1200 Calories



  • bevfd
    bevfd Posts: 1
    MFP has set my calorie intake to 1200 and aiming for 1lb loss per week. I'm at the end of week 2 and haven;t lost a thing. I have stuck to my calorie intake with plenty of fresh veg and water. :(
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories a day and set my goal to a pound and a half a week. It hasn't been working too well (although I did drop 7 pounds gained while traveling very fast). Admittedly, I'm not a stickler to it every day, I prefer to look at the whole week and see where I fall at the end. I also just started getting back into exercising regularly (CrossFit) and I'm starving so I eat back most of my exercise calories.

    On days I don't work out, 1200 isn't too hard for me food wise. Wine kills me. But, I stay pretty full by eating cut veggies throughout the day, drinking water, having a snack around 4 and dinner around 6.

    I'm always open to tips from others.

    i'm pretty sure 1200 is too low for you.

    did you calculate your BMR? do you know your Harris-Benedict activity level? how much exercise are you doing?

    Thanks for jumping in here! My BMR is 1415.45, but I don't know what Harris Benedict is. Is there a calculator online? For the past two weeks I've been going to CrossFit three times a week. I plan on keeping to that schedule (went today, hoorah!).
  • EvaMRein
    EvaMRein Posts: 14 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories a day. I avoid beef, pork and dairy products (milk & cheese) at all costs.
    I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. So far, I've lost 40 lbs and I still have 40lbs more to go.
    Good luck!:flowerforyou:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories a day and set my goal to a pound and a half a week. It hasn't been working too well (although I did drop 7 pounds gained while traveling very fast). Admittedly, I'm not a stickler to it every day, I prefer to look at the whole week and see where I fall at the end. I also just started getting back into exercising regularly (CrossFit) and I'm starving so I eat back most of my exercise calories.

    On days I don't work out, 1200 isn't too hard for me food wise. Wine kills me. But, I stay pretty full by eating cut veggies throughout the day, drinking water, having a snack around 4 and dinner around 6.

    I'm always open to tips from others.

    i'm pretty sure 1200 is too low for you.

    did you calculate your BMR? do you know your Harris-Benedict activity level? how much exercise are you doing?

    Thanks for jumping in here! My BMR is 1415.45, but I don't know what Harris Benedict is. Is there a calculator online? For the past two weeks I've been going to CrossFit three times a week. I plan on keeping to that schedule (went today, hoorah!).

    If BMR is 1415, then 1200 is clearly too low, no? Am I missing something?
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories a day and set my goal to a pound and a half a week. It hasn't been working too well (although I did drop 7 pounds gained while traveling very fast). Admittedly, I'm not a stickler to it every day, I prefer to look at the whole week and see where I fall at the end. I also just started getting back into exercising regularly (CrossFit) and I'm starving so I eat back most of my exercise calories.

    On days I don't work out, 1200 isn't too hard for me food wise. Wine kills me. But, I stay pretty full by eating cut veggies throughout the day, drinking water, having a snack around 4 and dinner around 6.

    I'm always open to tips from others.

    Wine, YES! I don't even count it. Ugh!

    I try to make myself count it, but sometimes it's just too embarrassing.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories a day. I avoid beef, pork and dairy products (milk & cheese) at all costs.
    I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. So far, I've lost 40 lbs and I still have 40lbs more to go.
    Good luck!:flowerforyou:

    Curious what your protein goal is and how hard or easy it is for you to hit.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    MFP has set my calorie intake to 1200 and aiming for 1lb loss per week. I'm at the end of week 2 and haven;t lost a thing. I have stuck to my calorie intake with plenty of fresh veg and water. :(

    as a rough guideline, if you are trying to lose these amounts, you should choose these weight loss rates:

    More than 75 lbs: 2 lbs/week
    40-75 lbs: 1.5 lbs/week
    10-40 lbs: 1 lb/week
    Less than 10 lbs: 0.5 lb/week
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    If BMR is 1415, then 1200 is clearly too low, no? Am I missing something?

    I never really did a deep dive into how to calculate accurately. I just trusted MFP. I did re-allocate my micros to include more protein. That's about all of the customization I've done.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories a day and set my goal to a pound and a half a week. It hasn't been working too well (although I did drop 7 pounds gained while traveling very fast). Admittedly, I'm not a stickler to it every day, I prefer to look at the whole week and see where I fall at the end. I also just started getting back into exercising regularly (CrossFit) and I'm starving so I eat back most of my exercise calories.

    On days I don't work out, 1200 isn't too hard for me food wise. Wine kills me. But, I stay pretty full by eating cut veggies throughout the day, drinking water, having a snack around 4 and dinner around 6.

    I'm always open to tips from others.

    i'm pretty sure 1200 is too low for you.

    did you calculate your BMR? do you know your Harris-Benedict activity level? how much exercise are you doing?

    Thanks for jumping in here! My BMR is 1415.45, but I don't know what Harris Benedict is. Is there a calculator online? For the past two weeks I've been going to CrossFit three times a week. I plan on keeping to that schedule (went today, hoorah!).

    here's the way i think about it:

    BMR is a measure of what your body needs to function normally without external energy demands. alot of people call this "being in a coma" or "sleeping all day"

    however, most of us go about our daily lives and that burns calories too. it's nearly impossible to quantify what those energy demands are, so we use an estimate. these include things like making coffee, brushing your teeth, checking the mailbox, etc. everything that you do during the day that is not specific exercise designed to burn calories, should be accounted for using this estimate. this estimate it provided by the Harris-Benedict equation. for sedentary/office workers, this is a x 1.2 multiplier. for lightly active, this is 1.375. etc.

    additional exercise that you do every day specifically to burn calories (or for fun, like a game of pickup basketball) is treated as additional calorie burn for that specific day. these are the amounts you are logging with the MFP exercise diary.

    use all of these to determine your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)

    TDEE = BMR x Harris-Benedict multiplier + exercise for the day

    then, subtract your desired calorie deficit from your TDEE.

    daily calorie goal = TDEE - desired calorie deficit

    for example.,

    for a person whose BMR = 1650, is sedentary normally, wants to lose 1lb per week (i.e., a 500 calorie per day deficit), and has burned 650 calorie playing racquetball today.

