How much exercise a week

do you gals and guys do per week?

Are you exercising to
- lose weight?
- maintain weight?
- gain weight?
- just for fun?

Thanks everyone.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Weight training 3 hours per week.
    Cycle commute to work 5 days per week
    Yoga 1 or 2 hours per week
    Walking at weekends

    I exercise to get stronger, increase flexibility and stay fit.
  • babbs770
    babbs770 Posts: 27 Member
    I do yoga two to four times a week to maintain. In the summers, I walk about 30 minutes daily to lose.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I am exercising to maintain . Have more energy and get more toned. I am aim to burn 500 calories a day above sedentary, and by the end of 2013 i am aming to have enough endurance to run a 5 k in under 30 minutes and do an hiur and a half ballet / barre class.
  • sozisfitnow
    sozisfitnow Posts: 209 Member
    I go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week , aerobics and strength training.
    Run or cycle outdoors 2 to 3 times a week.

    I exercise for my physical and mental well being and to keep/get in better shape
  • tpow1196
    tpow1196 Posts: 51 Member
    Im hitting the gym about 90 minutes per session three times a week.

    I'm working on loosing weight and getting fit.
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I run 5-6 days a week, but I enjoy it and worked up to that over time--as a beginner I ran (ran/walked at first) every other day. I didn't always enjoy it, though--started for fitness, and over time it evolved into something necessary, fun, and therapeutic. I now have running goals that are separate from weight loss, and they "interfere" (putting in quotes because it's GOOD to lose weight slowly) with the rate at which I lose, because I have to eat enough to fuel my running.

    I also take a 1-hour Pilates class twice a week, for overall toning and strengthening, especially the bits that aren't worked so much by running. On weeks that I run 5 instead of 6 days, I hit the gym the other day for cardio that's gentler on my joints--stationary bike and/or stair master.

    I try for one complete rest day per week, but my schedule gets mixed up sometimes so I don't always get it in.

    Although I don't run solely for weight loss, it certainly helps. I'd go crazy if I had to stick to my base calories--eating back my running cals gives me enough food so that I'm rarely hungry. Plus I get treats like pizza, wine, crusty bread, and sweets without having to take "cheat meals" since they'll fit within my goals.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I have one personal training session (used to have two but can't afford that at the mo), do spinning, Zumba most weeks, 2 aerobics classes and go to the gym where I do strength training and cardio. I usually do 5 or 6 exercise sessions a week. Tonight I'm trying a kettlebells class for the first time. I go swimming sometimes too. I also go for lots of walks with my kids.

    I exercise to lose weight but also to feel good, plus it gives me some 'me' time which I don't get a lot of!
  • AQ3107
    AQ3107 Posts: 81 Member
    You guys are so inspirational and truly rock!.
    Thanks to all of you who responded x
  • Liftnlove
    Liftnlove Posts: 235
    I lift weights about 5-6 hours a week, M-F. I also do 30-60 min of cardio every day, because I like to eat...a lot.

    I'm exercising to lose a bit more fat, gain muscle, and look as good as I can.
  • kjsmiller
    kjsmiller Posts: 12
    6 + hours a week for fun. Running 3-6 miles or biking 3 days/ strength training 2 days and Saturday if I don't have a race it's cross training with yoga or biking

    I can feel my weight creeping up since documenting my food and have actually gained 2 lbs. It's simple....the more you think about food the more you eat.....stop obsessing over food and go do something fun;)
  • whankammer
    whankammer Posts: 41 Member
    I run anywhere from 5 to 6 times a week. Usually anywhere from 30mins to an 1hour.

    I also weight train 3x per week for usually 45mins to 1hour.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I generally workout 6 days a week for about 45 minutes to an hour, alternating cardio and weight lifting. On days off work I generally throw in a 3 mile walk on top of all that.

    I am doing it for:
    1. Inconjunction with my diet to lose weight.
    2. Overall better healthy.
    3. To look sexy in a bathing suit.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    - Hope to lose the last 20
    - I run because it's who I am really am. 100 miles+ per month.
    - I workout with weights 30 min 2 days a week.
    - I either ice skate, bike and rollerblade every Sunday to cross-train.
    - I exercise as much as I can while maintaining the rest of my life!
    - I am going to do a triathlon and a marathon at some point soon,
  • JenToms80
    JenToms80 Posts: 373 Member
    Hi there!

    For me I excercising to maintain my fitness levels and to contine the battle to get trim!

    I do four excercise classess a week, all an hour long:

    3 x body combat
    1 x meta fit - high intensity circuits

    Hoping to start running with the weathe a little better!

  • rfuchs
    rfuchs Posts: 55 Member
    Last week I did almost 13 hours of swim/bike/run. I am training for a half ironman thus the large amounts of time.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I'm recovering from a back injury and I'm really very overweight (5'7" female 246lb) so at the moment all I do is walk around our neighborhood as fast as my legs will carry me, which averages to about 16 minutes, and I try to do this at least once a day. I have no clue how fast I'm walking or how much I'm burning and honestly I don't care, it's more than i was doing before and I'm proud of myself for at least that. So to answer the "how much a week" question I'd have to go with 96 minutes of walking and usually a day of doing something else (like swimming with my kids).

    Edit to add:

    doing it to be around for my kids, involved and active in their lives instead of always on the sidelines.
    doing it to be able to walk around places like Disneyland all day without taking extended breaks. And without wheezing,
    doing it for heart health and to not follow in my grandparents' footsteps (all 4 had heart disease)
    doing it for ME, so that I can LIKE what I see. So that I don't have to shop in "fat lady stores" anymore.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Exercising to lose weight (well, truthfully to be able to eat more while losing weight LOL).

    Over the winter, I've been doing, on average, 4 times a week. Usually 2 to 3 times running, a 1 hour body resistance class, and some weeks 45 minutes of yoga. Time total 3 to 5 hours.

    Over the warmer months, I was averaging 5 times a week. 3 times running, 2 times biking typically. Averaging 4 to 6 hours a week.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    Current plan started this week is 30 mins with weights and 30 min cardio (on week 4 of C25K) on alternate days with a rest day whenever I can fit it in. Also walk the dog most days and need to look at my rota so I can fit in exercise classes couple of times per week.

    I'm doing it to:
    Improve my overall fitness so building up gradually
    Reduce body fat and tone up
    Be able to eat more
    General health and well-being
    To look good in a bikini/naked
  • jsbieniek
    jsbieniek Posts: 76 Member
    When I started MFP my goal was to work in 30 minutes three times a week (that was 1/7/2013)
    Now I do Zumba for 1 hour 3 or 4 times a week and I ride my exercise bike 30 minutes 6 days a week.
    I'm trying to lose weight but also gain some muscle and increase my endurance. Toning classes are my favorite!
  • slavonka23
    slavonka23 Posts: 177 Member
    Exercising to lose weight (well, truthfully to be able to eat more while losing weight LOL).

    :laugh: :laugh: me2

    3x a week weight training + 1x HIIT after weight training
    2x Cardio (elliptical trainer 60min or jogging )