alli - any good?

stonebreaker0417 Posts: 13
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Just wanted to find out if anybody has ever tried Alli and if it works. My doctor suggested it to me and wanted to hear if anybody had any results on it.



  • I've heard interesting stories about that one. Try to eat mostly proteins when on it, so I've understood. If you "mess up" your diet, you might, er, leak, if you get what I'm saying.
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    and to add to might be orange when you do leak.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    There is a VERY good chance of "leakage" when you take this drug. It happens when you don't even know it. Personally, I think this product is good for people that just can't change their eating habits due to work hours, financial reasons, etc. Otherwise, save the money you would've spent on this drug and put it towards healthy foods (because I know they are expensive), a gym membership or workout DVDs, etc. Just my opinion.
  • Winter0916
    Winter0916 Posts: 80
    LOL you guys are funny... Yes you will leak, and is that color because is ACTUAL grease! is kind of disgusting, but that would only really happne based on the foods you eat. I suggest when you start taking it, do it on a Friday by Saturday, Sunday you can have the effects at home. You might have a few trips to the bathroom the first couple of days until your body adjust, but it DOES work!.. Good luck
  • i do do karate twice a week and that is a great workout. i try and get out to walk for 30 min. a day other than that i am constantly on the go. i have 20lbs left to loose and it just doesn't wanna come off! i have changed my eating habits, cut down and i had asked the doc what else can i do he suggested alli, weight watchers or some pill he could perscribe. it sucks *kitten* getting old! it just doesn't wanna come off like it used to!.

    thank you all for your input
  • Some recent research has shown that there might be implications relating to pre-cancerous lesions in the colon. Additionally, it may be causing severe kidney problems in some of its users. Like any drug, there are risks that you have to assume when you take it. It does in fact work, and is scientifically proven to do so. However, when on it, you have to restrict your fat intake to resist the side-effects, so orlistat's (that's the actual name of the drug) weight loss effects might only be a result of your consciously making that decision to restrict your fat intake. So, in conclusion, if you have a lot of self-control and can restrict your fat considerably from your normal diet without the use of Alli, you're probably better off doing so.
  • Thaedra
    Thaedra Posts: 52
    I was taking it until the reports from the FDA started coming in linking it to several cases of liver failure both in the UK and here in the US. Now I think I will pass...
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I've heard interesting stories about that one. Try to eat mostly proteins when on it, so I've understood. If you "mess up" your diet, you might, er, leak, if you get what I'm saying.

    as my friend said to me when I shelled out 60 bux for it "You will be nice and thin and smell like *kitten*!!" :laugh:

    I brought it right back!

    I remember when no fat fried chips came out. They were made in a fat that didn't absorb in the system. Can you imagine the color red in my face a few hours later when this fat went straight through my body at my friends baby shower??

    You can do this without a pill. There are thousands on here to prove that. It will take time, and effort.......but oh so worth it in the end!

    I am back to counting like a beginner again. 5 crept back on and daze a goin back weres they came from :wink:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    There is a VERY good chance of "leakage" when you take this drug. It happens when you don't even know it. Personally, I think this product is good for people that just can't change their eating habits due to work hours, financial reasons, etc. Otherwise, save the money you would've spent on this drug and put it towards healthy foods (because I know they are expensive), a gym membership or workout DVDs, etc. Just my opinion.

    the thing is you have to change your eating habits in order to take this pill. if you eat a cheese burger after taking ALLI you will have an accident. Scary thought

    One of the things my dr said to me was that the intestinal track absorbs nutrients, and good fats help in digestion.

