive? Now I am happy to walk 8 miles. We walked up the equivalent of 66 flights of stairs and I was fine. I really enjoyed their company and I had a great day. It wouldnt have happened if I hadnt lost the weight.

    On the downside:
    I cleaned out some of my cupboard last night. Filled an entire garbage bag with clothes that swing on me and took it all to the charity bin. That sort of sounds like a positive yeah?? Well yes and no... I now have to go out and buy some new clothes. I only have one pair of trousers that fit. Everything else is way too big so it's going to cost me a bit of money :)

    If I can do this (and it's taken me a long time to even try) then anyone can do it. It really is all about moving more and eating sensibly and that is it!!
  • suzbaru
    suzbaru Posts: 37 Member

    You are not ALONE!

    So I decided to just look under the motivation forums to help me get out of a funk today and your post was the first one I was.

    Here's my funk story.
    On Wednesday, I decided to weigh myself, which I normally reserve for Sunday's so I don't go scale crazy and obsessed. Boy, was that a mistake, I had dropped 2 lbs since Sunday, HOORAY! only 4 days before. Well I got on the scale today for some reason and I went up 1.8lbs from the 2lbs I had lost, UGH!

    Hence the funk, I ended up skipping going rock crawling (4x4) with my husband because I didn't want to be seen in public. Which, would have given me about 5 miles of hiking for today. Well, now I know I need to just put one foot in front of the other and just go do it.

    Anyway, back to the point. Let's both go do something today! Even if it's 30 mins of walking, playing a Wii game or walking up and downstairs.

    I still have to do my couch to 5k run today, so that is what I'm planning on doing. Would you like to commit to something also?

    I know they have hula hooping on the Wii. ;-)

    Boy do I sound super cheesy.... Hmmm, well this kinda feels more like a confession than anything.

    Anyway, I am going to get off my sorry behind and go put on some shoes and walk out the door.

    Ok, now I'm dressed and ready to go. These are also the first pictures I have ever posted.

    Here is a picture of my dog Diego and I. Hopefully when I get back you'll have something to share too!

    And here is 1 of 3 closets full of clothes just going to waste! All the boxes are marked 12/14, 8/10, 4/6 pants xl/l, m/l shirts, etc. Just waiting for me.

    I also hang up favorite outfits in my bathroom, bedroom and above my computer. They are some of my goals and when I need to be reminded why, I just look at them and imagine myself in them again.
  • mightyanteater
    mightyanteater Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you all for so many encouraging words and stories!! I got up and went grocery shopping (for all the good stuff, not the bad stuff). I made a healthy home-cooked meal and am feeling better already. It took me about 2 years to put this weight on so I'll try to be patient about getting it off.

    This was me before:

    Here's one of the only full body shots I have of me now:
  • jenifo11
    jenifo11 Posts: 55 Member
    Good luck, girl! Glad you are feeling better!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    focusing on the wrong stuff.