Whey Protien Powder???

I am 24 years old.. not exactly over weight, but i need to get toned up desperatly! I dont want to be a workout model or anything like that.. just be nice and firm and tone.. I have been working out like 30 minutes everyday which does not include bike rides or walks with my kids. (I have very little muscle at the moment after 30 minutes Im exhausted and sore) So basically let get to the point lol.. I was looking at buying myself some of that whey protein powder since i have heard it is good to use. But I want to know what are side effects for girl, what exactly it does, how much should I use. (i was thinking 1 scoop a day??) but when do you take it? When you get up in the morning??? Anyone who knows about this stuff or has used it please let me know!

**on a side note anyone who knows good workout, that arent tooooo hard but still get good results let me know! I have 30 pounds to lose


  • SpencerR
    SpencerR Posts: 37
    I use it and even though I am a guy it works the same..... After a workout take one scoop with 8 ounces of water/or lowfat milk. What it does is help put more protien back into your muscles and also helps from keeping them sore. For toning u need to work out 3-4 days a week with weights doing 3 sets of 10-12 reps. One day do chest, bicep and tricep, the next something else and so on. However u need a break from lifting everyother day. So I lift monday, cardio tuesday, lift wensday, cardio thursday, lift friday and cardio sat and take sunday off. I hope this will help
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Protein shakes are great for repairing your muscles after a workout, helping them heal so you're not sore or have to wait as long to work them again. It's also good for those not able to meet their target protein goal. For you, it sounds like it'd be really beneficial if you did a protein shake after you work out. Put 1 scoop in 8 oz. of milk, you can add in fruit or whatever you'd like! I use 1 scoop in 8 oz. milk everyday after my biggest work out (I also run in the morning and will only do one workout today so I did my shake this morning, but I've been running in the morning and then doing more cardio at night, and then on strength days, cardio in the morning and cardio after my strength so I do my shake after strength & cardio at night). I haven't been too sore since starting and I've been able to meet my (for me unachievable for NOW) protein goal.

    I disagree with what Spencer said about lifting. You can lift however you want. You won't bulk up unless you're overloading on calories and doing protein shakes out the wazoo, so you can do low weights, high reps, or high weights low reps. High weights low reps would probably work best for you since you just want to tone. I try to mix it up. I use 5, 8, and 10 lb dumbbells for different things. Certain angles I can't handle the 10 but am okay with the 8, or other angles the 5s are too light, so I'll use the 8s. Just find what works for you. You should be able to do a good number of reps but not be able to do many more by the end. So just try to find your sweet spot / magic number.

    If you have 30 lbs to lose, you want to definitely get some cardio in as well to burn fat. If you do cardio and strength, do your strength first, as this will lay the groundwork for the cardio. The more you lift, the more muscle you will build, and the more muscle you have, the more fat that muscle will burn for you! :happy:

    I find work outs on Self.com & Shape.com (and get Shape magazine). Other great workouts that I'd like to try but are too hard for me right now (that might not be for you) can be found on crossfit.com and bodyrock.tv.
  • DocNorton
    DocNorton Posts: 43
    I think it's the same for guys and girls.

    You use it as a source of protien - either a replacement or a suppliment. When you have worked out your muscles repair themselves via protiens - if your diet doesn't have enough protien you muscles cannot repair. When I say "repair" this can also mean tone.

    For both toning and muscle gain (ie body building) you actually "damage" your muscle. When you finish lifting take in a protien shake and your metabolism will circulate this to your muscle quicker than having to source it from your body's stores.

    The rule of thumb is that there is a 30-45 min window after work outs where protein intake is crucial for muscle repair.

    The amount [of muscle mass] you gain is controlled by your style of lifting - low reps and heavy weights or high reps and low weights. Believe it or not alot of the WWE wrestlers lift light weights but do more reps in their sets.

    One will tone the muscle which burns the fat around itand makes the muscle more solid and defined whereas the other will (simply) make it grow !

    I agree with the other post - 3 sets of 10 reps; chop it up - Biceps, chest and shoulders one day, Triceps Abs and back another.

    One muscle group people ALWAYS forget about is the legs - the biggest muscle in your body is your legs - once the thighs are in shape the nearest source of fat to burn is the belly !!!

    Throw a leg day in there aswell - curls, extentions, squats. If you are struggling with what to do have a look on YouTube at Scoobys workouts - http://www.youtube.com/user/scooby1961

    Don't be put off by his size - he is built like a brick *kitten*-house but he is the friendliest guy in the world !

    P.S. I'm not an expert and the advice above is what I have researched and learnt over the last few months of starting my new lifestyle !

    hope it helps...

    P.P.S - get a good Whey Shake - not a crappy toy one ! www.myprotien.com
  • leslang
    leslang Posts: 2
    Hello Hendrickson21,

    Whey protein is protein, just like any other form of protein, it really does not matter if the source is whey, soy, egg, or meat. Whey is just a dairy form of protein. It is the fluid left over after the milk solids and fat (curd) have been removed from mild to make cheese (as in Little Miss Muffet, eating her curds and whey).

    Body builders use whey protein because it is more easily absorbed than other forms of protein. They want a protein kick after a hard workout. Whey protein will not make you muscular in and of itself, you’d need testosterone as well. Since you’re a girl, and not on the juice, you’ll be fine. So use whey or any other quality protein and just count the calories as you would any meal.

    Thirty minutes per day of briskly walking would be great. Add light hand weights to tone your upper body as you walk. If you’re walking every day in addition to riding bikes and chasing around after the kids, that 30 lbs should drop off fast.

    Good luck, take care.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    **on a side note anyone who knows good workout, that arent tooooo hard but still get good results let me know! I have 30 pounds to lose

    Nope. Did you ever find one?