    TDEE = 1650 x 1.2 +650 = 2630
    daily calorie goal = 2630 - 500 = 2130

    therefore on this day, this person should eat 2130 calories to meet their goal.
  • spinnybecky
    I am 5'10" and 164 lbs right now, so very similar to you and I have been losing about 1 pound per week (a little more) on 1750 cals/day, plus exercise calories that I always eat back. I would be starving and grumpy at 1200 calories! In fact, I recently upped my goal to 2000 just to see what happens and if I continue to lose.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    I stick with 1200 calories 97% of the time, but I am 5'3".
  • KML617
    KML617 Posts: 220 Member
    I just sent you a friend request so you can view my food diary if you like. My calorie goal is a lot higher becuase I recently set my goals to maintain instead of 1lb per week loss. However, I never really have a problem staying around the 1200 calorie mark. If you like to cook, check out skinnytaste.com they have great recipies that all give the calorie count per serving. I try to make dinner a few nights a week and pack up all my leftovers for lunches as well. Some of my favorite snacks that are low in calories are fruits and veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, snow peas, raspberries or bananas. I love peanut butter, but it's super high in calories so I use powdered peanut butter instead (look at whole foods) it's only 45 cals for 2 tbsp. And when I have a really sweet tooth craving I usually go for skinny cow. Good Luck!

    But... like others said, maybe adjust your goals a bit and give yourself some more calories per week. You don't want to burn yourself out too early.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    You can get wrapped up in the numbers if you want (I do, but I'm obsessive like that), or you can take a more common sense approach to it all...

    Are you losing weight? ---> Yes ---> Is your performance/energy levels affected? ---> No ---> Keep doing what you're doing
    Are you losing weight? ---> Yes ---> Is your performance/energy levels affected? ---> Yes ---> Eat a little more
    Are you losing weight? ---> No ---> Is your performance/energy levels affected? ---> No ---> Eat a little less
    Are you losing weight? ---> No---> Is your performance/energy levels affected? ---> Yes---> Sucks to be you

  • smpalumbo4
    smpalumbo4 Posts: 9 Member
    I am 5'10" and 164 lbs right now, so very similar to you and I have been losing about 1 pound per week (a little more) on 1750 cals/day, plus exercise calories that I always eat back. I would be starving and grumpy at 1200 calories! In fact, I recently upped my goal to 2000 just to see what happens and if I continue to lose.

    Keep me posted on how that works for you. I am going to try 1,400 a day now while I am pretty sedentary and once I start getting outdoors more I will eat them back.
  • smpalumbo4
    smpalumbo4 Posts: 9 Member
    I just sent you a friend request so you can view my food diary if you like. My calorie goal is a lot higher becuase I recently set my goals to maintain instead of 1lb per week loss. However, I never really have a problem staying around the 1200 calorie mark. If you like to cook, check out skinnytaste.com they have great recipies that all give the calorie count per serving. I try to make dinner a few nights a week and pack up all my leftovers for lunches as well. Some of my favorite snacks that are low in calories are fruits and veggies like cucumbers, tomatoes, snow peas, raspberries or bananas. I love peanut butter, but it's super high in calories so I use powdered peanut butter instead (look at whole foods) it's only 45 cals for 2 tbsp. And when I have a really sweet tooth craving I usually go for skinny cow. Good Luck!

    But... like others said, maybe adjust your goals a bit and give yourself some more calories per week. You don't want to burn yourself out too early.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    This is so helpful, thank you.

    So, then I guess here are my stats:

    BMR: 1415
    HB: 1698
    Exercise: 400*3/7 = 171

    Daily calorie goal: (1698 + 171) - 500
    = 1,369

    I was conservative on calories burned and spread the calorie deficit from working out three days a week across the whole week.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    This is so helpful, thank you.

    So, then I guess here are my stats:

    BMR: 1415
    HB: 1698
    Exercise: 400*3/7 = 171

    Daily calorie goal: (1698 + 171) - 500
    = 1,369

    I was conservative on calories burned and spread the calorie deficit from working out three days a week across the whole week.

    I think 1lb per week is a little aggressive for you, but if you can maintain it then you're probably ok.
  • cmkme
    cmkme Posts: 11
    I started MFP in January and I was automatically set at 1200 calories. After 4 weeks I reset it to 1400. I've noticed that as I have regained muscle, I needed the extra fuel.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    This is so helpful, thank you.

    So, then I guess here are my stats:

    BMR: 1415
    HB: 1698
    Exercise: 400*3/7 = 171

    Daily calorie goal: (1698 + 171) - 500
    = 1,369

    I was conservative on calories burned and spread the calorie deficit from working out three days a week across the whole week.

    I think 1lb per week is a little aggressive for you, but if you can maintain it then you're probably ok.

    You are probably, most definitely, right. This is probably why I plateaued.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    there's more detailed info here for anyone who wants it:
