Giving up diet coke - any suggestions on an alternatives?



  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Giving up most of the non caloric sweeteners is a great idea. Here is the meat of an article I just read yesterday and I have heard the same from other sources.

    From Prevention Magazine, March 2013, article by Dr. Andrew Weil about artificial sweeteners. "...That said, synthetic non caloric sweeteners are not a good alternative. Their use in foods and especially in diet soda has never been shown to help anyone lose weight, and some of them are downright bad for you. Aspartame, saccharine, and sucralose all have been shown to increase the risk of some health problems, including obesity, headaches, and some types of cancer. If you have diabetes or adhere to a low sugar diet, I (Dr Weil) suggest something called erythritol, which you can buy in granulated form at most health food stores. This safe, naturally processed sugar alcohol has a neutral taste and is available on its own or mixed with stevia, which is another non caloric sweetener. Still, moderation is important. Trying to fool the brain with low-calorie sweeteners, whether they are natural or not, may lead to even worse cravings and worse overall eating habits because your taste buds tell your brain that calories are coming, but the signal that they have been received never gets there. In some people, that prompts a sense of calorie deficit And desire for more calories.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    That's great! I found the caffeine to be addictive, so it was good to get away from it.
    Also, I felt I was not doing the teeth/bones any favors, either. Although occasional soda is in my diet:)

    I think the craving for soda is legit, as though we need some sort of acids, and I know yogurt can hit that spot, for me.
    I started making kombucha a few years ago. It's naturally fizzy, and gets fizzier if you bottle it and store it for about a week! Fizzy like a coke. It's expensive to buy (although I think it's worth it), but they are cheap to make.
  • WickedZoey
    WickedZoey Posts: 401 Member
    I've switched to Diet Rite and limited myself to one can a day. I like that it has no sodium, no calories, no caffeine but the taste is not-so-fantastic.
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    iced tea.

    I can't/won't kick my diet coke habit but iced tea helps me cut down... a little.. sometimes.
  • caprica_006
    I like La Croix Water. It doesn't have any artificial sweeteners, it's calorie free and it comes in everything from plain sparkling water to lime, cranberry and coconut flavor. I find it to be a refreshing alternative to diet soda plus it doesn't leave me with a weird bloated feeling.
  • Flintbeats810
    Flintbeats810 Posts: 84 Member
    I drink the Zero Calorie Carbonated flavored water that Walmart sells. I think it replaces Soda well. Not sure about diet coke....but it worked for my soda fix
  • BLady44
    BLady44 Posts: 50 Member
    Great ideas, thanks..
  • vinospizza
    Zevia soda ( is great. 0 cal, etc and 0 sweeteners. It is sweetened with Stevia, an herb that doesn't touch your blood sugar.

    I've seen it in the US at Whole Foods.
  • BLady44
    BLady44 Posts: 50 Member
    Alternatives to what? Are you trying to give up sweeteners? caffeine? carbonation? It would help if you told us why you're giving up diet coke.

    I am trying to give up the chemicals, I like to carbonation..I have some great suggestions.. thanks..
  • mom2gt
    mom2gt Posts: 1 Member
    Have you tried "Spark" from Advocare? I love it! It really helped me when I gave up my daily Diet Mt.Dew. I signed up to be a distributor so that I could get a discount.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    we sometimes drink unsweetened seltzer water (for bubbles)

    and often times we make herbal iced teas (like celestial seasonings blueberry is my favorite). we don't sweeten any of it.

    certain teas taste "sweet" on their own, even without sugar, so take it step by step. great job on making the conversion!
  • xxxxtommy
    Hello,I would suggest that you start looking for two or three teas that you enjoy. I guess black coffee is ok also. You didn't say why your quitting diet soda but there is a lot of bad press about the ingredients in diet sodas. :drinker:
  • shirdiana
    shirdiana Posts: 49 Member
    I am a popaholic, and it's been 2 weeks since I've had one. Mostly I drink water, V8 juice. I miss it a lot, but I don't feel so bloated and I think I am doing my kidneys a favor. I don't know if I will give it up forever, that's a long time! But for now, I am! I don't feel like I have as many cravings for food, either. I feel more full after I eat. Good Luck!
  • gr8pillock
    gr8pillock Posts: 374 Member
    I lost ten pounds when I gave up soda. I used to drink half a case a day. Many will say it doesn't count because it was water weight (which I'm sure is true), but the thought of retaining that much water because I drink soda isn't all that great, if you ask me.

    When I went cold turkey, I drank water. Bottled water, ice cold water, whatever was needed. If it needed some flavor, I added a splash of a juice (the artificial sweeteners in crystal light and miyo are part of the reason why I won't go near Diet Coke with a 20 foot pole). Trop 50 is REALLY yummy, or a simply lemonade in a tall glass of water. Just enough to give it a dash of sweet. That would be my suggestion.
  • pkinnamon1
    pkinnamon1 Posts: 2 Member
    I like to add carbonited water to my tea's, fruit juice's ect...
  • crush86
    crush86 Posts: 113 Member
    WATER!!!! ;)
  • yukifer
    yukifer Posts: 41
    water is great.

    two sweeteners that shouldn't affect your hormones and have zero-little calories. xylitol or stevia.

    zevia pop is good.
  • Jbrill65
    Jbrill65 Posts: 3 Member
    water with Mio energy if you need a little caffeine
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I drink Sparkling Ice, it comes in different flavors or sparkling water topped off with a fruit juice.
  • MsMichalyn
    I've started adding a couple slices of cucumber to my water. It gives it a refreshing taste. They continue to flavor a couple glasses of water, then I eat them and start with fresh slices. Yum!