Creams, lotions and potions

I smother myself in lotion after I get out of the shower in the morning and I use some potion on my face and some eye cream.

Does any one have a good lotion/potion/cream that is good to keep skin looking and feeling fresh?


  • Xmoiyax
    Xmoiyax Posts: 25 Member
    It depends, what is your skin type and are you wanting to address certain issues (dry skin, oily skin, sensitive, ect) I'm a skin care therapist and may be able to reccomend some things or at least throw you some tips :)
  • res119
    res119 Posts: 27
    I don't really have a question about dry/oily skin, but do you have any suggestions for stretch marks on fair skin? I am so afraid that I am going to lose all this weight and then still feel uncomfortable showing my belly because of my stretch marks!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Thanks Xmoijax, I think my skin is fairly normal, but I am concerned about getting the skin around my eyes going wrinkly and around my mouth....Also around my chest I don`t want to have the whole creased look going on later?

    I buy L`oreal stuff at the moment in the UK ...I have a friend that is 12 years younger than me that never uses any creams and her skin looks really bad....(she is a smoker and I am not) but I just want to do the best I can....if we are here to lose weight then we can want to look after our skin too?
  • XXJanBXX
    XXJanBXX Posts: 15 Member
    Coconut oil is fab, shea butter for something richer, Lush dream cream is fantastic (although not as natural as the others I mentioned).

  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    IMO you can use one good lotion for your whole body, face and around the eyes included - otherwise I'd clutter up my bathroom with various face creams, hand creams, foot creams, butt creams whatever. ( :P )

    I would suggest, in terms of lotion, something with shea and cocoa butter in it, as well as coconut oil. I have heard massive critical acclaim of all the wonders of coconut oil.

    But in reality, the main thing that causes skin to age is exposure to sunlight, diet, water intake, and overall health. A person who smokes or tans, in my experience, age their skin horribly.

    Just drink lots of water, and especially use a moisturizer with SPF in it. I think Aveeno has some good ones. Google is god :)
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    there are tons of things and you should look into them. i started using a certain line since i was 18 and now sell it. i guess it worked because people seem surprised sometimes at my age. i'm just waiting to one day have it all catch up with me and i wake up one morning looking like an episode from the twilight zone but so far so good.

    keep doing what you're doing and make sure sunscreen is in your moisturizer or that you use some daily for "incidental" sun exposure. also eye creams migrate so thicker ones are usually more tolerable. as far as your body after the shower is the perfect time to moisturize skin is clean and receptive, plus it holds in the moisture, try to pat dry and leave a little moisture.

    You're doing everything right just keep doing what you're doing and your skin will thank you now and later.

    ETA: I'm sorry to disagree with the above poster but moisturizers made for your eyes are formulated to migrate less and be safe for the eye area usually tested by opthalmologists so as not to harm the eye if they were to enter & or to stay put. The skin near the eye is also more delicate, think kleenex versus a brawny paper towel. It has special needs and an eye cream just for that area is a good idea. Using products not for that area can clog the pores near the eyes and lead to styes. This was explained to me by an optometrist when I had a stye, and she checked my products and said they were okay but that many people use things not meant for the eyes and that's why she checks.
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    I would suggest cocoa butter. Not the wa-lmart kind but the real stuff. It comes in a jar and not a bottle and is thicker than the cheaper stuff.

    My daughter-in-law swears by it. She's had five kids and I bought her two jars each pregnancy. She put it on twice a day and hasn't got even one stretch mark. It really softens skin. Smells good too.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I love Marcelle Hydra C products, Especially the eye cream. Great products for 25-35 yrs old women.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    I use Shea Butter.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    My wife and I use Organic Virgin Coconut Oil. Just about anywhere.. :blushing:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Sleekeazy's Hair Potion.
  • Xmoiyax
    Xmoiyax Posts: 25 Member
    Smokers tend to have asphyxiated skin (due to smoke) so unless they are using an oxygenating cream the results will be very poor. My best advice for keeping skin tight is stay very hydrated, our body does not replace collagen and elastin as we age so we typically have to do some extra work, I'm very very fair as well, Northern European genes and the key is SUN SCREEN and always keeping skin hydrated, I would look for products that have a water base (not oil, because those tend to be heavier) you can also look for some firming eye creams or serums that you can wear under your moisturizer daily.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    IMO you can use one good lotion for your whole body, face and around the eyes included - otherwise I'd clutter up my bathroom with various face creams, hand creams, foot creams, butt creams whatever. ( :P )

    I would suggest, in terms of lotion, something with shea and cocoa butter in it, as well as coconut oil. I have heard massive critical acclaim of all the wonders of coconut oil.

