I feel like giving up.

I had my last weigh on Wednesday and I didn't lose a single pound. Yes, I was currently going through my time of the month which can affect your weight but, it really made me hate this whole thing. I didn't count calories that day and figured, "hey tomorrow" but, nope.. it's now Saturday and I haven't counted calories for 4 days. I just feel like completely giving up at this point. I don't understand why I feel so depressed lately and that obviously has something to do with all of this.
I NEED HELP! Someone kick my butt and put me in my place. I have 89 more pounds to lose, I can't give up now. What in the world? Where did my motivation, determination and will power go?!


  • mydeloo78
    mydeloo78 Posts: 328 Member
    Okay, so giving up won't accomplish anything, you'll just have more weigh to lose. You'll feel better if you stay strong. I love the saying "if you're tired of starting over, stop quitting". You can do this. firstly TOM totally affects weight loss, my weight is ALWAYS up that week so give yourself a break. Make a list of all the reasons you want to do this, find ways to distract yourself (i have gone to movies before to stop me from eating!). you can do this... I promise. Friend me if you like.
  • JaimeEtc
    JaimeEtc Posts: 1 Member
    Don't give up! When I plateau for a little while I usually get a more drastic drop when more weight finally comes off which is so satisfying. Press on, once that number gets a little lower for you again you'll feel so much less hopeless!
  • MsCristie
    MsCristie Posts: 27 Member
    Paige, get some fresh air hey maybe a pedi. Today is a new day, forget the last four. You can do it!
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    You have a beautiful baby that you cannot give up on. You can find your motivation again. You have had a few bad days but it isn't the end of the world and you know how to get everyone else moving, just sit back take a breath and take that baby for a walk, if the weather is nice, or go on your own and clear your head. You have come a long way let's finish this
  • FiaBarnes
    FiaBarnes Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Paige,
    Have you set yourself mini goals and rewards? For me each time I lose 5lb I get something. 1st it was some gorgous new workout clothes, 2nd was £45 to spend on a dress, other people have done massages, accupuncture session, whatever will motivate you! Having little goals helps me, but I set the reward each time I reach the previous mini-goal so I know what I'm aiming for.
  • horses7777
    horses7777 Posts: 165
    When I feel discouraged I remember this saying,,,,,it always makes me remember that whatever I choose will be hard, so why not choose the one I want? I hope this helps and you get back on track soon! I have a lot to lose too, so try to set smaller goals and not get so overwhelmed. Good Luck to you.

    Losing weight is HARD.
    Maintaining weight is HARD.
    Being fat is HARD.
    CHOOSE your HARD.

    *edited for typos
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Well fine then, if you want to give up, give up. If you don't have the tenacity and determination to do this, nobody else can give it to you. As Yoda said, " Do, or do not. There is no Try."
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    OMG Paige, you joined in February and it is now only March and you lost 10lbs...yes 10!!!

    What are you thinking about giving up just got you got 1 time of the month and didn`t lose and the whole water weight thing is going to be going on also??

    Come on girlie, where is your fighting spirit?????

    In another couple of months you will still have had TOM visit but if you give up now those 10lbs will be back and more besides...NOW is the time to keep on doing what you are doing :flowerforyou:
  • I started in january, lost like 14# right away then kinda jumped around between a 10 & 14 # weight loss for 2.5 months, I finnally broke it and am almost at a 16# loss, hoping it continues. I just really had to shock my system to get out of it, wishing you some luck.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    If you give up now, six months from now you'll just be going "I wonder where I'd be if I started when I said I would." Ten pounds in a month is amazing. Absolutely amazing. You're doing good - keep it up!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I went back to when you were tracking and looked at a few days. Your calorie counts are very very low. I wonder if trying to be so restrictive is part of why you are feeling like giving up. Maybe try just eating well for a few days. Lots of veggies, homemade meals, fruit etc. Try to focus on getting good nutrition. Get outside and go for a walk. Go back to counting calories with a slightly higher goal.
  • bodiva88
    bodiva88 Posts: 308 Member
    Paige, I went back to look at your older days, when you were logging. First, with 100 pounds to lose, it may be better to set yourself to lose a pound a week. Having more calories to eat to start with can help you feel less deprived.

