I feel like giving up.



  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    Not tracking is likely why you've maintained. You gotta track everything! How do you know what kind of progress to expect if you don't? You didn't gain this weight overnight, and you aren't going to lose it that way either. Not paying attention to what we eat is exactly what got us here in the first place. I have to track everything, because I can't "eyeball" things. Progress takes many forms. Instead of worrying about the scale, work on holding yourself accountable for tracking your food. That's the best progress you can have. The weight will follow.
  • falsepriests
    Keep going love! Try a new exercise to renew your enthusiasm, or just look at old photos and see how far you've already come :) There is a lot more to gain than losing weight, try and make a new goal of feeling fab about yourself, or feeling fitter and healthier!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    If you give up now after four bad days, those four days are going to turn into four weeks, then four months, etc etc and you'll wonder why you gave up after such an awesome month and losing 10 lbs! It's really easy to snowball out of control, but just put things in perspective--

    You didn't gain all that extra weight overnight, or even in one month, right? It took time. This will too. The key is to not wait for results, but rather to ENJOY your new, healthy lifestyle and to appreciate the results WHEN they come, because they will come on their time not yours. Just do the best you can and good things will happen.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Saturday 23rd I believe you have a net of -224 calories! I went back over 2 weeks and you are netting very very low all the time. You need to increase it to a sustainable level so you can stick to this long term or of course you will fail. I did when I ate like this long ago and that is why I had to diet AGAIN and AGAIN. Work out your correct calories and eat at that, make sure you increase your protein as MFP doesn't have it set high enough and it will keep you safisfied longer. Cut back on the shakes, cheesecake, bars and other junky stuff but no need to cut them out completely and up your fresh foods.

    See this to work your goal out. Best wishes to you.

  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I love to read the success stories. They are so inspiring. This time last year I gave up. I lost my focus, and just quit. I wished I would have had the willpower and determination to have kept going, I would probably be where I want to be weight wise and just maintaining and buffing up. Giving up is not worth it. I am bound and determined to make it through the end this time. It is hard work, and no one can do it for you. I know it is hard to focus on you, with a newborn. Hey if your a breastfeeding, you are burning 500 extra calories a day. My daughter just had a baby in December also. They are high maintenance little creatures. I would meal plan healthy meals with fruits and veggies, eat a healthy breakfast, that sets your metabolism for the day, and take some time for yourself to rejuvenate. You will get there. Besides our Biggest Loser group needs you, so you can't quit.
  • BGM325
    BGM325 Posts: 78
    Paige you're not going to lose crazy amounts of weight in short periods of time. Be realistic. You want it to come off & stay off & that is going to take time. And if you're going to give up on your plans just because things aren't going like you expected then you are setting yourself up to fail & 2 years from now you'll likely have 100+ lbs to lose. You are your own worst enemy & if you don't change your attitude then it won't matter if you have 350 MPG friends to help motivate you. Your success depends on YOU so get a grip, don't give up, believe that you can do it and go DO IT. You are in control! Be realistic & set small goals for yourself that you can meet, I think that will be very helpful to you.
  • pixish
    pixish Posts: 79 Member
    I also suffer from depression and weight gain during my period. It is incredibly demotivating.
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I also suffer from depression and weight gain during my period. It is incredibly demotivating.
    Harmonal fluctation can cause this attitude just weather the storm and next week you will feel better. I am currently on my period and just had the same dilema this morning.
  • desness
    desness Posts: 13 Member
    Well fine then, if you want to give up, give up. If you don't have the tenacity and determination to do this, nobody else can give it to you. As Yoda said, " Do, or do not. There is no Try."

    I agree with this one.
    I didnt lose 130 lbs by always saying "i give up" and I honestly didnt have anyone to kick my butt for me and say do it.
    Kick your own butt.
    if you constantly need others to motivate you, then it would seem you really don't want this bad enough.. or for the right reasons.
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    I've given up a grand total of 14 times in the last 3 years, but this time I'm doing it completely differently and not setting unreachable goals
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    When I feel discouraged I remember this saying,,,,,it always makes me remember that whatever I choose will be hard, so why not choose the one I want? I hope this helps and you get back on track soon! I have a lot to lose too, so try to set smaller goals and not get so overwhelmed. Good Luck to you.

    Losing weight is HARD.
    Maintaining weight is HARD.
    Being fat is HARD.
    CHOOSE your HARD.

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