Getting up for morning workouts

Hello -

I am not a morning person, have never been. But I have noticed that life is nuts and before you know it your night is full with errands or dinner with friends or other obligations. Where else do you put in a regular work out? The morning! So I have tried so many things and most seem to work for awhile and then fade away......I did the booty boot camps! Loved them - but can't afford them. Tried having my girlfriend call me in the morning so we would both get up and work out. That only lasted a few weeks before we both stopped calling. Now I just get up on Friday mornings to walk with my friend. Lately that has been farther and farther apart.

Any suggestions?

I think that if I get in a work out every morning during the work week that I would have a better time maintaining and hopefully dropping the few last stubborn 15 pounds.

Thank you!


  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I am right there with you - I so badly need to do my workouts in the mornings but just not happening.
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I set my alarm clock almost an hour before I actually want to get up. I snooze it a lot but after doing it for so long, I now get up before the clock goes off. It's a mind thing, you really have to want to do it.
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    I force myself to do it.
    Literally, I tell myself that it is like going to work.
    I may not "feel like it" but I have to do it.
    I get out of bed and grab an apple while I change into workout clothes and wait for the DVD.
    It really helps me to have something in my stomac, plus I read somewhere that an apple has the same effects as a cup of coffee. I agree!
    By the time I'm done, I'm wide awake and ready to start the day. I've found that I am much more amped for work and productive. I don't really get the slumps like I used it.
  • gloriocean
    Hi all! At what time do you guys get up? What kind of exercise do you do in the morning and for how long?
  • kzuppelli360
    I sleep with my gym clothes on and that helps me get up. I figure I am already dressed I might as well get up! I also keep a "goal outfit" hanging on my dresser where I can see it so when I don't want to get up I look at that and think if you want to be able to wear that you better get your butt out of bed! Good Luck.
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    I am right there with you - I so badly need to do my workouts in the mornings but just not happening.
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I force myself to do it.
    Literally, I tell myself that it is like going to work.
    I may not "feel like it" but I have to do it.

    By the time I'm done, I'm wide awake and ready to start the day. I've found that I am much more amped for work and productive. I don't really get the slumps like I used it.

    Me too! I get up at 6am (an hour before kids have to be up) and do whichever P90X video is that day. Some days I force myself to get up but lately it is easier. By the time I am finished I feel great and i don't have to think about having to do exercise later in the day.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    I get up at 4:45 am 5 days a week,and hve been doing it for years,same reasons as you,otherwise life gets in the way.You have to first of all consider it a priority,just like brushing your teeth or taking a shower,it has to be done,second you have to organize your self,set you clothes and shoes out,set the coffee pot,etc etc.Third you will get use to it,studies say it takes 21 days to make something become a habit.

    Remember that great feeling in the evenings knowing you've already got your work out done!:drinker:
  • DeaSis
    DeaSis Posts: 1 Member
    This is my first day, and first post.

    I've always joked and called myself a "social exerciser". Meaning that I've always done better when I've had company. But That's been an excuse for too long. I like the suggestion to sleep in workout clothes and have a "goal" outfit hanging on the dresser. I like that!

    I'm hoping that this will be a place to get support. I'm the only one in my family who needs this, and as a mother, I've done for them for so long that I sort of got buried. Well, this is for me.

    So I'm going to use those suggestions. This site is set as my home page now (upsetting facebook!). *raises glass* Here's to a good beginning!
  • hknecht
    hknecht Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the advise! It does feel good to have it done for the day and when I get enough sleep - I feel more energized.

    4:45 - that is the time that I would have to get up, too. Do you go to bed really early? I find that if I go to bed anytime after 10 that there is no chance I can even function that early. But the nights get away from me and before I know it I am crawling into bed at 11. I am the most productive later in the evening so I get into projects and loose track of time.
  • tex43
    tex43 Posts: 229
    Thank you for the advise! It does feel good to have it done for the day and when I get enough sleep - I feel more energized.

    4:45 - that is the time that I would have to get up, too. Do you go to bed really early? I find that if I go to bed anytime after 10 that there is no chance I can even function that early. But the nights get away from me and before I know it I am crawling into bed at 11. I am the most productive later in the evening so I get into projects and loose track of time.

    Yeah that rooster crows early at my house,kudos to you for doing something for yourself first of all.I go to bed around 9:00pm,because I'm tired by then,I still lay there and watch TV or read for about an hour so sleep by ten usually.Once you get in the habit with this it will be routine.I've tried it every which way and mornings is the only thing I'll stick with,and I could give you a list of pro's on it,but you will develope your own.

    Best Regards,
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    My gym offers classes 4 days in the mornings. I find even though i'm on summer break now that I really like to go at 5:30 for class. It's over at 6:30 and on days that I have to get to work early I will walk out a little early. The instructors understand if you tell them in advance you have to leave. If I need to do my p90x I do that. I find it harder for me to get up and workout at home or run by myself. I am a social workouter. I like to be around people. It makes me push myself to do it harder. Good luck with getting up early! you can do it!
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I am in bed by 9:30...usually asleep by 10-10:15 (after snuggles) and my alarm is set for 4:40am. yep...I wake up at 4:40 every morning. Why? Because it works for me. Just find a time that works for you and go for it. If you want it bad enough--you will push yourself and not rely on anyone to accompany you.
  • selbyhutch
    selbyhutch Posts: 531 Member
    I'm in bed no later than 10pm & get up at 5am to work out. I love working out in the mornings. Like many have said, you just have to force yourself until it becomes a habit. You will love it... & it's a great feeling of accomplishment to get it done & out of the way. Plus it leaves your evenings open. You never have to worry about something going on that interferred with working out. You have no excuses!!