Did not loose anything .. WTF !!!



  • JessHealthKick
    JessHealthKick Posts: 800 Member
    from a glance at your diary, you are eating lower calories than you should, and you are eating mostly rubbish. This isn't about just losing weight - it's about being healthy as well. You need to have more regular meals (not skipping meals) and get rid of the salty junk like Maccas and all the red meats. Maccas has a LOT of salt as well, so that's why you could be retaining weight (but you're not going in a modelling pageant, so losing water weight isn't such an issue as such). You can check out my diary if you like (I haven't been the best recently as I'm travelling unfortunately, but you can get the idea) and see that I try to stick to more whole foods and am eating throughout the day. I haven't lost much, but that is because I am very close to my goal and am already my body's ideal weight. I don't have enough time to do weights training which is what I need to do to lose a few pounds, but my concern is more my health and energy levels anyway.

    tl;dr No fast food, that's the end of it. More vegetables and fibre, less salt. More regular meals. MORE PATIENCE
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    please dont fret, i had 2 weeks where the scales didnt move and this week, they started moving again :smile: sometimes our bodies wanna play with us! also i would advise measuring
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    I was up almost 3 lbs this week too and very bummed. That being said, I did track but I ate a couple of things that sent me over a few days. I know I need to make some more changes in that department but it was my first week back and trying to track. The things I went over on shouldn't have made me gain almost 3 lbs though. So yes, I feel ya on the discouraged part!!! I had gone through and set my goals according to this link that people say to use called www.scooby???? something like that. Maybe I'll just go back to what MFP says. Keep on trucking! Maybe we'll have a bigger loss this week??? Ugh!!!

    Oh and as far as gaining muscle mass. The answer to that is probably not! I remember Jillian Michaels telling people that it takes months of serious lifting to gain that much muscle. It's most likely the muscles are shocked from the working out and have retained fluid.

    I have gone back over my weeks diary and found i ate over on some things .. need to watch that !! Over all I might not be eating enough and think maybe i should raise the level. Problem is I eat reasonably but hen feel full and don't want any more .. even if I am under goal !
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    I am very very grateful to all of the helpful support and advice here.. thanks guys & gals for taking the trouble to respond and give me more to think about in a good way.. ok I will not let this get me down and will continue .. just done a 61 min Jog round town .. so better go and eat something I guess .. :D
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    If you've only been at it a week, you need to calm down and have patience. I didn't see a loss for two weeks and it was "only" a pound or so. This happens over time. Don't stress, don't starve and don't worry if the scale doesn't move instantly.
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    If you've only been at it a week, you need to calm down and have patience. I didn't see a loss for two weeks and it was "only" a pound or so. This happens over time. Don't stress, don't starve and don't worry if the scale doesn't move instantly.

    Hi - have been at it since 5th January and had a loss every week until now .. it ok though as the advice above seems to make a lot of sense and maybe i should stop worrying .. :D .. thanks for responding though :)
  • You need red meats to help make muscle! Techinically, on your plate should have 1/2 a plate of fruit and or veggies, 1/4 of the plate should be grains and the the 1/4 should be protien, fish or alternatives. Be sure to eat things that are high in fibre, such as pears. Good breakfest foods that I think help are oat meal, eggs, and pears! Eggs and oat meal keeps you full longer so its less likely for you to snack and pears make you poop lots! Oh, drinking lots of green tea helps burn fat... probably why most asians are so thin! Just sayin'! Good luck everyone!
  • drewboy30
    drewboy30 Posts: 32 Member
    from a glance at your diary, you are eating lower calories than you should, and you are eating mostly rubbish. This isn't about just losing weight - it's about being healthy as well. You need to have more regular meals (not skipping meals) and get rid of the salty junk like Maccas and all the red meats. Maccas has a LOT of salt as well, so that's why you could be retaining weight (but you're not going in a modelling pageant, so losing water weight isn't such an issue as such). You can check out my diary if you like (I haven't been the best recently as I'm travelling unfortunately, but you can get the idea) and see that I try to stick to more whole foods and am eating throughout the day. I haven't lost much, but that is because I am very close to my goal and am already my body's ideal weight. I don't have enough time to do weights training which is what I need to do to lose a few pounds, but my concern is more my health and energy levels anyway.

