Anyone else have a fatty liver too???!!!!



  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    Not sure if I have a fatty liver or not. I don't have health insurance and could never in my wildest dreams afford to go "just to get checked up"

    I have noticed lately, though, that after eating very very unhealthy food, my... liver/gallbladder area hurts.. A LOT.
    And it's ONLY after I eat unhealthy. It varies, depending on what I eat, from somewhat uncomfortable to not being able
    to lay down because it hurts so bad.

    So, listening to my body it was a wake up call to start eating better. When I eat within the healthy carbs/calories/fats/protein
    of my daily limit, I feel just fine.

    Weird huh?

    They say we should learnt to listen to our bodies more! There seems to be some truth in that with what you have just said!
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I don't know much about it, but when preparing for weight loss surgery, they made me go on a very low carb, high protein diet to reduce the fat around the liver to make the stomach easily accessible during laparoscopic surgery. After my surgery, they told me that my liver looked good because it wasn't too fatty and surgery was successful.

    So eat seems that it gets better just by eating right and exercising just like losing fat anywhere else on the body, but I'm not a doctor.

    That's very interesting as when the doctor told me to lose weight for the fatty liver I asked her if I should stick to a low carb, high protein diet, she told me no!! I've always been a bit concerned about seeing doctors here in the Middle East as I wonder just how good they are!

    I was actually on the NHS list back in England to have a gastric bypass before I came here to the Middle East to work which means I then lost my place on the waiting list..... Even though I don't meet the normal weight for a Bariatric patient, they were going to do it because of my PCOS...
    If you don't mind me asking, how have you found having the surgery? I'm thinking of paying for it as I can't get back on the NHS list now I'm living out of the UK.....
    I was on the list for a gastric bypass rather than a band as the surgeon I was assigned to preferred to do gastric bypass as he felt there were too many problems with bands slipping and eroding into the stomach... but then other people swear by it and say they have not had any problems....
    I'd love to hear about your feelings on it if you don't mind...... PM me if you'd rather not put it on the boards! Thanks!

    Just curious as to why your doctor would say no to a low or controlled carb eating plan?

    If done correctly, you would be eating lots of veggies, moderate fruits, protein of your choosing, nuts, seeds, some whole grains and some dairy..............

    What is unbalanced or unhealthy about that?

    I'm inclined to agree with you.... In the 18 months I have lived in the Middle East I have learned not to listen too much to doctors here.. I'm very skeptical if they know what they are talking about!
  • B4its2L8
    B4its2L8 Posts: 80 Member
    I don't understand why the doctors are saying that fatty liver is no big deal. It can be a big deal. I have a family member that is in the later stages of it and it has developed into non alcoholic psorrosis (spelled wrong) of the liver. Another family member has been diagnosed with fatty liver and was told she had the beginning stages but will eventually progress. she was told to lose weight and keep blood pressure and blood sugar under control. Maybe there are different versions of fatty liver? Just odd that the doctors are saying that it's no big deal when i have seen what it can eventually do.
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I don't understand why the doctors are saying that fatty liver is no big deal. It can be a big deal. I have a family member that is in the later stages of it and it has developed into non alcoholic psorrosis (spelled wrong) of the liver. Another family member has been diagnosed with fatty liver and was told she had the beginning stages but will eventually progress. she was told to lose weight and keep blood pressure and blood sugar under control. Maybe there are different versions of fatty liver? Just odd that the doctors are saying that it's no big deal when i have seen what it can eventually do.

    I agree with you.. I was horrified to find that not just 1 doctor but 2 doctors, both supposedly experts on the field of diabetes and endocrinology have told me that my fatty liver is very bad, I need to lose some weight but haven't referred me to anyone who specializes in that field nor given me any other help, apart from lose weight.... Well, no **** sherlock... you don't say... seeing as I went to both of them in the first place for help with my PCOS/weight issue!!
  • LisaJayne71
    LisaJayne71 Posts: 197 Member
    I don't understand why the doctors are saying that fatty liver is no big deal. It can be a big deal. I have a family member that is in the later stages of it and it has developed into non alcoholic psorrosis (spelled wrong) of the liver. Another family member has been diagnosed with fatty liver and was told she had the beginning stages but will eventually progress. she was told to lose weight and keep blood pressure and blood sugar under control. Maybe there are different versions of fatty liver? Just odd that the doctors are saying that it's no big deal when i have seen what it can eventually do.

    I agree with you.. I was horrified to find that not just 1 doctor but 2 doctors, both supposedly experts on the field of diabetes and endocrinology have told me that my fatty liver is very bad, I need to lose some weight but haven't referred me to anyone who specializes in that field nor given me any other help, apart from lose weight.... Well, no **** sherlock... you don't say... seeing as I went to both of them in the first place for help with my PCOS/weight issue!!

