I'm not losing weight. :(

armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been at this for 20 days now. I lost one pound and then gained it back.

For the first 2 weeks, I had my settings at 1200. That was really hard for me to stick to. So, I changed it to 1400. I am a SAHM so I guess I'd say I'm lightly active. I have been working out almost everyday for 20-30 minutes.

I will admit that I have not cut anything out of my diet, I'm just eating less of it. I know myself and I know that if I deprive myself of my favorite foods I will not stick with this.

So, what am I doing wrong? I weigh everyday, which is discouraging because my weight of course fluctuates daily, but is still should show a loss after a couple of weeks.

The good news is that I'm starting to see a little (just a *little*) definition in my arms from my work outs, but besides that no change. I'm getting extremely discouraged. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to go back to 1200 cals per day?



  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 497 Member
    First, take heart--this is a hard process, especially as a SAHM. When you have no time to take care of yourself, it's easiest to reward yourself with food. You definitely should be losing on 1400, so all I can think of is that maybe you are underestimating your portions and underreporting what you eat. Do you actually measure all your foods and use a food scale? It is unpleasantly enlightening. Other than that, just hang in there. You will lose eventually on this program, and you are getting healthier any which way. Good luck!
  • mrsmillan
    mrsmillan Posts: 37
    try only weighing yourself once a week, and you probably have lost inches, use measurements to track the inches youve lost. Also when you exercise you get extra calories to use, and if you dont use some of them your body will think there is a famine and you can actually gain weight.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    Just curious what is SAHM?
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    Just curious what is SAHM?

    Stay At Home Mom... That one took me a minute too... :)
  • srcardinal10
    srcardinal10 Posts: 387 Member

    Losing weight is a process and it takes a while. Everyone's body is different. I have hit a plateau but you have to just take it day by day. You should only weigh yourself once a week but at the same time, on the same day each week. So if you're going to weigh yourself after lunch, on wednesdays, then you have to do it every wednesday, after lunch.

    Increase your workouts. 20 minutes will help maintain...if you've been working out consistently, work out a little longer. Also, be sure that you are doing various types of workouts. The body will essentially gets used to do the same motions. Continually, are do you doing any strength training? That is necessary to helping the weight loss process. You should do it 3 times a week. This will help you build muscle; the more muscle you have, the more fat you burn.

    Last but not least, your body will build muscle first before you can start to really lose weight....in order to burn fat and calories. Everything will be okay, just breathe and don't quit!!! You can do it! The community of myfitnesspal is here to help! :)
  • ab_shutterbug
    ab_shutterbug Posts: 203 Member
    I'm new to this, but I would try the 1200 /day again. I'm doing that and the calorie count is really revealing. My portions and food choices were poor on the first day, so I fixed it on the 2nd day. Maybe try some 5-10 pound weights for your arms and lunges? Go for walks or do something that you enjoy, maybe swim if you are into that. Take a friend or child along. I hope it works out! It will!
  • patwil73
    patwil73 Posts: 28
    If you go into settings - diary - make diary public, then we can see what you are eating and how you are assigning calories to them. You might be underestimating. As for your exercises - are you doing cardio or weight training. Weight training can add muscle (which looks smaller than fat hence the more sculpted look) but that smaller amount can weigh as much. The poster who advised taking measurements has a good idea - you could be a (the following is for demonstration purposes only :happy: ) 150 lbs and a size 10 at the start, and now 150 lbs and a size 7.

    Be fanatical for the first month or so about measuring and weighing every drop of food. Once you know you are putting the right calories down, then you can look at other causes for maintaining weight. High sodium can increase water retention = weight. Menstrual cycle and certain birth control products can increase water retention = weight. However, start with the basics, accurate calories.

    Hope this helps
  • Hermit4Hire
    Hermit4Hire Posts: 197
    I will admit that I have not cut anything out of my diet, I'm just eating less of it. I know myself and I know that if I deprive myself of my favorite foods I will not stick with this.

    I'm guessing your answer is in this part of your post. I don't know exactly what you eat, but you still have to make sure you have a good balance of protein/fats/carbs.

