what can't you give up?

debrag12 Posts: 1,071 Member
What food item can you just not give.up?

For me its the following:

Cherry coke/Dr pepper
Footlong subways

I really need to get on top of the coke nd ssubway. A new month a new challenge.


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I don't give anything up.

    I just don't eat as much of it.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I refuse to give up anything. I just eat some things way less often and/or less of it and I am cognizant of how my choices fit into my overall eating/exercise plan.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    There are a few things I used to love that I've given up because they vaguely horrify me now. Before they reformulated it, the Frisco Melt at Steak n' Shake had 1173 calories and 93g of fat. They've since knocked it down to 750 cals and 53g fat, but I still haven't gone back to it. A good ol' fashioned steakburger is yummy enough, especially with a side of those wonderful fries...

    But my general rule is: if it doesn't appall me, I don't given it up. I'll fit it in somehow.
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    As odd as it may sound, I've given up diet pop. Drinking pop usually went hand in hand with me snacking on all sorts of things I shouldn't so I made a conscious decision to leave it, (and all the aspartame!) behind.

    It's early days but I'm sticking to it and whether it's all in my head or not, i'm not doing kitchen raids in the evenings now that i've switched to sparkling water.

    Apart from that, I've not given up anything, not even jelly beans - I just don't eat the whole bag!
  • yesmikan
    yesmikan Posts: 98 Member
    Cream cheese. Unfortunately, living in Japan currently, the "light" versions aren't sold here, so it's full calorie version or nothing. I haven't given it up, though. A tablespoon is about 60 cal, so I can fit it in to my day.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I can't really think of anything I have given up entirely, except for the way I USED to eat. I still eat what made me fat, I just eat less of it, don't have it as often and I make room for it. Kind of like living 'within my means' with food. It works and I'm not on a 'diet'. Actually I eat a bigger variety of food now.
  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    Wine is the hardest thing!!!
  • NikiMorgan27
  • jtolman619
    jtolman619 Posts: 128 Member
    I haven't fully given up anything either. I thought I'd never be able to give up soda, so I let myself have it once a week, when I used to drink it every day. Same with stuff like ice cream and other sweets. That's been working for me.
  • kend9998
    kend9998 Posts: 35 Member
    I can't really think of anything I have given up entirely, except for the way I USED to eat. I still eat what made me fat, I just eat less of it, don't have it as often and I make room for it. Kind of like living 'within my means' with food. It works and I'm not on a 'diet'. Actually I eat a bigger variety of food now.

    ^THIS. there are some things though, that I just seem to think is just 'not worth' the calories anymore...but if I ever decided to give up some things, pizza would NEVER be one of them.
  • ProjectSara
    ProjectSara Posts: 83 Member
    Being fit!!! And bread. And the sometimes occasional sometimes more frequent alcoholic drink, despite it's lack of nutrition. :tongue:
  • AmazonRDH
    AmazonRDH Posts: 203 Member
    BOOZE!!!!!! :drinker:
  • NocturnalGirl
    NocturnalGirl Posts: 1,762
    I don't think we should give up anything, I may need to have less of something in order to fit it into my cals and macros but I won't eliminate anything (unless I genuinely hate it or am allergic/intolerant to it).
  • Hazeleys
    Hazeleys Posts: 23 Member
    Hands down, wine.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I refuse to give anything up. I eat all the foods!
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    I have given up cherry coke although it kills me!!! I love it, but played havoc with my skin and was empty calaries and I have enough if them !! I cannot give up my wine at weekends and the occasional ( very occasional) chocolate bar. Can't see the point in giving up what you like so I make it work into my calaries!!!
  • cchierighini
    cchierighini Posts: 18 Member
    Calorie counting to the point its obsessional (even Christmas day). IM just paranoid if i don't all my weight will jump back on in one day!!
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    I don't give anything up.

    I just don't eat as much of it.

    ^^ This.

    ETA: oops, not totally truthful. I gave up cream and sugar in my coffee (just have it black now) so I could EAT more of the stuff I have no intention of giving up, lol.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I don't give anything up.

    I just don't eat as much of it.

    This, but in all honesty I can't have peanut butter in the house, as I have no willpower with it!
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Sadly? Alcohol. But... dropping it as of today. Just for March to see what changes I can see in my life as a result.