    I agree on the spending the money on healthy foods! Great idea!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    i do do karate twice a week and that is a great workout. i try and get out to walk for 30 min. a day other than that i am constantly on the go. i have 20lbs left to loose and it just doesn't wanna come off! i have changed my eating habits, cut down and i had asked the doc what else can i do he suggested alli, weight watchers or some pill he could perscribe. it sucks *kitten* getting old! it just doesn't wanna come off like it used to!.

    thank you all for your input

    :laugh: :laugh: why yes it does suck *kitten* getting old!!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    AAAAhhhhhh! No 'diet pills'! I can not believe that your doc would tell you to take that.
    Yikes - I guess you really just need to think about it - anything that causes you to leak poo - not good!
    I thought that the FDA was pulling their support or banning it.....
    Please don't!
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    AAAAhhhhhh! No 'diet pills'! I can not believe that your doc would tell you to take that.
    Yikes - I guess you really just need to think about it - anything that causes you to leak poo - not good!
    I thought that the FDA was pulling their support or banning it.....
    Please don't!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I've taken it, and hated it. I would not recommend it to anyone, felt drained and was constantly in the bathroom no matter what I ate. bleck. Plus all the liver issues the FDA has recently brought up. Do this as healthy as possible :) Good luck on your journey!
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    I did it, it worked at first because I was very disciplined. Then I had a party to go to.... I stopped taking it for a whole day so I could eat some party stuff. The food was healthier than I thought so I didn't anticipate the effect that DRINKING would have on me. BAD, BAD IDEA! Not only was I drunk but I had "leaked" all over myself. Do I still have to say I quit taking it after that??? :blushing: :blushing: :blushing:
  • TickledPurple
    TickledPurple Posts: 33 Member
    Before this became an 'over the counter' drug my doctor put me on this.... it was horrendous!

    Yes the anal leakage was awful, but I also got stomach cramps, nightmares, hallucinations and all my hair started falling out!!

    Trust me, don't go there. Besides, you need to re-programme yourself to change your eating and exercise habits. Diet pills don't do this for you and should never be recommended by a doctor in this way! There is no quick-fix to weight loss... if that were the case, everyone would be skinny!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    My doctor offered me Meridia a few years ago (he is crazy prescribing drugs doctor). He very well knew the other prescription medications I was on (for migraines). I shelled out the $100 for 30 day supply and then for the first 3 days, was constantly in the bathroom no matter what I ate. Leakage wouldn't even explain the situation! I read the fine print and there was a warning to not combine it with one of the meds I was on for migraines. Stupid dr's!!!! Waste of $100!!
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I have taken it before and did lose some weight. As others have mentioned, if you go over the fat grams per meal while on Alli, you will have an orangish oily leakage. If you keep your meals low in fat, you are usually ok.
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I was prescribed the stronger version which is called Xenical by a specialist for my PCOS. Even though I've never had a particularly fatty diet and I told her that... She put me on it anyway as I wasn't losing weight due to my PCOS

    I had cramps and long periods in the toilet and constant worry that I would have the leakage problem whilst out and about... I joined a chat room for people who were on Xenical and everyone seemed to be very much heavier than myself and Xenical was a way of controlling their eating... they talked of eating full packets of biscuits (cookies), a whole cake, a tub of ice cream in one sitting in the days before they were put on to Xenical and it helped them to cut back with the fear of being in the toilet for hours and hours.... They talked of how many of them were emotional eaters and for them the consequences of what would happen of they ate the biscuits made them think again which in turn helped them lose weight.....
    For me though, as I didn't have a fatty diet I found it would just give me stomach cramps and pain in the gut so I came off it very quickly... This was about 9 years ago and from what I've heard I'm glad I did!

    I wanted to go on to Accomplia (I think it's called Meredia in the US) 2 yrs ago but the week before I had an appointment to see the hospital GP, the drug was taken off the market .... Is that the pill your doctor was talking about?

    I'd think about the Ali pill... I think it works for some people but you have to wonder at what cost to your liver!
  • If you keep your meals low in fat, you are usually ok.

    What about good fats? My diets are always high in good fats. I'd leak? Lol.
    If so, what a terrible pill. You NEED fat.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I took the stronger version too (xenical) a few years back and lost weight initially. I'm a vegetarian and don't actually eat a high fat diet, but still had the dreaded orange leakage. Unpleasant.

    Stop reading now if you are easily offended ..... Yesterday I made meatballs in tomaty sauce in the slow cooker for my husband. After a couple of hours I skimmed the top to get rid of any excess grease. As I was skimming it I realised that the orange grease looked EXACTLY like the leakage I used to get! It was horrible. Needless to say, I didn't mention it to my husband when I served him his meal, but I couldn't stay in the room while he ate it :sick: xx
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