When your muscles hurt, do you just continue anyways?



  • Mr_Excitement
    Mr_Excitement Posts: 833 Member
    If your muscles are sore, they're probably still in the process of repairing themselves from your last workout. You should either do a workout that doesn't incorporate those muscle groups very much, or just wait until you aren't sore to repeat the other exercise. That's the only way your muscles will get stronger, and allow you workout with good intensity.

    *edit* Wow, am I ever out of step with the rest of the board! :D

    Well, I maintain my position. I think it's best to wait until you aren't very sore, then go again. There's no rush, and I expect you'll stop feeling much muscle soreness after the first couple of weeks.
  • leann74016
    leann74016 Posts: 242 Member
    Good news! i pushed myself and made it through the workout again. Didn't do it as high intensity as I did last night but I did it all! I am proud of myself! I am still hurting, but during the workout the pain in my legs subsided until about 15 min after the workout and then it returned. Guess this is a good pain then?
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    haha the first few days of 30DS are KILLER. When I finished day 1, my quads hurt so bad I could barely walk, a couple days later they were fine. Even rolling over in bed that first 2 days made me want to cry. With 30DS you just have to work through it, it's just because your body isn't use to using these muscles. The whole program won't be like that I promise!

    I have had to take a couple days off due to injury, so I deft know the difference! :D
  • Bombbombgo
    Good news! i pushed myself and made it through the workout again. Didn't do it as high intensity as I did last night but I did it all! I am proud of myself! I am still hurting, but during the workout the pain in my legs subsided until about 15 min after the workout and then it returned. Guess this is a good pain then?

    Yup, sounds like GREAT pain! AWESOME job!!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    your body grows and repairs itself when you rest, taking a planned rest day here and there won't hurt, and might even help, i.e. the next day you come back just that little bit stronger and fitter.

    I agree re pushing on through the pain if it's just muscle soreness and not an injury... but if you're getting that much muscle soreness, make sure you are also getting enough rest. A lot of people do 30 day shred on 30 consecutive days... you don't have to do that, you can take rest days to recuperate, and like i said, this may even improve your results a little. Plan your rest days though, so you don't get into a habit of deciding to have a rest day because you don't feel like working out.... only take scheduled rest days to avoid this habit... unplanned rest days are only for injuries.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    Theres a diff between pain and ache. Ache is natural. Pain means you either overdid it, didn't stretch/warm up/cool down correctly, or moved incorrectly at some stage. I fight through aches, and a little through pain until I ascertain if I can move with the pain. If it's an honest no, I either take a rest day and have a spa, or do light pool/walking work.

    I'm no expert though :)
  • elephant_in_the_room
    elephant_in_the_room Posts: 145 Member
    My muscles hurt. I continued anyway. Now I haven't been able to run for 7 months because I have a hamstring tendinitis. I can't recommend continuing when in pain.

    Muscle soreness is little tears in the muscle. My tendinitis is tears in the tendons that attach the muscle to the bone.
    Stretching is the worst thing you can do in either case. It's already long been proven that stretching does nothing to either prevent or cure injuries. Why is everyone still recommending stretching?
  • bigrlv
    bigrlv Posts: 5
    I am not doing 30ds, but I am lifting weights every single work day in week and muscle pains are normal thing, so I don't let them to interfere with my traininng schedual. It's hard at the beginning of workout, but after that you already has forgotten about pains, isntead tryig do your best in workout. Different thinng is if you jus't cant do it- muscles aren't rest enought, then I change my shcedual and doing something else that I can.