Who has tried the shakeology cleanse? What's beachbody all a

bordersvm Posts: 70
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have just read a little about shakeology. I would like to hear from people who does it or have tried it. What are the pros and cons? Is this just another fad? I'm curious. I may be interested in trying.


  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    you will be spammed to no end.. you just opened up a can of worms for beachbody coaches to push stuff on you..
  • We must have been thinking the same thing because I was just about to post the same question. How Ironic.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Im waiting on the BBody coaches to spam...
  • TAHerring
    TAHerring Posts: 20 Member
    My daughter is a Beachbody Coach. It is a program for accountability for themselves and others. They have fitness programs (P90X, Turbo Jam, etc)...they also have Shakeology which I have tried and is very good.

    I think it is something you would need to research further to see if you would be interested. It works for those who work the progam as all work if you work it but as you will see you will get various stances on BeachBody and Shakeology. Good luck in your research ~
  • Girls, I can tell you it probably is not good! Just like the others that are sitting on the shelf in specific stores. What I can tell you about , that I know works, is Advocare Herbal Cleanse! You can look it up at advocare.com and average results in 10lbs/10 inches in 10 days, feel great and have lots of energy! Check it out , if interested you can go to slimnfit.net
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Girls, I can tell you it probably is not good! Just like the others that are sitting on the shelf in specific stores. What I can tell you about , that I know works, is Advocare Herbal Cleanse! You can look it up at advocare.com and average results in 10lbs/10 inches in 10 days, feel great and have lots of energy! Check it out , if interested you can go to slimnfit.net

    Now this is what spam looks like.
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    The chocolate is good. I didn't care for the greenberry. It kinda has the wheat grass taste. Not my cup of tea. There is a chocolate one that is made by I think 03World? That is pretty good also. If you aren't sure if shakes are good for you start small with carnation instant breakfast.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    It's not just used as a cleanse, I drink it for breakfast every day. I've used it for just over a month and have experienced increased energy and improved regularity. I usually mix the chocolate flavor with almond milk, peanut butter or a banana and the greenberry flavor with fruit juice and plain yogurt. It keeps me full until mid morning when I'm ready for a snack.

    You'll find a lot of naysayers talking about price or how Brand X has more whatever but I think if you compare the ingredients of Shakeology to the ingredients of any other similar product you'll see Shakeology comes out on top. Good luck in your research :)
  • LOL! Thanks so much guys... :happy:
  • Girls, I can tell you it probably is not good! Just like the others that are sitting on the shelf in specific stores. What I can tell you about , that I know works, is Advocare Herbal Cleanse! You can look it up at advocare.com and average results in 10lbs/10 inches in 10 days, feel great and have lots of energy! Check it out , if interested you can go to slimnfit.net

    Now this is what spam looks like.
  • obviously youre wrong, take a look ,all the NFL teams and olympic players use the products!
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member

    As distributors of a company's products we are not allowed to list our sales sites in the forums.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    It very much looks like spam. Don't believe me, look it up under forum rules.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am a new BB coach and I am not looking to push products on anyone.

    I just want to get a shakeology cleanse going with fellow board members to rid themselves of sugar cravings along with myself.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I use Shakeology 4 times a week as a breakfast (you can check my public diary if you like). I do not ever do any cleanses of any kind and find them to be complete BS.

    But, Shakeology is a great way for me get out of cooking breakfast. It tastes great especially when you make different recipes with it. I personally love it with almond milk and strawberries or with milk and peanut butter, but there's lots of combinations. I have never tried the Greenberry kind; all I ever use is chocolate.

    It is not just a protein shake and it irritates me to no end when people call it protein powder. It has lots of protein in it, but it is a meal replacement, not a protein powder. It has a full array of vitamins and minerals that most people do not even get through their normal daily diet. If you go to www.shakeology.com you can read more about what it has in it. That is NOT a website for a coach to make money, that is the product's actual website.

    I have been using it since it came out. I was going to try it to see what it was like, and if I didn't like it, I wouldn't get it again. But, I have seen so many great things come out of me using it that I continued with it. I have more energy and am more awake and alert in the mornings after having it. It works better than yogurt to keep you "regular" (at least it does for me) without a ton of added sugars like yogurt has. I have also noticed that it calms my hunger pains that I used to get mid-morning after breakfast as it for some reason keeps me fuller longer. I think it has to do with the protein and fiber in it. I have also had less of what I call "sugar headaches" since using it. It is supposed to be able to help regulate your sugars, and I believe it, because sometimes I would get a headache from either not eating enough or eating too much sugar...and since drinking Shakeology those have lessened in frequency.

