


  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Prove you mean it.
  • why are you losing motivation?
    is there any reason, buried in the back of your mind, why you wouldn't want to reach your goals?
    is it really just laziness or is it self sabotage?

    Maybe all of the above. I've thought of this myself. I would do wonderful, feel wonderful, look it...then I find myself eating. For what? Not hungry.
  • Thank you Taybaybay
  • Prove you mean it.

    Thank you Lt_Starbuck! That was the "tough love" that I needed. I will do as you say.
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Think about how far you've come, not where you want to go. You showed you can do it. Don't think about 15 pounds to lose. Get it down to one day at a time. Stick to your program today. Tomorrow will take care of itself. You can do it.
  • Lt_Starbuck
    Lt_Starbuck Posts: 576 Member
    Prove you mean it.

    Thank you Lt_Starbuck! That was the "tough love" that I needed. I will do as you say.

    Now Im happy. Disappointment is horrible.

    Putting yourself in a situation where you are constantly set up to disappoint yourself and others is a hell all by itself.

    Set yourself up to succeed. Then do it, come back with proof and shout it from the mountaintops.

    Then do it again.
  • kloco
    kloco Posts: 85 Member
    I haven't felt disappointed in myself, I just hate my coworkers.
    Today, my 2 coworkers were trying to pressure me into joining weight watchers at work but I declined because they know i'm on MFP. They were like, "it's not working. We would've already noticed within 2 weeks if you lost weight or not" - hate them.

    Now i'm second guessing myself.
  • dazzo62
    dazzo62 Posts: 78
    Stop beating yourself up. Look at how far you have come.

    Just do one day at a time. Start by trying to log in each day - the community suppost is amazing and will surely help to get you motivated!
  • The 30lbs I've lost was by using MFP so I know it works and the support system is great should one keep up with it. I made an appointment for something fantastic for myself in May so that is 2 months and 10 days to tone up, get my body where I would like it to be and be proud of myself. I am proud of where I have come but to finish this journey.