    Oooooo! I've just noticed that MFP took out my swear word for me and replaced it with stars! How considerate! Lol!
  • maur52een
    maur52een Posts: 3 Member
    Hi LisaJayne71,

    I went to see the doctor myself and discovered that I was on the way to having a fatty liver! It is very scary. If I hurt my self on the out side I really take care, but I had never thought about the inside. What I couldn't see didn't worry me and it is a big deal according to my doctor because it is a symptom of the onset of diabeties. Please bare in mind that this is only shared information about my own concerns. The positive thing is that -and check this- with having a clean diet and self care the liver can regenerate itself.
    So I just took a deap breath and decided to try. I put on weight and yoyou too, and it is very hard when you love food as much as I do. My doctor has me seeing a dietician, but it is still hard, but I am feeling better with better food. The exericise is still a challenge. Any words of wisdom?

  • commit2change
    I personally did NOT have a fatty liver but can attest to what the ad is talking about because for years I was so sick with a skin rash on my arms that made them raw, had a pain in my stomach that felt like a bowling ball dropped in my stomach when I stood up and anytime I had a medical exam, physical relations etc... it was very painful.

    I remember hearing and reading Jon Baron say that although everyone speaks about a colon cleanse the most important thing to remember is a liver cleanse. I did a liver cleanse and it cost me all of $20.00 and within a week my pain was gone, the rash started going away as I had it for about 10 yars.. .... and is gone for good as my arms were raw like someone had taken a wire brush to them..

    The pain in my stomach has been gone for last 13 years. When I asked Dr. Brabahm what had happend he explained that my liver was swollen due to my having worked for Dupont for 5 years and inhaled all that pulverized coal and aluminum we used to create explosives.. I was their ingredient handler.

    Gone are my headaches, the rash the swollen stomach etc... and it never returned.

    Since I was injected with steroids in my neck due to an injury I thought I would try a liver cleanse and this lady at an herbal store told me she takes Himalaya Liver Care ( they did not have it at this store so she was not trying to sell me anything) as she was told by her doctor she had cirossis of the liver due to her being an alcoholic ( now 3 years clean) and drug user. She said I did everything except crack and heroine. This scared her into doing a liver cleanse someone told her to use this product and she returned for a 2nd check up and blood work and the doctor drew blood and she was called back for a 3rd blood test immediately. When she returned they asked her what she was doing as her liver enzymes were normal and they thought the 2nd test was a mistake but the 3rd blood test showed the same as 2nd ...normal liver enzyme count. She told him about the Himalaya Liver Care and he said keep on using it as it has restored your liver enzymes to normal and her liver was mending.

    All very interesting right ..until she said and I also dropped 75 pounds due to the use of this product and a change in my diet. It does NOT use milk thistle but rather some herbs grown in India.

    So I bought myself a bottle.

    When I go for my blood work it will be interesing to see what my test shows as I have started using this product too.

    Am not promoting this product nor do I financially gain by sharing this information but am merely replying to your question on a fatty liver.

    I also ordered Lean Care and Heart Care from this company which can be found online. WIll let you know how I do with all of these for my weight and cholesterol.

    If anyone else has used these products would love to hear what your experience has been with these products. You can write me at

    My husband and I use herbs all the time. He even got rid of his asthma meds by simply using an herbal from WalMart. His pulmonary specialist told him same thing...keep on using it and he has been off all inhalers and meds for past 14 years.
  • HeatherDawn76
    I see this thread hasn't been active for awhile but I too have a fatty liver. On Aug. 27th I was admitted through the ER and told I needed to have my gallbladder removed. For three days leading up to the ER visit I was having extreme pains all throughout my abdomen...I had had them before, now looking back at least 2 years ago is when I first remember the symptoms. At first, the pain would wake me up in the middle of the night, I had thought it was gas b/c after vomiting it would go away. This was the first time the pain stayed for days. I didn't (and still don't) have health insurance so I had actually taken myself to the ER on Thurs. and then thought about it, said the pain subsided and went home. Friday at work it was the same I wasn't going to take anymore chances. I was waiting for the doctor to come back & tell me there's nothing wrong...but oh how I was mistaken. He told me if I had waited I would be a much worse situation. So after being monitored for 2 days, they performed the surgery. I was informed I had Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. I was a bit taken back and surprised, but I am overweight and my diet was horrible. I have been overweight for the last 8 years and kept putting off getting in shape & healthy. Too many excuses, there was always a reason.

    Well, the doctor told me it was no longer a question of IF I want to loose weight, I MUST loose weight.

    Since then I have found this awesome site and logging everything has really helped! I didn't realize how bad my diet was until I had to see what I am/was eating. I'm still on restriction as far as exercising but I'm able to walk.....which is good! :o)

    I've researched a lot online about fatty liver disease and found the information to be quite helpful. It's nice to see / read that I'm not alone...we are all here for one reason or another but we have the same goal--to loose weight and be healthy again.

    :o) So that is my little introduction as to another member with Fatty Liver Disease :o)