    But in reality, the main thing that causes skin to age is exposure to sunlight, diet, water intake, and overall health. A person who smokes or tans, in my experience, age their skin horribly.

    Just drink lots of water, and especially use a moisturizer with SPF in it. I think Aveeno has some good ones. Google is god :)

    Sorry to disagree but body lotion is definitely not designed to use in your face and REALLY not meant to be used around the eyes.

    While I don't really think both night and day creams are necessary before 35, a SPF moisturizer is a MUST from teenage years ( and I've been using a " contour des yeux" since I turned 25 as well.
  • Xmoiyax
    Xmoiyax Posts: 25 Member
    also..drug store products can be as effective as department store/specialty's all about ingredients and understanding what they do.
  • Xmoiyax
    Xmoiyax Posts: 25 Member
    IMO you can use one good lotion for your whole body, face and around the eyes included - otherwise I'd clutter up my bathroom with various face creams, hand creams, foot creams, butt creams whatever. ( :P )

    I would suggest, in terms of lotion, something with shea and cocoa butter in it, as well as coconut oil. I have heard massive critical acclaim of all the wonders of coconut oil.

    But in reality, the main thing that causes skin to age is exposure to sunlight, diet, water intake, and overall health. A person who smokes or tans, in my experience, age their skin horribly.

    Just drink lots of water, and especially use a moisturizer with SPF in it. I think Aveeno has some good ones. Google is god :)

  • Xmoiyax
    Xmoiyax Posts: 25 Member
    Honestly, as you lose weight, your skin becomes tighter and if you have a healthy diet, good rest and lots of water your skin will regenerate faster, unfortunately 80% of sun damage is done before the age of 20 but we don't see the effects until our 30's, 40's, 50's and so on. sun damage is irreversible, but you can continue to protect your skin and you will see improvements. I drink Apple cider vinegar DAILY and my skin has never been so healthy, it rebalances your PH. SPF over 30 is USELESS, I had been using 85+ for years and still the key to sunscreen is reapply every 2 hours (annoying, I know but that's how it works) . Skin firming peptides and serums are made especially for the eye areas because they are safe with proper application. Avoid using exofoliators more than 2 times a week, they can damage the skin faster causing the skin to regenerate slower and slowing down the renewal process (which slows down as you age anyways, why damage it more?) cleanse your skin in the AM, (only use a toner if you understand how it balances your skin, this is a big misunderstanding for most people) apply a moisturizer suited for your skin type, then at night, cleanse again and moisturizer again. balance is key,
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    (only use a toner if you understand how it balances your skin, this is a big misunderstanding for most people)

    Can you elaborate?
  • Xmoiyax
    Xmoiyax Posts: 25 Member

    There are Toners, Fresheners, tonics, and astringents. All essentially the same thing, but they have specific tasks!

    Toners remove residue left behind by cleansers.

    Fresheners restore the skins natural Ph after cleansing , they also hydrate

    astringents have temporary tightening effects on the skin and the pores

    Some of these products can help certain skin conditions, depending on the ingredients.

    FRESHENERS- typically lotions, have the lowest alcohol content and are beneficial for dry or mature skin as well as sensitive skin

    TONERS- usually have a higher alcohol content and are used for normal/combo skin, they tone and tighten the skin.

    ASTRINGENTS- have the highest alcohol content and are used for acne prone/oily skin, they help remove excess oil on the skin, but some are too drying and need to be used very carefully.

    So the toner is often misunderstood as an astringent, leading to people having tighter skin as opposed to less oily skin, and if your skin feels tight you body thinks "oh I'm dehydrated! I better produce more oil!!" Causing people with normal skin to have breakouts because they threw off the natural balance of the skin.

    Using an astringent with oily skin is great if you also follow up with a oil free daily face lotion (fresheners) to keep the skin balanced!

    Hope that made some sense!
  • staplebug
    staplebug Posts: 189
    I love using Burt's Bees. It works great and most of their products are 99.9% natural (no artificial fragrances, etc.). Remember, what goes on your skin goes into your body. :)