My new scale hates me...



  • jme6976
    jme6976 Posts: 49 Member
    So sad that my new scale is registering me at 6lbs more than the old one. I am 2 months in and I have still lost 13 pounds but just sucks that I now have further to go...

    My question is I reset my starting weight and current weight to reflect the 6lbs difference. Should everything still work right? It won't mess any of my stats up?
  • The same thing happened to me today. I just knew that losing 38 pounds over 8 weeks wasn't right - as much as it would have been great to be able to believe it. Our new scale is reflecting what makes more sense and a much more healthier rate of loss. Of course, it SUCKS to be back to "26 pounds lost" vs. the "38 pounds lost" I had this morning :/ Oh well, that's life. Better to know the truth sooner rather than later.

    I'm not adjusting my starting weight. Keeping it the same as it's the only number I have and there's no guarantee the old scale was proportionately inaccurate - if that makes sense.