Hate Working Out - What Got You Started?



  • MoonGypsyQ67
    MoonGypsyQ67 Posts: 121 Member
    First of all, all the post above are FANTASTIC!! I can see that lots of good advice is heading in your direction so I will try to keep this short and sweet. I agree 100% with finding what you like and that could take some trial and error. You will find your go-to exercise. I think that adding exercise into your routine is not just good for the weight loss, but for your overall health and well being. Once you get into the habit and routine of it, you will actually find it more difficult on days you cannot fit it into the mix. For me, walking is what works. I have never loved high intensity workouts. I started walking again and when the weather got really cold, I dusted off my Leslie Sansone walking dvds and used them inside. I still prefer to get outside and move around, but I figure a one mile walking workout is still better than sitting on my butt for those 15 minutes! Check out YouTube as well. Feel free to add me as a friend and I will do what I can to help, encourage and support you. I wish you the best of luck!!
  • RandiDM
    RandiDM Posts: 12
    I've heard several friends mention the Shaun T workouts, like Hip Hop Abs, etc, (something music based). And Zumba makes the time pass quickly, too. But, for me, making myself go, as mentioned several times above, and also writing out a workout schedule. I've found that if I write in the exact days and times that I plan to workout, its easier to stick to than waiting until I HAVE time (which would be never) ;-) Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • I simply had enough and wanted to be healthier while maintaining lean body mass. Find something you like. Branch out and try something you have always wanted to. Something will stick and you will be excited to do it.
  • lumstead0317
    lumstead0317 Posts: 85 Member
    starting out I loved Leslie Sansone DVD's... after that I started having the motivation to go outdoors and walk... then i discovered the powers of the elliptical, followed by zumba!
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I got tired of being a lazy fat .....
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    I had the same problem. I HATED to exercise. I hated to sweat. I hated to go to the gym... all of it. So what I did was I had a serious conversation with myself about what specifically I hated. I learned:
    1) I hate to sweat because it makes me feel uncomfortable (but a shower fixes that)
    2) I hate to go to the gym because I don't like people looking at me (so I work out at home)
    3) I get bored easily (switch it up)

    So at first I started with the EA Sports Active Personal Trainer game for the Wii and 35 pounds later, I was shocked. I actually missed the days I wasn't moving! So then I took a yoga class and then I was hooked on that! My trick was finding something I loved and wanted to do every day! It might not be ONE thing, it might be a circuit of things you enjoy that you can mix up during the week.

    Short answer: Force yourself in the beginning. As you get more fit, you'll get more adventurous and try new things, and eventually you WILL stumble on something you love. Fake it 'til you make it, basically!
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    You sound like you're setting extremely high and unrealistic goals for yourself.
    Try baby steps.
    : a half-hour walk around the grocery store, doing your weekly shop.
    Standing in the kitchen for half an hour preparing dinner or cleaning up afterward.
    A walk around your block counts, too.
    Do what you can - everything can be part of your daily movement.
    As the weather gets nicer, you might want to see if you can take a half hour and do that two-mile trail!
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    I say, just do the 30 day shred. It's only 20 minutes and even if it's boring JUST DO IT! There will be no excuses like weather or whatever. If you are bored, I suggest doing more! Jillian always gives way to modify each exercise and make it hard. After one month of getting stronger, you will probably WANT to workout! It's strangely addictive!

    ^ see! she said it too! JUST DO IT :) you can do it ! :)
  • HotChocolate75
    HotChocolate75 Posts: 9 Member
    Find what you love and do it. For me it martial arts so my workouts are centered around those moves. If you love dancing, there are so many series on the streets and classes in the gyms--or just dance around the house. Also a reminder helped me. I have a picture of myself on the wall and have tacked up a pair of pants I want to wear again (can't fit them right now) and that reminds me to keep at it. The biggest reason for me is that I want to be healthy and active for my kids. I don't want anything chipping away at the time that I have on this earth to spend with them. Love is a powerful motivator.
  • fab50G
    fab50G Posts: 384 Member
    I started out just walking and trying to increase my speed, miles, etc. Fortunately, I love being outside in the fresh air and sunshine so it wasn't too hard to get my butt out there and do it in the beginning.
  • hamonk
    hamonk Posts: 42 Member
    I hated it to, but honestly in my life it is my only block of undisturbed ME time in my day. I read a book while I do my Cardio, I know I know, might not give me the *best* results, but I give er on there while I am doing it. I look forward to that block of time where I don't have to worry about how I am going to juggle everything else in my life and just clear my mind. After I got past the hump of the first week, I haven't looked back!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    A workout buddy.
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    Someone else mentioned working out with someone. This can be helpful! Making it a "date" somehow works for me on the days when I don't want to go. It's easier for me to view it as a social engagement rather than something I don't feel like doing. If I don't go on my date, I let myself down and the other person down.

