Fit with a brain tumor

Hello All,

My name is Alaya, and I was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor last April. I'm working on getting back in shape since finding out. The diagnosis has been emotionally and physically challenging, with symptoms that make some of the best neurologists in the country call me a "mystery" and a regular fluctuation in physical ability because of these symptoms. Some times I feel awesome, and can get back into my old routines, other days I have to be super mellow, as I'm fatigued and in pain. Fitness and health have always been a huge part of my life, and it's exciting to have this tool to help me gain control again, and do what works for me at this time, to feel better. Does anyone else out there have a similar situation/health challenge?

Cheers, Alaya


  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I don't have a tumor, but have some residual balance issues and memory problems as a result of a head injury this last January, so I relate to the idea of life being "different."

    Wanted to say "hi" as we are neighbors. I am right across the river from you!!

  • DeeJayTJ
    DeeJayTJ Posts: 355 Member
    Welcome to the site!

    Im sorry to hear about your diagnosis I hope everything works out for the best.

    So far with the little browsing of the forum that ive done it seems that everyone is just about on the same level as far as being determined to get healthy or stay healthy and with that said, everyones here to help motivate everyone!

    The only health challenge i have is hypothyroidism - at least im told it so.
    I've had hypothyroidism since i was 5 years old, i used to take medication for it but just stopped when i was about 15.
    People say it slows down metabolism and all that good stuff but i blame my slow metabolism on myself with just me being too lazy to do anything.

    but all thats changed! I feel like i have a lot more energy now that i get out and do some cardio!
  • alayawyndham
    Hi Barb, it's nice to meet you! I'm sorry about your injury. :-)
  • alayawyndham
    TJ, thanks for the welcome. And great job being motivated!
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    Just wanted to welcome you :o]
  • commit2change
    Best of health to you and make sure you check around with several doctors as my niece had horrible sezures since she was 5 years of age...and the best of the best docs said.. go home and learn to live with it.

    One day they moved to Louisiana and my sister just about divorced him for moving them there (lol); however my niece had to change doctors and the one that saw her put her through some tests and long story short she is now 10 years seizure free, back to work and leads a normal life.

    Check out websites/support groups with tumor patients and see who treated them and their results and go from there.. Some people would say .. you should not encourage your sister to keep on believing she will be healed as the top hospitals in the country had repeatedly said... nope can not do anything and then she was healed. I just kept telling them the Lord is the best physician and he has not told her to give up. So we will believe.

    And to add to the story ... a year after her surgery she was told she only had to come once a year for checkups and on that VERY SAME DAY ... my brother-in-law (aka as her dad that allmost lost his life due to moving them to Louisiana from Texas) was told his transfer had come through for him to move back to Texas.

    Now is that the Lord at work in all things or what?

    By the way she also has scleroderma and this Friday she will have surgery to correct all the dents in her face due to the scleroderma affecting it. The insurance will pay the better part of it as it is not consiered plastic surgery as it is caused by the disease and that is another answer to prayer as she will now be able to style her hair anyway she wants and not have to cover up those dents in her forehead and face.

    I will keep you in my prayers and agree for his healing for you too.
  • striker1988
    Hello Alaya,

    I was diagnosed with a rare form of brain tumor that, at the age I had it, was very little understood. One of the best neurosurgeons in the country performed a surgery to remove it when I was three years old. At the time, they told my parents the chance of my surviving the surgery was about 50/50, but without it, I would die. To further complicate things, they told them there was a near 100% chance of suffering from blindness, deafness, mental retardation or a combination of those side effects as a result of the surgery.

    In the end, none of those things wound up being true. Aside from my weight, I have been entirely normal and healthy my whole life, despite the fact that the type of cancer I suffered from is very often deadly. But I have persevered through the whole thing with the guidance and love of my family. I've no doubt you'll do the same, and it's very motivating and inspiring to see you on here and ready to push through it and stay healthy despite the news. I wish you all the best of luck!
  • arcona
    arcona Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Alaya - I had a meningioma removed 16 months ago. Although they are benign, they are not harmless and many of us have residual difficulties, fatigue being a major one. I use another site, Meningioma Mommas, as my primary support and it has been invaluable to my emotional health. It's private and uses facebook groups for conversations. I'm trying to regain some semblance of fitness now, and can usually walk 5000 steps three times a week but that is my current limit. Hoping someday to have enough energy and strength to get up to 10,000 steps but that seems a long way off some days. Good luck as we take this long journey back.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    hello Alaya. Two years ago, after a seizure, I was diagnosed with brain tumor. After surgery to remove most of it, it was diagnosed as a grade II cancerous tumor. I do struggle with issues from both the surgery and side effects from the anti-seizure meds. The tumor itself caused some problems with my digestive system.
    Honestly, even the experts can't say they know everything there is to know about the brain, or how tumors affect it. I struggle with fatigue and shortness of breath, worse some days than others. no matter what the challenges are, we can't give up, though. We find our strength somehow and fight through, and just keep going. When a bad day comes along, just wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow can be a much better day.
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    What's up? I don't have a similar situation, but I'm making you my new fitness hero