    I can eat 5 donuts and meet my calorie goals, but never lose weight (not saying you're doing this)

    You don't have to give up your favorite foods, but you will have to limit high sodium, processed, and junk foods. Treat yourself to your favorite items once in a while, but look carefully at your overall meal plan and be honest with yourself about the quality (not just quantity) of food you eat.

    Good luck..
  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks for the advice so far. :)

    I forgot to add that I'm 5'7" and weigh about 149-150. I'm in my 'healthy weight range' but would like to get back to about 135.
  • scotty_81
    scotty_81 Posts: 59
    I would say measure yourself and see if you've lost inches and also weigh out all your foods to check your portion sizes. Its the only way I can accurately measure what I'm eating. My eyes always want to give me a bigger portion! Good luck and stick at it.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Thanks for the advice so far. :)

    I forgot to add that I'm 5'7" and weigh about 149-150. I'm in my 'healthy weight range' but would like to get back to about 135.

    Because you are only about 15 pounds from your goal, it is going to come very, very slowly. You will have to be patient, it will happen.

    For your height and weight, you may need to add even more calories..............it is possible that you still are not eating enough.
  • rrayonez
    rrayonez Posts: 4
    I feel your pain too!! Makes me want to strangle the scale - but my problem is I am not eating enough to compensate for my activity during the day - which is lots. My trainer tells me eat eat eat -- okay I will!!

    What I have noticed my clothes are a whole looser and I actually see muscle definition and even curves.. haha I've lost a small amount of weight but have gone from a size 20 to a 16 - ready to go down again.. Woo Hoo

    So look into adding more calories to your food intake.
  • armydreamers
    armydreamers Posts: 175 Member
    Thanks everyone...
  • crazyjkgirl
    crazyjkgirl Posts: 123 Member
    I can somewhat relate. I was able to loose my first 25 lbs relatively easily. Now that I am technically in a healthy weight range (5' 3" and 141 lbs ish), I have been completely unable to loose any more. I will loose a pound only to gain it back. I have tried a few different techniques (increasing my calories, decreasing my calories, zigzagging my calories, etc.) to little avail.

    I'm not sure what to tell you for advice but I can tell you that you are not alone.
  • Thanks for the advice so far. :)

    I forgot to add that I'm 5'7" and weigh about 149-150. I'm in my 'healthy weight range' but would like to get back to about 135.

    Because you are only about 15 pounds from your goal, it is going to come very, very slowly. You will have to be patient, it will happen.

    For your height and weight, you may need to add even more calories..............it is possible that you still are not eating enough.

    Yep! I am within about 16 pounds of my goal, and I have had to increase my intake considerably along the way to continue losing. I started at 1200 cals a day, and am now eating about 1920 and STILL losing (I'm doing the Insanity program) - I agree, too, it is not going to come off as fast as the first few, I'm only losing about .5 a week, but it's still coming off. Slow and steady wins the race.

    I found that the times that my weight loss stalled, it did so because I wasn't eating enough. I'm sure this isn't always the case for everyone, but just something to consider. Best of luck! :smile:
  • jl_salhuana
    jl_salhuana Posts: 5 Member
    I think I can help. Here are a few things I've learned through the years that keep you from losing weight:

    1. Too many calories.
    2. Not enought fat in the diet will stall your weight loss.
    3. Too much sodium + too little potassium makes you retain water.
    4. Everything out of a can (even veggies), frozen, or from a restaurant has excessive sodium. Tough to lose weight.
    5. Skipping a meal is tricky - best not to do it.

    Here's how I lose weight:
    1. All natural foods. Sugar and sodium are great preservatives.
    2. Small meals, but I eat all the time.
    3. I make sure I eat enough fats... have tendency to go to lean
    4. Lots of fruits, and vegetables. Fish, chicken. I am not shy about eating beef.
    5. Lots of water.
    6. Finally. If you reach a plateau, you need to shock the body somehow: Change your workout (go for a one-hour workout once or twice a week); sometimes, I will fast for one day 8am to 5pm just to shock the system into doing something different.

    The body doesn't like to change weight, well at least mine doesn't. Weather I try to gain weight, or lose weight I have difficulties and progress is slow. But it works every time.
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