    Also, I say compile all of the responses you receive here into a concise list. Hang it up somewhere visible. (For me, this would be on the fridge or next to my computer.) On the days when you are making pesky excuses for yourself, you can find inspiration in your own willingness to ask the important question "What got you started?" and the community of people who took the time to share their thoughts and experiences.

    We can do this and know we should! So, let's do!

    Good luck!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    For me, it was about LIKING what I was doing.

    30DS? Effective? Yes. Did I like it? NO!

    Running? Not my favorite thing.

    Elliptical? Bored easy, and every time I got on it, it seems the wireless would go down and my streaming videos would come to a full and complete stop, so of course I followed suit, LOL.

    I drug the Wii out in January to stream the 30DS thru Amazon, and also drug out the balance board, Wii Fit and Wii Sports. THAT is fun. More like playing than actually exercising, and it does burn calories. I usually phart around with that when I'm not lifting my weights 3x weekly.

    Oh, yeah. Lifting. Do I like it? OMG, yes. Will I stick with it? OMG, yes!

    That was the thing. There already aren't enough hours in the day, and if I am going to spend an hour of each of them exercising, I want to at least ENJOY it.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I have completed 30 DS and it was so frustratingly boring. I love the results, but I hated doing the same workout over and over.

    My jump starter was walking. I walk to DVD's, outside, and on the treadmill. Then I got into hiking. I am very lucky that there is a wonderful hiking trail system where I live, so I have unlimited opportunities for that in the warmer months. When I don't feel too motivated, I walk to appointments and for running errands and I map out how far away they are.

    I've always loved swimming so I recently started doing that once per week at the gym.

    I learned how to weight lift from my school's football coach when I was growing up, and I always liked it. However, I was intimidated by the machines at the gym so I hired a personal trainer for a few sessions and even got "Weight Lifting for Dummies." I love weight lifting now. Music usually helps!

    I recently tried cross country skiing, which I loved. I also started running again using the Couch 2 5K program, which I would highly recommend you look up.

    For me, the basic combination that works well is variety and lifestyle activities. I don't like classes, but I love being outside and sort of engaging in active meditation in the fresh air.

    Right now, my first suggestion to you would be check out Couch 2 5K. Great plan for spring!
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    The more you do it, the more you will want to, generally speaking. Exercise, while tiring, will make you feel great afterwards. Sometimes I've had such a good workout that it almost feels like a sex glow when I'm all done! :P And occasionally exercising will spur me on and give me MORE energy, to clean or do homework or be productive in some other way.

    Of course there are going to be days where you'll struggle to motivate yourself. But if you're like me and have trouble fitting in all the foods you want into your day, motivate yourself by saying "I can't have x food unless I work out today", then either go without the food or do the workout. Either way, it's a positive you can feel good about-- exercising will power or improving your physical fitness.

    Good luck!
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    I said I was ready and I meant it. I wanted something specific and bright and glorious and unattainable and impossible and there were a million obstacles in my way and I didn't care about motivation or gym socks or goal bikinis anymore.... I just wanted to Prove my personal integrity and ROAR at the top of my legs because doing what you HAVE TO DO so you can HAVE WHAT YOU WANT TO HAVE is so much more fulfilling than trying to have just a little bit of what you want.
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I realized that I needed to find what motivated me. I am a competitive person. So I started training for a 5k. I figured it was more motivating to me to train for an upcoming competition than it is to exercise for the sake of exercising. I also like weight training way better than cardio for the most part as I up the weight frequently so i always feel like I'm improving.

    It also needs to just become habit. Eventually you will feel off on days you don't exercise. It becomes like anything else you do on a daily basis. "I need to brush my teeth, work out, shower, and go to work." It gets to the point where it's up there with those things.
  • housemamma
    housemamma Posts: 30 Member
    I can not, no matter how many attempts, do a video at home. I'm bored, don't give it 100%, whatever. However, I love to ride my bike on trails. Gym classes and/or weights have always worked for me. Something about seeing people and how hard they are working really motivates me.

    Even something basic like shooting hoops or hitting a tennis ball against a wall can get you moving. (And might lead to meeting someone and playing a game.)

    Good luck!
  • pamelalk
    pamelalk Posts: 70 Member
    i could have written your post, really trying to get motivated, but sometimes the most obvious is the answer, when i first lost my weight i did something i liked the wii fit!! it broke and now i keep trying to do other things i just don't like 30 ds, walking in the cold etc. time to look into getting my wii fit fixed lol. thanks for posting and thanks for the suggestions