Seen as one of the "guys"



  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member

    You should sleep with them.

    That'll get you out of the friend zone pretty quick . . . .
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    The problem with most people who complain about getting friendzoned is that they never really asked the other person out. That or they suck at flirting yet expect the other to "pick up the signs". Now, many girls or guys who are more successful with the opposite sex (or same in some cases) are really good at giving signals or are bold enough to ask others out. However, people who get friendzoned are just shy (or wuss) and so what do they do? They act nice. They think that if they first become the persons friend, they'll eventually see what a nice person you are and magically would fall in love with you. Well, they did magically fell in love with you. Like a brother loves his sister. That is it. Its not going to go further.

    So man up, ask him out. Tell him exactly what you expect without being forceful. If they say yes, then thats a go. If no, well, now you know where you stand. As his friend only
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I have a lot of guy friends and they all put me in the friend zone as "one of the guys" cuz I like sports and don't act all prissy. What am I doing wrong here? Should I change my ways and squeal when I see a spider like most of the girls guys tend to like? Guys seem to claim they want a girl that likes things that they do, yet they go for girls that are nothing like them. Im confused.

    ALWAYS be who you are. If you act like someone you are not, you will attract someone who like a person that is not like you. Continue to do the things that you like to do and when you meet tha right person it will be while you are both involved in something you have in common. You're only 24; you are in no hurry. I didn't meet the perfect person for me until I was in my mid-30's and we have been together now for 25 years and I can't remember or imagine a time in my life without her.

    Great post ^ :happy: I'm 24 as well, sometimes I feel like the time is already running out for love, happiness, etc, it's good to hear that people still find it later in life.

    "later in life." ?? Ouch. That stings a little.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I have a lot of guy friends and they all put me in the friend zone as "one of the guys" cuz I like sports and don't act all prissy. What am I doing wrong here? Should I change my ways and squeal when I see a spider like most of the girls guys tend to like? Guys seem to claim they want a girl that likes things that they do, yet they go for girls that are nothing like them. Im confused.

    Let me be clear here, you are not being "friend zoned" because you like sports and don't act prissy. I mean, I'm not entirely sure why you are - because you haven't really provided a lot of information. But there are plenty of guys who love a woman who likes sports and are not prissy. Plenty.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member

    You're in the friend zone probably because they truly are your friends. I agree with what a lot of people said here, don't change who you are. Plus you're still a baby, there's no rush (other than the likely event that your parents are wanting you to get hooked up like yesterday).

    Just do you, the right guy will come along.
  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I get "friend-zoned" like that all the time, and I'm seen as the less feminine friend out of my group of girl friends (because I'm so much taller and laid back than everyone else. I've never been the type to get flirted with or hit on by guy friends or classmates. Which is actually nice because I get to have all the real conversations instead of the shallow insincere compliments. Who knows, maybe it's more because I'm so serious and up front, and has nothing to do with my womanly charms. However, my husband thinks I'm perfectly fine the way I am, even if I never wear dresses or makeup. To him I'm still his perfect lady. In fact, I think me being so laid back helps him feel more comfortable and able to relax around me. Though he may be too relaxed with all those dirty clothes on the floor/furniture. lol

    The problem isn't being friend-zoned, it's just that you want to find someone who'll appreciate the real you. Don't change, be sincere, and you'll find your perfect someone someday.
  • suey07
    suey07 Posts: 48 Member
    Let me just clear the air. I have liked a few guy friends from the past before, but I currently don't have feelings to any of them. Im not trying to bash on other women or anything or make fun of how "girly" they are. Being super feminine is just not who I am. Some of you might imagine me as super butch or something, but Im not that either. I just tend to hang out with more guys because theyre less dramatic than women are. I wear makeup, i go and get my nails done, and I make my hair all pretty too. I love makeup, actually. I was just confused on why guy friends in the past havent seen me as one of the girls theyd go for. From what I know of, when guys see you as a friend, their minds dont really change from that.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I have a lot of guy friends and they all put me in the friend zone as "one of the guys" cuz I like sports and don't act all prissy. What am I doing wrong here? Should I change my ways and squeal when I see a spider like most of the girls guys tend to like? Guys seem to claim they want a girl that likes things that they do, yet they go for girls that are nothing like them. Im confused.

    ALWAYS be who you are. If you act like someone you are not, you will attract someone who like a person that is not like you. Continue to do the things that you like to do and when you meet tha right person it will be while you are both involved in something you have in common. You're only 24; you are in no hurry. I didn't meet the perfect person for me until I was in my mid-30's and we have been together now for 25 years and I can't remember or imagine a time in my life without her.

    Great post ^ :happy: I'm 24 as well, sometimes I feel like the time is already running out for love, happiness, etc, it's good to hear that people still find it later in life.

    "later in life." ?? Ouch. That stings a little.