    And plus, it's low calorie, very low fat, and low sugar...even when you mix in a few ingredients it can easily fit into your meal plan.

    I personally love the stuff and can honestly feel a difference when I don't drink it. But, since it tastes like a chocolate milk shake when you use either skim milk or almond milk, I don't want to not drink it because it tastes like I am cheating on my meal plan when really I am not.

    But you do not have to use it as a cleanse at all. I don't and I never will because I don't believe cleanses of any kind are ever necessary. But as part of a well balanced diet, it's great!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Girls, I can tell you it probably is not good! Just like the others that are sitting on the shelf in specific stores. What I can tell you about , that I know works, is Advocare Herbal Cleanse! You can look it up at advocare.com and average results in 10lbs/10 inches in 10 days, feel great and have lots of energy! Check it out , if interested you can go to slimnfit.net

    Spamity spam spam SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You have never used Shakeology, so why would anyone listen as to whether you think it is "probably not good?" Take your ads somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :explode:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Girls, I can tell you it probably is not good! Just like the others that are sitting on the shelf in specific stores. What I can tell you about , that I know works, is Advocare Herbal Cleanse! You can look it up at advocare.com and average results in 10lbs/10 inches in 10 days, feel great and have lots of energy! Check it out , if interested you can go to slimnfit.net

    Spamity spam spam SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You have never used Shakeology, so why would anyone listen as to whether you think it is "probably not good?" Take your ads somewhere else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :explode:
    Thats what I said. Pisses me off to no end.
  • AndreSF
    AndreSF Posts: 84 Member
    Not trying to sell anything or post any links to my sites, blah, blah, blah, but here is what I know about it and what my experience has been with it for about 4 months.
    It's a good meal replacement shake with nice number of vitamins included. It's not cheap, but I count it as what I would spend on breakfast, recovery drink and multi-vitamins and with that in mind it's not overly expensive.
    Definitely helps with cravings IMO and when prepared right tastes rather good. I typically shake it with 8 - 10 oz of unsweetened vanilla almond milk (I use trader joe's brand or Almond Breeze brands), add about .25 of banana and a couple of strawberries (pretty decent breakfast for about 200 cals IMO). I will keep taking it for a while, but I don't have life time commitment to it, nor make any money selling it, so I would have no problem dropping it out of my diet if I find something better.

    I hope it helps and good luck!
  • Shanmac7
    Shanmac7 Posts: 1
    Im a BB coach also. No spam here! Been drinking shakeolgy once a day, and I see a noticable difference in my sugar cravings. I have lost 5 lbs in about 2 weeks replacing one meal a day with the shakeology, and thats without working out (I do workout regularly, but work has been too busy these last couple weeks). Im excited to see my results over the next 2 weeks WITH my regular workouts. Good luck in your decision! I cut out coffe stands to account for the cost. Its more than worth it!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'm not a coach but yes some friends who are told me about it, so I tried it. I didn't try to do a cleanse or anything, was just looking for some shake to fill me up with proteins and low calories. I've tried quite a few in my life and they were all too light and I was hungry in no time afterwards. So shakeology was a huge shock for me because it's really thick and heavy. I've only tried the chocolate one so far, I mix it with ice cubes and milk/almond mix and it's delicious. Seriously it tastes like a milk shake. It takes me an hour to drink it most of the time, and it fills me up (unless it's that time of the month when I'm always hungry). I ended up pitching all the other ones I still had because they just don't compare.

    The best thing about it (apart from being all natural and having lots of good stuff in it) for me? It reduces cravings a lot. I love chocolate and I've managed to eat only one piece of it in 1.5 month. And when I did (last night) I realized it doesn't taste that different from shakeology and I can totally do without. It's the first shake in about 6 different I've tried in 12 years that actually works for reducing cravings.

    Totally worth it IMO if you can afford it. I have one 6 times a week pretty much, breakfast, lunch, after workout snack, any time really. I'm going to try the tropical strawberry next (I got the alternating home delivery).
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