You've Gotta See This!

jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
This is me about 7 years ago.
Again, I knew I was big, but didn't realize HOW BIG. Looking back at this picture, I'm disgusted that I let myself go to that extent. I remember commenting on the size of the woman in front of us. I honestly believe I didn't think I was that big?! Those pants are probably an 18 topping off at over 200 pounds. I then in 2004, lost weight again. Then gained again. The up and down, I believe is finally going to stop. I WILL NEVER LOOK LIKE THAT AGAIN. YUCK!!! To see the progress I have made makes me feel so good. Hope this inspires some of you, that it is possible. Right now, I'm in size 10 jeans (and actually bought a pair of size 8 shorts, and 8 capris)!!
Keep going everyone!
We can do this!!


  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    This is me about 7 years ago.
    Again, I knew I was big, but didn't realize HOW BIG. Looking back at this picture, I'm disgusted that I let myself go to that extent. I remember commenting on the size of the woman in front of us. I honestly believe I didn't think I was that big?! Those pants are probably an 18 topping off at over 200 pounds. I then in 2004, lost weight again. Then gained again. The up and down, I believe is finally going to stop. I WILL NEVER LOOK LIKE THAT AGAIN. YUCK!!! To see the progress I have made makes me feel so good. Hope this inspires some of you, that it is possible. Right now, I'm in size 10 jeans (and actually bought a pair of size 8 shorts, and 8 capris)!!
    Keep going everyone!
    We can do this!!
  • Healthier_Me
    Healthier_Me Posts: 5,600 Member
    Wow Jen.... you look amazing!!!
    Hot chica!!
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    Great job!! Keep up the good work!! :flowerforyou:

    I don't think anyone really realizes just how big they really are at time. I know I am guilty of that many times until I get a good look at a picture that someone takes and then I am just absolutely disgusted with how I let myself get to where I am. Hope to be where you are next year :drinker:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Wow you look amazing. Makes me want to go exercise more :laugh:
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    Wow...AMAZING Jen!
    I think our scales and cameras are secretly evil BFF's plotting our self esteem demise.
    Youv'e come a long way, baby.
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    What a great illustration of how hard you've worked! I think it's great that you have the picture as a reminder of just how far you've come. Compare that to the skinny-jeaned-lady in your profile pic!!!!

    GREAT WORK!!!! You've just inspired me to get on the treadmill!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    My jaw literally dropped open.

    You've done A-MAZ-ING!!!!! You should be very proud of yourself, we all are!!! :smooched:
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    HOLY COW!!!!!



    What a great motivator!! can you figure out how to put those photos next to eachother on your av pic?? that is a great before and after!!
  • PrincessLaundry
    PrincessLaundry Posts: 2,758 Member
    Jen, I might have to report you as an advertisement!!! :tongue: That is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoo amazing of you to put your success into words. Seriously, Just right there, short and simple, and now the "you" photo is something that Woman's Day would want to know. And of course sharing MFP with them!!!

    I'm going to keep a link to see your photo with the words again. Girl...I had to show my hubby your post...I just am so dang proud of you!!!

    YOU GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Jenn - you inspired me to look at MY before pics (and there we very few, as I hide from the cameras)... I could almost cry looking at myself - you were so right, I HAD NO IDEA how large I was!

    Thanks for sharing and inspiring...
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    My kids found this pic this morning, and I was so repulsed! And my husband said, "my God, you were FAT!" and my son said, "that's not nice Daddy, Mommy is beautiful!" "you're not suppose to say that!" And I said, honey it's okay, he's just telling the truth!
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Awwww.... your son is a sweet heart! :heart:

    I showed my hubby my "fat pic" and said to him, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!!!" and he said, "Because you're always beautiful". Yeah, a beautiful chunk!!! I wish I knew how to post my pic on here, it is pretty frightening!
    OMISALJ Posts: 69
    Seeing how much you have changed and how great you look really gives me inspiration to keep going more. Great Job!!!!!!!
  • neverbeenskinny
    neverbeenskinny Posts: 446 Member
    WOW!!!! That is amazing, I need to dig up my old pictures. Like you, I went from size 18 jeans to size 8, but in my head I don't look that different, but looking at your pictures it is just amazing.

    Great job!!!:drinker:
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Jen, you have done an amazing job! You should be SO proud of yourself!!

    Congrats on all your success!!!!

    :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

  • FitJoani
    FitJoani Posts: 2,173 Member
    You LOOK FREAKING FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMARKABLE!!!!!!! I would be sending your story in to talk shows and stuff!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!! YOU LOOK HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Thanks everyone! I actually can't look at that pic. It really upsets and disgusts me. But I'll keep it up for motivation, for me and you!
    :heart: :heart:
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    bumping for anyone needing motivation!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    you have come so far, skinny minnie! i am very proud of you, and i have to say that your posts and '25 to life' have truly helped me!!

    and let me just say, you are so tiny now!!!
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Wow!! Amazing job! Keep up the good work!! :flowerforyou: