Starting Insanity tomorrow? 4th March

Hey, looking for persons who are beginning Insanity tomorrow! Please add me...I can motivate!!! :-)

Or if you want to post your Insanity results pics ( graduates) ...that's fine too.


  • lromer6
    lromer6 Posts: 6
    Wow, small world. I am also starting Insanity tomorrow!
  • des02_
    des02_ Posts: 79 Member
    I'm starting Insanity tomorrow 4 Mar 13, it was a tossup between that or P90X. Insanity won.
  • nathan_oz
    nathan_oz Posts: 229
    Hi there, I am also starting Insanity tomorrow. Great to see people stating on the same day so we can journey together!
  • jystne1
    jystne1 Posts: 1
    ok lost what is insanity? I had waned to try the Px90.
  • aminer31
    aminer31 Posts: 54 Member
    ok lost what is insanity? I had waned to try the Px90.

    Insanity involves more cardio and using your own body, P90X is more strength
  • ipock
    ipock Posts: 33 Member
    Good luck. Use the fit tests every two weeks to help you see measured progress. I think it's the best way to keep you going. Insanity is tough to get through. The warm-up/stretch routine alone will have you dripping with sweat. It feels amazing to make it through an entire work out. If you can focus on continuing to push play, and keep telling yourself not to stop, you'll be successful. If you eat right, you'll see results in no time!
  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I finished Insanity today so can't join you I'm afraid, but just thought you might be interested to know that Shaun T and his 'Shaunterage' are ALSO starting Insanity tomorrow!!! Yup they are doing the whole thing, fit tests and all so it might help with extra motivation to keep up with their updates too. I follow Insanity and Shaun T on facebook so if you're on fb you can catch up with them on there. Think it is a nice bonus!!

    Good luck, it'll be a tough 9 weeks but you can totally do it!
  • mad923
    mad923 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm starting it Monday morning. Cool.
  • mad923
    mad923 Posts: 42 Member
    count me in
  • Great!
  • des02_
    des02_ Posts: 79 Member
    OMG that Fit Test kicked my butt! 59 days to go. It was tough but also fun. Can't wait for tomorrow.
  • anstonx4
    anstonx4 Posts: 1
    I just started this today. omg i actually thought i was going to be sick at one point! But I also can't wait for tomorrow :)
  • andycet
    andycet Posts: 55 Member
    I love insanity but if you have any back problems I would recommend looking online for the low impact alternatives to some of the high impact/jumping moves.

    I hurt my back and was off it for a while until my Chiropractor gave me the all clear. Back doing it but with low impact and still getting the burn.
  • nydoll911
    nydoll911 Posts: 8 Member
    I also started today. That fit test was no joke.
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    In the last week of Insanity here. Amazing results. Amazing difference between when I started and now. Stick with it. You'll be a different person when you're done :bigsmile:

    p.s. If you think the fit test was bad....just wait until tomorrow :laugh:
  • jsmack25
    jsmack25 Posts: 2
    I did the fit test today. I have been doing C25K along with an interval treadmill workout and thought I was doing well...OMG I almost didn't make it through the fit test. Excited and scared for what is coming next.
  • SSpeakes
    SSpeakes Posts: 95 Member
    We're starting today as well. Looking forward to it!
  • des02_
    des02_ Posts: 79 Member
    In the last week of Insanity here. Amazing results. Amazing difference between when I started and now. Stick with it. You'll be a different person when you're done :bigsmile:

    p.s. If you think the fit test was bad....just wait until tomorrow :laugh:

    Uh oh...
  • rlinaresv
    rlinaresv Posts: 108
    I did the fit test on Saturday and I thought I was gonna die. I'm gonna alternate it with stronglifts as well so I'm gonna do 3 days a week. Will take me 2 weeks to complete 1 week but I'm ok with that. Let see how it goes.

    Good luck to everyone
  • KarCrib
    KarCrib Posts: 39 Member
    I am doing the fit test tonight, so yes, I guess I AM starting Insanity tonight!