Vegetarians I have a ?



  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    <---- Vegetarian since 1991, recently turned vegan.

    Here is a list taken from

    1. Veggies: Yep, good old greens will pack a protein punch. One cup of cooked spinach has about 7 grams of protein. The same serving of French beans has about 13 grams. Two cups of cooked kale? 5 grams. One cup of boiled peas? Nine grams. You get the idea.

    2. Hemp. No, you don’t have to get high to get your protein. But toss 30 grams of hemp powder in your smoothie and get about 11 grams of protein – just like that.

    3. Non-Dairy Milk. Got (soy) milk? A mere 1 cup of soy or almond milk can pack about 7-9 grams of protein. Eat with some fortified cereal and you’ve got a totally vegan-friendly breakfast.

    4. Nut Butter. Eat up your peanut butter, almond butter and cashew butter. A couple of tablespoons of any one of these will get you 8 grams of protein.

    5. Quinoa. I kinda think quinoa is God’s gift to vegans (and gluten-free peeps!), as it’s versatile, delicious and delivers about 9 grams of protein per cup.

    6. Tofu. Four ounces of tofu will get you about 9 grams of protein. And at about 2 bucks a pop, it’s a cheap vegan’s BFF.

    7. Lentils. With lentils, you can make rice dishes, veggie burgers, casseroles and more. One cup cooked delivers a whopping 18 grams of protein!

    8. Beans. They really are the magical fruit. With one cup of pinto, kidney or black beans, you’ll get about 13-15 grams of protein, a full belly and heart-healthy fiber.

    9. Tempeh. One cup of tempeh packs abour 30 grams of protein! That’s more than 5 eggs or a regular hamburger patty.

    10. Sprouted-grain bread. Pack a sandwich with vegan sprouted-grain bread and you’ll get about 10 grams of protein in the bread alone.
  • GingerBiscuit_19
    GingerBiscuit_19 Posts: 75 Member
    Quorn! Loads of protein in Quorn products. Tofu has a lot of protein. I also have one meal replacement a day which is full of protein.And unlike the hhardcore veggies here, I am pescetarian, so I get my protein from fish (no hate please!)
    'hardcore' you mean an actual vegetarian? no offence.

    Depends on who you ask. There are a lot of groups and religions that still don't consider fish to be real meat.
    Fish live and breathe - it's an animal i.e. meat.

    So do plants though. God didnt put animals on this earth just to look at; they are our food, just like fish is dolphin food and krill is whale food, and ants are an anteater's food. It's a change of purpose. If people wish to eat meat that's fine, but their sacrifice should be dignified and humane. Cows shouldn't be tasered in the head and pulled apart while they are still breathing. And cows behind them shouldn't be queued up to watch what is happening in front of them. Chickens shouldn't be force fed for 12 hours a day in theirvery short lives before we off them. Animals should be free and healthy - not doomed.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Quorn! Loads of protein in Quorn products. Tofu has a lot of protein. I also have one meal replacement a day which is full of protein.And unlike the hhardcore veggies here, I am pescetarian, so I get my protein from fish (no hate please!)
    'hardcore' you mean an actual vegetarian? no offence.

    Depends on who you ask. There are a lot of groups and religions that still don't consider fish to be real meat.

    A fish isn't a vegetable. thats why people who eat fish are pescetarian and NOT vegetarian. It's very simple.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Quorn! Loads of protein in Quorn products. Tofu has a lot of protein. I also have one meal replacement a day which is full of protein.And unlike the hhardcore veggies here, I am pescetarian, so I get my protein from fish (no hate please!)
    'hardcore' you mean an actual vegetarian? no offence.

    Depends on who you ask. There are a lot of groups and religions that still don't consider fish to be real meat.
    Fish live and breathe - it's an animal i.e. meat.

    So do plants though. God
    ok stop right there. not everyone believes in God, I believe in science tyvm :wink: furthermore what you are referencing is not 'breathing', it is photosynthesis. Two completely different things.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I look at what India Inadians eat. They have been vegetarian for 1000's of years. Also I go to web sites of vegan/vegetarianj athletes, iron mew/women etc. !

    The Indian diet vegetarian or not is one of the WORST diets on the face of the planet. Just being Indian alone is a risk factor for diabetes or CHD. I should know, I am of Indian descent and travelled to india many, many,many times and am horrified at the amount of pure fat and sugar that is consumed without a second thought.
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I have been vegetarian all my life and don't think about protein too much. My personal trainer suggested to take some protein supplement, hence started taking Jay Robb's protein with my cereal in the morning. Otherwise I get my protein from beans, legumes, nuts, yogurt and cottage cheese. I cook lot of Indian food.
  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I look at what India Inadians eat. They have been vegetarian for 1000's of years. Also I go to web sites of vegan/vegetarianj athletes, iron mew/women etc. !

    The Indian diet vegetarian or not is one of the WORST diets on the face of the planet. Just being Indian alone is a risk factor for diabetes or CHD. I should know, I am of Indian descent and travelled to india many, many,many times and am horrified at the amount of pure fat and sugar that is consumed without a second thought.
    I am an Indian and live in U.S. Home made Indian Vegetarian is one of the best foods besides Mediterranean foods. Don't blame the food/diet for being Ignorant and the poor choice one makes whether in India or any part of the world.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Quorn! Loads of protein in Quorn products. Tofu has a lot of protein. I also have one meal replacement a day which is full of protein.And unlike the hhardcore veggies here, I am pescetarian, so I get my protein from fish (no hate please!)
    'hardcore' you mean an actual vegetarian? no offence.

    Depends on who you ask. There are a lot of groups and religions that still don't consider fish to be real meat.

