Gluten Free and (or) dairy free?

lu_equi Posts: 47 Member
Hi ,

So I have to be dairy free and gluten free ..... just wondering if anyone else is as the ready made foods such as snacks etc are FULL OF FAT !! worse than normal products !...... I prefer to try and eat as much raw foods as possible ..

Anyone got any recipes etc ?!
Thanks :o) x



  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I eat GF and mostly dairy free. I eat some things raw--like I often have big salads, or something like that. But I cook dinners from scratch. I search for paleo recipes--those are typically both gluten and dairy free, and if they aren't for some reason, modifications are usually given.

    Some of the recipe sites I like:

    Chowstalker/Dessertstalker: these are fun because they're like pintrest boards full of photos. Click the photo and go to the recipe. I think they're all paleo or primal recipes, so you should be able to find lots of stuff that suits your diet. Melissa Joulwan's site. She makes paleo recipes that are out of this world! I don't think I've ever made something from her site that turned out to be bad. I like her recipes because she makes lots of ethnic foods. Her Paleo Rogan Josh is out of this world. I make that weekly and my family LOVES it. She's written a cookbook as well. Another great paleo recipe site. I've not had a bad recipe from NomNom, either! One of my favourites is her Crispy Braised Duck Legs. is also great....there are tons of great sites out there full of stuff you can eat.

    As for the fat thing---I don't worry about fat so long as it's the healthy sort (fat from eggs, avocados, meats/fish, real butter, coconut oil, avocado oil, walnut oil, olive oils). I don't eat anything pre-packaged, so I don't worry about that sort of stuff.
  • lu_equi
    lu_equi Posts: 47 Member
    Thank You for all the info ! Im going to have a look at those websites now for some ideas for this weeks meals ... and I agree I dont worry about the healthy fats !

    Thanks !
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    Get the book Forks Over KNives Let me know if you need any help. I am the same by choice and it has tons of good reicpes. also it is an eye opener on the food industry.
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    I'm dairy and egg free due to allergies. I've found to carefully read labels and that it's possible to modify almost every recipe to suit your needs. Feel free to add me for food ideas! I've got an open diary for friends. I don't eat dairy free 100% of the time, but about 90% of the time. I also cook quite a bit so if you see something that looks good I can message you the recipe :smile:
  • PMarie29
    PMarie29 Posts: 75
    I'm going to stalk this board for the recipes too...I'm gluten and dairy free, but the worst cook under the sun!
  • Its good to have dairy in your diet, but you can choose low in fat dairy. Dairy products help build muscle and put calcium into you're bones! Especially being a women, you need calcium and a lot of calcium cames from dairy products! If you are lacking calcium, you are at risk for ostioprosis and arthristis! Vitamin D and Calcium work hand in hand too to help build things in you're body. If you're not taking in enough calcium, the vitamin D will take the calcium from your bones! Just some food for thought!
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I've been gluten free for 12 years and dairy for 4 years, it isn't real hard, there are so many healthy alternatives now. If you like cow milk taste check out coconut milk products. There are lovely flour mixes that substitute cup for cup into your own recipes. There are a couple of brands of margarine that contain no milk products.

    The gluten free goddess website is fabulous for great food especially if you have kids or picky husbands. There are literally thousands of amazing clean recipes out there.

    If health reasons are dictating your move, become an expert label reader, it's surprisingly head scratching what they add wheat gluten, soy sauce, or some sort of dairy product too. Not all food has clear allergy labeling, imported food I suspect is why you tend to find stuff that isn't labeled for allergens..

    Good luck, feel free to message me, and yes my diary is open.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    I am gluten free and dairy mostly, I find all my stuff on pinterest.
  • ChunkyMonkey207
    ChunkyMonkey207 Posts: 96 Member
    Glad I came across this..I was JUST diagnosed with Celiac Disease..and FREAKING out!! I also have lactose issues...ugh..I visited Earth Fare and Whole Foods for the first time yesterday..A loaf of bread is 6.00!! I'm a massive couponer and this kills me!
    Good luck! I'm on the hunt too for recipes and such.
  • PMarie29
    PMarie29 Posts: 75
    Glad I came across this..I was JUST diagnosed with Celiac Disease..and FREAKING out!! I also have lactose issues...ugh..I visited Earth Fare and Whole Foods for the first time yesterday..A loaf of bread is 6.00!! I'm a massive couponer and this kills me!
    Good luck! I'm on the hunt too for recipes and such.

    Make your own flour blends to make your own bread, it makes it a LOT cheaper! And the bread can turn out ohhhhh so good!
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Its good to have dairy in your diet, but you can choose low in fat dairy. Dairy products help build muscle and put calcium into you're bones! Especially being a women, you need calcium and a lot of calcium cames from dairy products! If you are lacking calcium, you are at risk for ostioprosis and arthristis! Vitamin D and Calcium work hand in hand too to help build things in you're body. If you're not taking in enough calcium, the vitamin D will take the calcium from your bones! Just some food for thought!

