How Many Pounds Until People Notice?



  • Posts: 227 Member
    About 10 yrs ago I went from 170 lbs to 135 lbs (I'm 5'7") and someone asked me how much weight I had lost. I told them 35 lbs and they were like " That's all? It looks like you lost a lot more than that." I guess it was meant as a compliment, but I always thought that was an odd thing to say. I suppose they just thought I looked a lot fatter before than I actually was.
  • Posts: 176 Member
    The only person to notice is my ex husband. of course. LOL. But I don't care who sees/comments/notices. The only person I am trying to impress is ME! :love:
  • Posts: 283 Member
    I think 10 - 15 lbs was the magic number for me. At 20 lbs people were thinking I lost a bunch of weight. I think it depends on the person. For me 20 lbs was the difference between a size 6 and a size 10/12.
  • Posts: 32 Member
    A few people has noticed and I'm down 22 pounds.
  • Posts: 25
    It is hard for us to realize that we are not as important to other people as we think we are. People are concerned with their own appearance instead of the appearance of others. I am 5' 3" and have lost 12 lbs since April 25. I joined MFP and Fitbit in May so the first 4 lbs do not show up here. Only those who know I am trying to lose weight have commented.
  • Posts: 192 Member
    It is hard for us to realize that we are not as important to other people as we think we are. People are concerned with their own appearance instead of the appearance of others.

    I like to remind myself of this lol. I think people are more inclined to notice others when it's for something they actively relate to themselves. I know that I tend to notice when other people lose weight because it's something I obsess over myself.

    It was about 12 pounds when people started to notice my recent loss but what really freaked me out was when they did notice, I couldn't help but wonder "so did they notice when I gained those 12 to begin with?!". What did they think THEN? That thought is utterly appalling to me! :embarassed:
  • Posts: 77 Member
    I've had people commenting as soon as 5, but I never seem to notice it until around 20.
  • Posts: 60
    I wonder if it is not really how many pounds before people notice, but maybe % of body weight lost. No one said anything and I saw nothing until I had lost 5% of my body weight. Maybe its more likely to be noticeable if you've lost 5-10% of your previous weight?
  • Posts: 187 Member
    I saw two people that I had not seen for months ( before I started to lose) and they both said something. It was about 30 pounds.
  • Posts: 204 Member
    So far the only people who have said anything are my fiance and mom; no one else has really noticed. However, I notice a HUGE different in myself with only 10 lbs... my waist has gone from 33" to 29" and my hips from 49" to 44". That is a huge difference to me.
  • Posts: 14 Member
    For me I guess it was somewhere around 20 pounds, although it can vary for different people :P People said that my face looked thinner and my legs as well. Don't give up if you dont see results right away, its totally worth it in the end! Good luck~
  • Posts: 90
    I'm 160 now, down from 184. It's only about now, after 24lbs loss, that I've started getting comments from people. I so can't wait to reach my next milestone of 30lbs weight loss.
  • Posts: 12 Member
    Family members noticed around 30 lbs. Coworkers noticed around 50 lbs. :-)
  • Posts: 34 Member
    I originally lost 74 pounds and some people, even family members, didn't notice. Well, they either didn't notice or didn't say anything. Some people commented as soon as I lost like 4lbs, but I think that was because they knew I was dieting and wanted to keep my confidence up.

    Now, ever since I got lazy and put about 20lbs back on, nobody says anything period. I'm just a guy whose lost 50lbs now and no one cares. But I see it and honestly, that is all that matters. I could care less what other people see or think, my goal is to be happy with myself. And I won't be until I get back to 74 again, and further. I will.
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