    I never said *how much* later :laugh: :wink: I come from a family where everyone is usually "settled down" and having kids by the age of 22-27 average, so it's mostly an ingrained concern that I'll never find "Mr. Right".
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    I was just confused on why guy friends in the past havent seen me as one of the girls theyd go for. From what I know of, when guys see you as a friend, their minds dont really change from that.
    Really?! If you were still interested in them, and you opened that door, you might not find that true.

    My guess would be you are so comfortable being one of the guys and being friends that you may not make your interest clear and they guys may assume you see them as a friend. Bit of wild guess though not knowing you.

    I agree with the others, no need to change and be more girly. I know plenty of not so girly girls, and they have had no problems attracting someone.
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    I am the epitome of tomboy...always have been (seriously...I've just gotten in the last couple of years where I wear makeup, do my hair instead of just a pony tail, get my nails done, etc...otherwise, I hunt, like sports, drink, cuss, fix crap, cut wood, etc). I think it boils down to making your interest known and whether that other person also feels that spark. You can't make it happen, really.

    Be'll find someone who appreciates you for you!
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    Dont change who you are... if you are being friend zoned by these guys then they aren't meant to be with you.
    The right guy will come along who will love that you act like one of the guys but like the female side of you ;)

    This DEAD ON!
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Let me just clear the air. I have liked a few guy friends from the past before, but I currently don't have feelings to any of them. Im not trying to bash on other women or anything or make fun of how "girly" they are. Being super feminine is just not who I am. Some of you might imagine me as super butch or something, but Im not that either. I just tend to hang out with more guys because theyre less dramatic than women are. I wear makeup, i go and get my nails done, and I make my hair all pretty too. I love makeup, actually. I was just confused on why guy friends in the past havent seen me as one of the girls theyd go for. From what I know of, when guys see you as a friend, their minds dont really change from that.

    They me see you as "one of they guys," but I guarantee they still want to see your boobs. Often. They're just being polite, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
  • susheetush
    susheetush Posts: 621 Member
    I talked to my boyfriend about this last night. He reckons girls who get friendzoned are the ones not putting out the 'I'm interested' vibes. He also reckons that a girl can be a total tomboy (like me) but not look like she is (like me! lol!). You're very pretty, I seriously doubt that guys friendzone you because you're not attractive enough, so maybe you do give off the vibe of not being interested?
  • suey07
    suey07 Posts: 48 Member
    I talked to my boyfriend about this last night. He reckons girls who get friendzoned are the ones not putting out the 'I'm interested' vibes. He also reckons that a girl can be a total tomboy (like me) but not look like she is (like me! lol!). You're very pretty, I seriously doubt that guys friendzone you because you're not attractive enough, so maybe you do give off the vibe of not being interested?

    I guess you're right. I tend to lean more towards the shy side when it comes to flirting and giving off that vibe. Now where to start.... lol
  • suey07
    suey07 Posts: 48 Member
    Let me just clear the air. I have liked a few guy friends from the past before, but I currently don't have feelings to any of them. Im not trying to bash on other women or anything or make fun of how "girly" they are. Being super feminine is just not who I am. Some of you might imagine me as super butch or something, but Im not that either. I just tend to hang out with more guys because theyre less dramatic than women are. I wear makeup, i go and get my nails done, and I make my hair all pretty too. I love makeup, actually. I was just confused on why guy friends in the past havent seen me as one of the girls theyd go for. From what I know of, when guys see you as a friend, their minds dont really change from that.

    They me see you as "one of they guys," but I guarantee they still want to see your boobs. Often. They're just being polite, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.

    Haha, I'll definitely keep that in mind!
  • Copaiba
    Copaiba Posts: 75 Member
    I have a lot of guy friends and they all put me in the friend zone as "one of the guys" cuz I like sports and don't act all prissy. What am I doing wrong here? Should I change my ways and squeal when I see a spider like most of the girls guys tend to like? Guys seem to claim they want a girl that likes things that they do, yet they go for girls that are nothing like them. Im confused.

    ALWAYS be who you are. If you act like someone you are not, you will attract someone who like a person that is not like you. Continue to do the things that you like to do and when you meet tha right person it will be while you are both involved in something you have in common. You're only 24; you are in no hurry. I didn't meet the perfect person for me until I was in my mid-30's and we have been together now for 25 years and I can't remember or imagine a time in my life without her.

    Great post ^ :happy: I'm 24 as well, sometimes I feel like the time is already running out for love, happiness, etc, it's good to hear that people still find it later in life.

    "later in life." ?? Ouch. That stings a little.

    LMAO! Babies thinking mid-30s is old. Yeah, its kinda sad.
  • Copaiba
    Copaiba Posts: 75 Member
    Far as I can tell, guys are all about how girls look when they are looking for a girlfriend and then they stay with the girls who are smart enough to be true to themselves. Good luck and Godspeed.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Be yourself there are men who like strong independent women,who like sports and all that,in fact the thought of having a woman completley dependent upon them irritates them we dont live in the middle ages .Women can be whomever they want and a person who loves you will love you and not comment on you being one of the guys just because your not the stereotypical girly girl doesnt make you not a woman.Being a woman is a state of being not a look,or how you act .