    It's not good for everyone. People with allergies, people who are lactose intolerant feel like crap when they eat dairy and it's not worth it. I take a calcium supplement and and vitamin D and I'm sure my bones are doing just fine.

    I'm not sure if the OP is doing this for health reasons or by choice, but if it's for health reasons, don't eat the dairy and talk to your doctor! Aside from this, if it's just a personal choice, solid advice.
  • akaMrsmojo
    akaMrsmojo Posts: 762 Member
    Glad I came across this..I was JUST diagnosed with Celiac Disease..and FREAKING out!! I also have lactose issues...ugh..I visited Earth Fare and Whole Foods for the first time yesterday..A loaf of bread is 6.00!! I'm a massive couponer and this kills me!
    Good luck! I'm on the hunt too for recipes and such.

    Udi's is the best bread . Just toast it a little.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    My kids and I are all dairy free and gluten free, not by choice.

    We follow Paleo for the most part, since we are also soy/peanut free the recipes almost always work for us. Finding snacks off the shelf is almost impossible, everything has dairy or gluten.

    Once you find a good gluten free recipe, the dairy free part is pretty easy. You can use Earth Balance "butter" (dairy free) in place of butter or margarine, and pretty much any type of milk can be used in place of dairy milk. Cheese is the only really hard thing to replace, soy cheese is pretty disgusting. is a good site, and it gives a recipe to make your own GF flour if you want to make your own for baking. Or you can buy lots of pre-mixed flour blends, like Bobs Red Mill, that work just as well.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Its good to have dairy in your diet, but you can choose low in fat dairy. Dairy products help build muscle and put calcium into you're bones! Especially being a women, you need calcium and a lot of calcium cames from dairy products! If you are lacking calcium, you are at risk for ostioprosis and arthristis! Vitamin D and Calcium work hand in hand too to help build things in you're body. If you're not taking in enough calcium, the vitamin D will take the calcium from your bones! Just some food for thought!

    It's not good for everyone. People with allergies, people who are lactose intolerant feel like crap when they eat dairy and it's not worth it. I take a calcium supplement and and vitamin D and I'm sure my bones are doing just fine.

    I'm not sure if the OP is doing this for health reasons or by choice, but if it's for health reasons, don't eat the dairy and talk to your doctor! Aside from this, if it's just a personal choice, solid advice.

    I was thinking the exact same thing. You can't say that dairy is good for everyone....If my kids or myself sat down and drank a glass of milk it would be a pretty horrible experience for everyone.
  • Its good to have dairy in your diet, but you can choose low in fat dairy. Dairy products help build muscle and put calcium into you're bones! Especially being a women, you need calcium and a lot of calcium cames from dairy products! If you are lacking calcium, you are at risk for ostioprosis and arthristis! Vitamin D and Calcium work hand in hand too to help build things in you're body. If you're not taking in enough calcium, the vitamin D will take the calcium from your bones! Just some food for thought!

    It's not good for everyone. People with allergies, people who are lactose intolerant feel like crap when they eat dairy and it's not worth it. I take a calcium supplement and and vitamin D and I'm sure my bones are doing just fine.

    I'm not sure if the OP is doing this for health reasons or by choice, but if it's for health reasons, don't eat the dairy and talk to your doctor! Aside from this, if it's just a personal choice, solid advice.

    I was thinking the exact same thing. You can't say that dairy is good for everyone....If my kids or myself sat down and drank a glass of milk it would be a pretty horrible experience for everyone.

    Obviously if you have allergies to it, then don't eat it, but I'm just saying that it is good to still have some dairy in your diet if you can! AND IT IS ULTIMATELY YOUR CHOICE!
  • tvl0308
    tvl0308 Posts: 96 Member
    some good stuff here thanks everyone for sharing, gonna look into some of those recipes as well. :)
  • jeffn9
    jeffn9 Posts: 21 Member
    Get the book Forks Over KNives Let me know if you need any help. I am the same by choice and it has tons of good reicpes. also it is an eye opener on the food industry.

    Agreed re: Forks Over Knives. If you have Netflix you can watch it as well!
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    I have found a lot of Asian recipes are both gluten and dairy free.
    Indian, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai etc- google them , they are DELICIOUS!
  • you are still doing Egggs and meat yes? I'm a barista and I don't drink dairy, I make this new tres faux leche latte (almond milk, soy milk & coconut milk) to get the benefits of each milk while not loosing out on the flavor or by just using one. ITSSSS deliicious. Avocado was my cheese for a long time.
  • quill16
    quill16 Posts: 373 Member
    I am gluten free, but not dairy free. I love my snack of natural peanut butter on a carmel rice cake. Not sure that it is dairy free (have to read the fine print on rice cakes ).