    A fish isn't a vegetable. thats why people who eat fish are pescetarian and NOT vegetarian. It's very simple.

    I realize that. I'm just saying, I grew up in a religious town where people didn't eat meat on Friday, but fish was considered acceptable. There, eating fish as your only source of meat IS considered a vegetarian diet. I'm not saying I consider it that, I'm saying other people still consider it that.

    Anyway, I only eat it once a week, at most, and the other 6 days, I eat a completely vegetarian diet, so I feel just as qualified as "hardcore" vegetarians to give people advice on how to get protein in a vegetarian diet.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    I'm pescetarian so still eat fish (about twice a week) so that helps. but aside from that dairy, lentils, legumes, Quorn products, etc.

    I eat Quorn a few times a week in different meals, have started eating more boiled eggs, etc. But, I need to increase my lentil/bean consumption. Oh, and quinoa, apparently that's a great source of protein and very versatile so going to try some new recipes with that in it. And I looooooove peanut butter; I consume it daily. A handful of nuts are great as well.

    I also love, and try to eat a lot of, chickpeas. You can chuck them in almost anything...soups, salad, wraps, etc. I made a huge batch of vegetable balti yesterday to freeze and throw in a can of chickpeas for protein. I'm also making fajitas tomorrow with chickpeas and veggies, so yummy!
  • chooriyah
    chooriyah Posts: 469 Member
    I look at what India Inadians eat. They have been vegetarian for 1000's of years. Also I go to web sites of vegan/vegetarianj athletes, iron mew/women etc. !

    The Indian diet vegetarian or not is one of the WORST diets on the face of the planet. Just being Indian alone is a risk factor for diabetes or CHD. I should know, I am of Indian descent and travelled to india many, many,many times and am horrified at the amount of pure fat and sugar that is consumed without a second thought.
    I am an Indian and live in U.S. Home made Indian Vegetarian is one of the best foods besides Mediterranean foods. Don't blame the food/diet for being Ignorant and the poor choice one makes whether in India or any part of the world.

    I personally think Indians were more or less fine until McDonald's arrived in their country. Or at least that's my experience from living in Pakistan. Probably an overstatement but generally I agree that the local cuisine is not the problem. Gaining a disposable income, not emphasising sport enough, particularly for women, seeing fat-ness as a status symbol could all be contributing factors. Definitely if you only ever eat puris, parathas and jalebis you will soon be as big as a house. Oh yeah, an the obligatory 3 spoons of sugar per chai...hahaha
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I've been vegetarian for almost my whole life and I've tried vegan a few times before but I feel much better on a vegetarian diet. I use lots of egg whites since they're like all protein. I also use high protein bread and protein powders.
  • vanguardfitness
    vanguardfitness Posts: 720 Member
    rice protein powder
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Seitan and tofu are my big two. I also love tempeh, brown rice/gemma pea protein powder, beans, legumes and veggie burgers. Once you study up a little on non-meat proteins, it really isn't difficult to meet your daily quota.
  • hbm616
    hbm616 Posts: 377 Member
    I found getting enough protein is very easy, though I suppose that would be based on what someone considers "enough". General guidelines of .8 grams/ kg are easy to achieve for me. For those aiming for super high % of calories for strengh training might take some extra planning or protein powder supplementation.

    In general my protein comes from whole grains, fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, hummus, yogurt/dairy, and soy products. As long as I eat a variety of plant foods I'm not worried about lacking in protein.
  • sdierker14
    sdierker14 Posts: 2 Member
    there are so many easy ways; I've been a vegetarian for over 3 years and have never had problems getting enough protein.
    -eggs (scrambled, hard boiled, pretty much any way. I eat egg whites every morning)
    -whey protein powder
    -greek yogurt
    -cottage cheese
    -cheese in general
    -nut butters
    -tofu/setan/ tempeh (pretty much any soy product)
    -quinoa, rice, etc
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    Protein is easy. I sometimes have a hard time with Iron though, so I take a women's daily multivitamin just for some nutrition insurance. Here's a great article for some meal ideas:
  • miri1983
    miri1983 Posts: 4
    There's nothing easier than getting protein from a vegan / vegetarian diet :). Just give it a google search. is a cool website.
  • panicintheattic
    panicintheattic Posts: 102 Member
    Like most people have said, protein isn't really as hard as one might think it is. Soy is really the easiest, because so many meat substitutes (and tofu) are made from soy. Personally I've been trying to cut back my soy intake though so I've been doing a lot of eggs, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese. Another easy thing too is to throw some chia or hemp seeds into things (like yogurt, cereal, smoothies).

    Ooh and seitan. Seitan is great (so long as you don't have any problems with gluten).
  • Good_Thyming
    Beans and legumes are tasty, have protein, and easy to add into eating every day :-) We also eat greek yogurt and cottage cheese (plain greek yogurt is a fantastic substitute for sour cream). Quinoa is great and we will substitute it for rice or do a half quinoa/half rice mixture. Couscous is a grain that has a good amount of protein in it and we will substitute whole wheat pearl couscous for pasta in a lot of dishes.
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Quorn! Loads of protein in Quorn products. Tofu has a lot of protein. I also have one meal replacement a day which is full of protein.And unlike the hhardcore veggies here, I am pescetarian, so I get my protein from fish (no hate please!)
    'hardcore' you mean an actual vegetarian? no offence.

    Depends on who you ask. There are a lot of groups and religions that still don't consider fish to be real meat.
    Fish live and breathe - it's an animal i.e. meat.

    So do plants though. God
    ok stop right there. not everyone believes in God, I believe in science tyvm :wink: furthermore what you are referencing is not 'breathing', it is photosynthesis. Two completely different things.
