Personal Trainers - Worth it?



  • Cajunmalakai
    Cajunmalakai Posts: 59 Member
    Also, you said you wanted to lose between 80-100 lbs. There are trainers who specialize in helping clients who want to lose a very significant amount of weight.
  • Zerashen
    Zerashen Posts: 59 Member
    Also, you said you wanted to lose between 80-100 lbs. There are trainers who specialize in helping clients who want to lose a very significant amount of weight.

    I weigh about 2x what I probably should. I know the number's flexible because I'd rather weigh 130 of lean/muscle than 140 of flabby fatness. So I understand the goal will change. I didn't consider the fact that trainers could specialize like that. Thanks!

    I love hearing everyone's comments. I would reply more often but work is hectic at the moment. So know that commentary is appreciated and read, even if not replied directly to!
  • Cajunmalakai
    Cajunmalakai Posts: 59 Member
    Yes, many trainers specialize. Some in rehab, some in working with the elderly, in sport specific training. It goes on and on. Check out my previous post for tips on picking a good trainer.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I'm currently consulting with one once per week. I only have two more sessions though and I'll be on my own. I find that they can be helpful if you're shifting your fitness goals around, etc...just get you on the right track to achieve the goals you set out for. I don't personally see the need to have one full time.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    Personal trainers certainly are worth it... if they are good ones!
    If you can afford one: get one! But chose carefully.

    I'm working out with a personal trainer for over 2 years now. I had 3 free sessions, and just stayed with him and started paying.
    I have a workout session with him every 2 weeks, and he sends me workouts to do on my own between 2 sessions with him, according to the days and times I'm willing to exercise.
    My results have been good and bad.
    I started on MFP in August '10, with a goal to lose 100 lbs, and I was hoping to reach that goal in August '12. That would have been a weight loss of 1 lb /week, so perfectly doable.
    I was down 20 lbs until I started with personal training, well in the time frame I had set. But the change in my workouts changed the speed of my weight loss, slowed it down.
    Now (March '13) I'm "only" down 60lbs (that's the bad result), but I'm down 5 clothing sizes (one of the good results), my self confidence is high, I'm strong, I'm fit, my energy levels are really high. When people estimate my weight, they usually say the number that is my goal weight, which is 40 lbs less that reality :-D
    I'm a lot more happy now with still 40 lbs to lose, than I would be if I had reached my goal weight last summer (and still look fat, but in a smaller version).
    I have to admit, I haven't changed my eating habits at all. I might be nearer to my goal weight if I had worked on that part too.

    If you find a good personal trainer, hire them. A good one will do wonders.. on your body and on your mind!
  • smiles210
    BUT I'd be lying if I said it didn't motivate me that he also worked as an underwear model!!! I NEVER missed a session:):wink:

    That was awesome!

    This is fantastic!!!!