If you were a Superhero?

horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
If you where a Superhero, what one power would you have?
You can answer why if you want.

I'm not 100% sure on this, but right now I'd say flight.


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    If you where a Superhero, what one power would you have?
    You can answer why if you want.

    I'm not 100% sure on this, but right now I'd say flight.

    what do you mean "if"?
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member
    I cannot answer this without revealing my true identity.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    A. If?
    B. None. I don't need any.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Elastigirl because I pretty much am her.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Reading peoples' minds. That way I can land the right hottie.
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I wouldn't mind adding invisibility to my plethora of awesomeness.
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    Captain Britain's brothers' power (I can never remember his first name)

    He manipulates quantum strings to warp reality. I'd turn you all into moose and have you put on a production of Jesua Christ Superstar
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    Definitely shape shifting
  • Permewer
    Permewer Posts: 8 Member
    The ability to turn any Popsicle I touch into a grenade, so my smarmy, punny, catch phrase could be, "Let's BLOW this Popsicle stand!" *Explosion sfx*

    Or maybe it would just be the power to make smarmy, punny catch phrases. That's pretty super, right?
  • horsewhisper91
    horsewhisper91 Posts: 456 Member
    Definitely shape shifting

    Good one! Didn't think of that.
  • clouxles
    clouxles Posts: 71 Member
    The power of laughter...making people laugh with a single word... able to turn attitude into chuckles with a funny face...it 's a bird it's a plane it's it's ...oh sh&t it's him again!

    ...or maybe the power of perfect punctuation... I'd be awesome in the forums
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    The one that ultimately wins out for me is the ability to heal people, probably because I'm very empathic & just naturally want to alleviate pain & suffering. The next one on the list would be a shape shifter because it's just cool as hell & would be loads of fun in the bedroom.:tongue:
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    When I watched Hero's my favorite super power was the girl who could watch anything, like martial arts video or a cooking show or whatever it was, and then automatically know how to do it expertly. I would like that super power.
  • jennmodugno
    jennmodugno Posts: 363 Member

    Think about it - if you're lucky, the bullet would always miss. Or you would get out of the fire unhurt. Or you'd manage to be in the right place at the right time to catch the bad guy.

    Luck will always trump any other super power, I think.
  • ChloeRoseLejeune
    Spidey senses... duh :laugh:
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I am a suppah hero already, I have the ability too vanish
  • TheLuSir
    TheLuSir Posts: 1,674 Member

    Think about it - if you're lucky, the bullet would always miss. Or you would get out of the fire unhurt. Or you'd manage to be in the right place at the right time to catch the bad guy.

    Luck will always trump any other super power, I think.

    First off, I'm a nerd. So I take this stuff very seriously....

    Isn't Luck relative? Aren't you lucky if a bullet hits your shoulder or hand instead of your heart?
    NVREST Posts: 94
    time travel powers
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I wouldn't have any powers.

    I'd be Robin, Girl Wonder :3

    If I had to choose a power, I'd say speed.

    EDIT: Unless I can make my power to be from Krypton.
    Then I'd have all the powers I needed.