Anyone w/ Nike Plus?

h_eloise86 Posts: 124
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I just got a new pair of Nike running shoes and I also got that Nike+ system for them to better track distance, speed, and calories burned while being able to listen to my music.
I just don't know anyone else with that program.
If anyone out here has Nike Plus message me for my username.
I would like some friends on there for added support and motivation!
Thanks :)


  • neenaof4
    neenaof4 Posts: 41 Member
    I have nike+ -- my screen name on nike is the same as on here -
  • augustbells
    augustbells Posts: 113
    I love love love my Nike+! I don't know how I'd survive without it. My screen name is Add me!!
  • kylielouttit
    kylielouttit Posts: 512 Member
    I'm on Nike +! I love it!

    I'm kylielouttit, add me!
  • aareeyesee
    aareeyesee Posts: 65 Member
    aareeyesee here
  • AlynnP1005
    AlynnP1005 Posts: 195
    Alynnp for me :) I love mine :)
  • uriaha
    uriaha Posts: 4 Member
    I'm on Nike+ and am 3 weeks away from finishing Couch to 5K (Hooray!). My Nike+ name is uriaha; feel free to add me! Also, there is a monthly challenge on Nike+ for MFP members. You can search for it under "MFP April Challenge." It's a small, supportive group of runners, so please join if you're interested!
  • kellz510
    kellz510 Posts: 40 Member
    my user name is the same as on here.
  • nicoled87
    nicoled87 Posts: 20
    I don't think I could run without mine!! my name is the same as on here! :)
  • sycorreale
    sycorreale Posts: 17 Member
    Can you utilize Nike+ with other forms of exercise? I'm a runner but I also do other forms of cardio and strength training. I just don't want to get something that limits my usage. Thanks!
  • jenuwine
    jenuwine Posts: 57
    Just orded my Nike+ - I'm so excited!!! I've got the same username - Jenuwine - I too would love some Nike + friends :-)
  • suzi67
    suzi67 Posts: 162 Member
    Can you utilize Nike+ with other forms of exercise? I'm a runner but I also do other forms of cardio and strength training. I just don't want to get something that limits my usage. Thanks!
    It only tracks your steps, whether running or walking. A heart rate monitor would be more useful for tracking your other exercises. I use mine to track the walking I do 3 times a week. I was going to try the running program, but realized I really enjoy walking and was dreading the running days, so I'm going to stick to the walking.
    My user name is Suzi67, same as here, feel free to add me everyone. I love the motivation and tracking the little gadget gives me and I didn't have to buy the shoes, I found a little pouch they have made to attach to any running shoe.:tongue:
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I love my Nike Plus, but I was never able to calibrate it. It always said the runs weren't good enough even when done on a track at the same speed and good enough distance. So it's off.
    I just keep forgetting to bring it to CrossFit lol.
  • JustBeckyV
    JustBeckyV Posts: 182
    I love it but have been through 5 of the dang things since I started using it. Since iPhone upgraded I have had a lot of trouble with it but finally able to get it to work but can't use certain parts of it :(
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