    Second, it looks like you eat quite a bit out. And maybe eating Chinese take away could be a rare treat, rather than a frequent meal. Because it is high in calories and in sodium. I'm not a real clean eater myself, but eating more frequently and eating food that is better for you may help you feel more satisfied.

    Third, eat back at least some of your exercise calories. It really does help you stay on the wagon to not overly deprive yourself and this is a marathon, not a sprint.

    Finally, talk to your doc. You are, according to your profile, just learning to live with bipolar disorder. So be sure you are eating well to support yourself in that, as well, and that your doc knows how you're doing. I'm sure it is a struggle to get to just the right dosage on your meds, and it is worth it to be sure you're giving full info to the doc so that you stay healthy (which will make it easier for you to stay on track all around).
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    gain weight is easy losing it is hard, giving up is for quiters
  • moby_chick
    moby_chick Posts: 86 Member
    Paige, we all get times when we feel down and then spring out of it again. I agree with what some of the others have said - get out in the fresh air and sunshine. It will help lift your spirits. You're a very pretty girl..... just focus on how lovely you'll look in your wedding dress. :smile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The scale is the most frustrating way of tracking progress. There's too many things that can send it into a tizzy. Hormones, sodium, exercise, whether or not you need to poop, etc.

    Here's my suggestion: Ignore it for a few weeks. Look for other ways to track your progress.

    Set yourself some fitness goals. For me it was training to run a 5k. I'd never run more than a half mile in my life and that was 20 years earlier, so being able to go from only running one minute to one mile in about 4 weeks was amazing. If running isn't your thing, make a pact with yourself to go for a long walk 4 days a week, or hit the gym 3 times a week, or do the 30 day shred at home, or search YouTube for different exercise videos and try something new each week (yoga, pilates, zumba, etc). But make sure you stick with it for a month. You'll be improving your health no matter what happens on the scale.

    Take your measurements and/or progress photos. Personally, I prefer photos because I have a hard time getting excited about losing 1/8th of an inch, and it's easier for me to be objective when I have two photos side by side taken at the same angle in the same clothes or lack of clothes. I can't see changes in the mirror. Heck, I didn't see changes in the mirror while I was gaining weight, either, or I would have done something about it sooner. :laugh:

    Go shopping and try on clothes. Even if it's "shopping" in the back of your own closet to see if those jeans that were too tight fit better now. I started here at the end of December (2010). A few weeks later, in mid January, I went to a party and was upset that a pair of jeans I thought would fit were still too tight. But a little over a month later, they zipped easily. A few months after that, they were in a bag on their way to be donated to the Salvation Army because they fell down even while zipped.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    You have a lot going on in your life. Trying to lose weight with a young baby is hard. I wasn't able to even focus on myself even a little at first so just the fact that you are working on it is a great achievement. I think it is important to keep in mind that with weight loss, a slower loss is usually better. It gives you a chance to work on the behaviors that lead to gaining weight like diet (I used this in the terms of what you eat, not as the "I'm on a diet" saying), fitness, and mindset. It is easy to set ourselves up for disappointment when we expect the loss each week. Try making small changes one by one. Maybe start with diet first, eat out less, eat more nutritious whole foods like lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, and veggies. Try taking a cooking class if you are not comfortable cooking for yourself. Next find an activity that you like that gets you up and active. This takes time and the more patient you can be in the process, the more likely you will find the long-term success you want.

    You can do this! You know you can!
  • PeriEP
    PeriEP Posts: 4
    Look forward, not backward! Start now!
  • mrodrigue2013
    mrodrigue2013 Posts: 22 Member
    My last 4 days have been awful as well its a few days before the time of the month for me and had some emotional stuff happen and I have lost it ..
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Dont panic just yet
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Focus on your health.