Doing a 5K

I want to do a 5K on July 4th this year! My fiance is coming home for deployment leave and I want to do something with him, so I decided it would be motovating and fun to do this run together! Today I ran to just to see how far I could do and I ran about a mile or so..( i stopped a few times b/c I run on a road with a lot of hills and some are pretty steep. I know I'm not ready to run those hills yet so I walk them and started again once I got over them) I am happy and look forward to reaching my goal!!!


  • 365healthchallenge
    Thats great! I know you can do it :)

    I really want to do a 5k myself, I started doing C25K but my physical therapist hasn't cleared me for jogging or running yet, just I'm not quite where I want to be there.

    My boyfriend recently started working out with a trainer, so I'm hoping that this may be a goal that we can do together.

    Good luck!!! Keep us posted!
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks and good luck as well, but don't push yourself to hard!!! You will get there....that is my biggest problem I am impatience and sometimes I push too hard, but the next day i'll take it slower.

    Since James is a Marine he runs all the time and he agreed to do the 5K with me!! I'm excited and ready to do it! I'm not sure if I can do it right now but I will get there!
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    Wow! You are only giving yourself a month to reach this goal? I do say that you can do anything you set your mind to and I do believe it.. I was reading in my magazine and they say that beginning runners should not run more that 24 miles per week.. it could be traumatic to your body, as far as your knees and back.. I consider myself a beginning runner.. I just started about 2 months ago.. I just reached my goal of 4k on May 23rd.. I actually ran 4.25 miles!! It was really invigorating!

    I did the same thing.. One day I went for a walk and started to run and I ran all the way to Main Street (about a mile).. The next day I went to the middle school track and jogged 2 miles straight with no pain in any of my body! I was a hurtin mess after those days, but now I'm going up hills and down hills and jogging all over the place.. I tend to stick to about 3 miles per run though.. Because of the hills I don't think I could take it much farther than that..

    Good luck with your goal.. Don't kill yourself though.. Remember to start off with a warm up (usually 5 min walk for me) and keep you back straight (some people tend to hunch forward.. BAD!). Keep us posted on how the progress is going!

    love and light. xo
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks EKarma!! My motto is 'if my marine can do it, I can too!' :) Thanks for the advise too!

    My Marine motovates me sooo much!!! He himself HATES running, but he told me if it's what I wanted to do then he would do it w/ me! ( I love him so much!) Since he will be gone for 9 months or more I wanted to do something memorable together and this will be a HUGE milestone for me. My first 5K and one I get to do with him.

    Honestly I'm not expecting to run the whole thing the first time, but i will for sure TRY my hardest to do so!

    Good luck to you hun!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Good luck & congrats. I know you'll do fine.
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Woohoo! I just did my first 5k last month - it's such an inspiration to have all those people around you :) Love to hear updates on your progress - have fun with your training!
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    Today I ran 8 mins about .7 w/o stopping and when I did stop it was because i had reached the end of the dock! (hehe) so I let Bella( my dog) swim and cool off for a few mins while I walked up and down the dock. Then I walked back up the uneven dirt road...ran about .2 and walked .2 then ran .1 walked .1 and ran .1 again