    tl;dr No fast food, that's the end of it. More vegetables and fibre, less salt. More regular meals. MORE PATIENCE

    Thanks for this :) .. the MacDonalds was bad I know but i have not had one for ages !! I do try to eat sensible and avoid Red Meat preferring Chicken & Fish .. can't eat just vegetables as thats boring ! .. My main aim was to set a reasonable goal that I thought i could reach and that gave me a bit of a buffer if i was bad ! Problem is that I eat fill full and don't want anymore even if I am under goal ... I am actually not a great fan of food at the best of times .. :(
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Don't sweat the red meat. Eat it if you like it. During my 1st 50lbs lost I still had steak every Sunday. I just had a smaller piece and cut out the baked potato that I used to have with it.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I am very very grateful to all of the helpful support and advice here.. thanks guys & gals for taking the trouble to respond and give me more to think about in a good way.. ok I will not let this get me down and will continue .. just done a 61 min Jog round town .. so better go and eat something I guess .. :D
    good luck:smile:
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Eat more fresh veggies/olive oil. Less sugar, processed and fast foods.
    Lots of sugar and salt causes my weight to stagnate.
  • foleyshirley
    foleyshirley Posts: 1,043 Member
    You eat less than I do, and I am a 48 yr old female. You need to eat more to fuel your workouts. Someone posted a link to the roadmap on page one. Do yourself a favor and read it. It could make a huge difference.
  • LJ3434
    LJ3434 Posts: 2 Member
    Maybe switch your exercise routine? I cannot do the same routine for more than a few weeks without hitting a plateau. Like others said you could be retaining water. I weighed myself Thursday and then Friday at the same time in the day and lost 1.5 lbs. that is obviously not accurate, I had to of been retaining water. Hang in there, if you eat right and exercise it will average out in the end. Unfortunately healthy weight loss takes time and patience.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    Add sodium to your settings, It'll be an eye opener.

    Eat more veggies, snack on carrots, celery, good healthy stuff thru the day.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Keep it up, drewboy30! I had joined a program at my hospital where we have guidance from nutritionists and exercise physiologists, and got included in a study concerning diet and exercise. The first great piece of advice was to increase my breakfast calories. I'm a yogurt, fruit, and cereal breakfast type, and a small increase in yogurt and cereal made a huge difference for me.

    When I started to plateau, I was advised to increase my caloric intake because my exercise was starting to put me into starvation mode. On one of my last checkups, I found that I had lost nine pounds of fat since September, but gained three pounds of muscle. That was encouraging, because we could see how my body was changing. My weight loss results haven't been immediate, but I was encouraged to keep doing what I'm doing. My plateau continued throughout the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays, and I have just started losing again and broke one of my first big barriers.
  • nokanjaijo
    nokanjaijo Posts: 466 Member
    This is exactly why I weigh myself every day. I can gain two pounds and shrug it off if I know it happened overnight. If it is a slow, steady gain, I would worry.

    I only report once a week or so but that is just to not tax my MFP support system.
  • Not checked measurements although I am not doing any weights at the moment just Cardio .. would i still gain muscle ??

    That can depend on the type of cardio and your resistance settings --- On the elliptical I do "hill climb" and the spin class I take does a lot of standing work, so my legs are getting a lot stronger (I can go much faster on the same resistance than I could a few months ago)
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I am mortified !! Kept to diet & exercise all week and scales say u have lost nothing :((( I can't understand what I have done wrong ??? I was 4751 calories under my weekly target ???

    Scales are not the best tool to go by, go by measurements. :)
    And next week or the week after, you'll probably be caught up weight-wise, to where you should be again.
  • sunforme3
    sunforme3 Posts: 57 Member
    To avoid feeling exactly what your feeling I've stayed off the scale, using how I'm feeling and how my clothes feel as an indicator. And like someone here said...........patience, your not doing this for the scale your doing it for you!! Eating well and exercising is so important for soooo many reasons, the scale is the least of them!!! Good Luck!!!!
  • Lovlilyn
    Lovlilyn Posts: 79 Member
    You don't want to loose weight! Then you'll be all flabby. No one wants to loose weight. That's your problem, you're trying to loose weight instead of lose it.