weird weight gain

Hey all! I have always been on Myfitnesspal bc I love counting calories (helps me feel in control? i guess!) Anyways, Within the past month or two I have gained about 10 lbs. Even after training for and running a half marathon, and going on the advocare 24 day challenge. I am really good at calorie count, and understand portions etc. I know i'm not over eating. I am just at a loss for where these pounds are coming from. i know 1 lb equals 3500 un burned calories, and I just can't fathom having eaten that many extra calories. I haven't noticed much of a change in my clothing, everything still fits pretty well... Theres a chance it could be muscle gain bc I have started lifting heavy weights three times a week (but that's only been since I completed my half marathon in early february) The reason I started a more disciplined strength training program was because I have always been a true distance runner ( 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathons and triathalons) and I felt my body was plateauing. I added strength training and HIIT to revamp my fitness routine and hopefully jump start my metabolism. My question is:

Has anyone else gone through a period of time when they've had about 10 lbs of unexplained weight gain in spite of exercising and eating healthy?
Does anyone think it could be muscle weight? Im not trying to fool myself into thinking its something that its not, I am very self aware and not delusional.. 10 lbs is enough to be "significant" in my world so im not sure it's just muscle weight.
How can I break through this and lose these 10 lbs or at LEAST not gain any more!!

I am getting body fat tested, and have gone through countless calorie calculators based on my age/height/weight/gender etc and all say i am eating the proper amount to maintain. (i'm 5''7 137.. was 127, and was happy at 130..i know i'm not overweight, but i don't like not knowing why im creeping up on the scale)
I have had my thyroid checked (unrelated) and seemed to be normal!

THoughts/advice please!


  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    If you cut your calories too low especially fats your body's metabolism will decide to store fat instead of using it as energy. It's weird to think eating fat helps you burn fat. A lot of it could be water weight. I would highly doubt it's muscle gains with how much cardio you're doing. Try adding 200-500 calories to your budget and see if your weight drops. The easiest way to see if it's muscle or fat is by measurements. You'll become leaner if it's muscle.
  • ltruns
    ltruns Posts: 21
    I have thought about the not eating enough thing..but I think I am eating enough, and I am scared to add calories! The past three weeks I've chilled on cardio more than just 10-15 min and my workouts have been primarily strength training with like cardio bursts in between sets (tire flips, box jumps, jump ropes, sled pulls, interval running etc) but nothing like the half marathon distance my body has done in the past. A 5k here and there but nothing too crazy. I guess I need to figure my true calories needed daily. I've been eating all my calories in 5-6 small meals. Really working on that metabolism!
  • I can't tell your I don't mean to offend, but could you be pregnant?
  • pineygirl
    pineygirl Posts: 322 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day. There is a really helpful thread:

    This should help you figure out your calorie and macro goals.

    Since you have just starting to incorporate strength training, you might be hanging on to a lot of water, since your muscles hold on to water when they are repairing themselves.

    I was trying to eat 1200 calories a day at 5'0 and 118 lbs. I didn't really start losing until I upped my calories to about 1500 and more on a really active day.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    It happens to me after I eat out usually. It's possible its water weight (mine happens from an increase in sodium and I just drink a lot of water and its usually gone within a few days), but I would also make sure your calorie limit is enough nutrition for you.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm just wondering if your magnesium levels are low. When magnesium levels are low, you won't store potassium, and when that happens, you will store a lot of water weight. What I have always found helpful if I think I am retaining water (and this can happen for a variety of reasons--not all of them hormonal) is taking an Epsom salts bath (Epsom salts are pure magnesium sulphate). The harder you push your body, the more magnesium you will "use up" and most of us (85%) are deficient in magnesium to start with, because of poor dietary habits. You will absorb the magnesium right through your skin, if you are deficient. If you decide to go this route, aim for two 15-minute baths per week (with water as hot as you can stand it without burning yourself). It works great. And even if this isn't the source of your problem, you will feel absolutely GREAT after such a bath---SO relaxing. One indicator that I use to determine if I need a soak is that everything that I normally eat tastes SO salty. (An indication that I need potassium which is dependent, as I said, in turn, on magnesium levels.) I just took a soak and I'm feeling like I am in la-la land. I worked really hard at the pool today and my muscles were "twitchy"--that's the other way that I knew that it was time for a soak. I'll sleep well tonight, provided I don't have to get up a bunch of times as I dump water weight. :tongue:
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day. There is a really helpful thread:

    This should help you figure out your calorie and macro goals.

    Since you have just starting to incorporate strength training, you might be hanging on to a lot of water, since your muscles hold on to water when they are repairing themselves.

    I was trying to eat 1200 calories a day at 5'0 and 118 lbs. I didn't really start losing until I upped my calories to about 1500 and more on a really active day.


    I can definitely tell you that you are NOT gaining 10 lbs of muscle. Your body cannot gain appreciable muscle while you are eating at a deficit.
  • s_west
    s_west Posts: 17 Member
    I can't tell your I don't mean to offend, but could you be pregnant?

    That was what my first thought too.

    Also, how often do you weigh yourself? I sometimes find that my weight can vary 3-4lbs in a day, but more if I'm on my period.

    As the previous poster said, I don't know your gender so this may not even apply to you.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I can't tell your I don't mean to offend, but could you be pregnant?

    Her profile says she is 29 and female.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    How many calories are you eating per day. There is a really helpful thread:

    This should help you figure out your calorie and macro goals.

    Since you have just starting to incorporate strength training, you might be hanging on to a lot of water, since your muscles hold on to water when they are repairing themselves.

    I was trying to eat 1200 calories a day at 5'0 and 118 lbs. I didn't really start losing until I upped my calories to about 1500 and more on a really active day.


    I can definitely tell you that you are NOT gaining 10 lbs of muscle. Your body cannot gain appreciable muscle while you are eating at a deficit.

    Yeah, most body builders say that you can only gain a half pound of muscle a week and you will only do that if you are eating at a surplus.
  • ltruns
    ltruns Posts: 21
    Thanks for the things to consider! 1.) no I'm not pregnant, and no offense taken :) 2.) I really doubted that it was all muscle weight. Especially with running so much last month. I figure maybe a few lbs muscle weight a few lbs of extra water/retention/sodium. I'm being REALLY careful about my calories and def trying not to over/under too much. Stress at work has been crazy, (i hear that can affect weight) and I know females have random mid cycle changes in weight. My weight has dropped 3-4 lbs then gone back up. It's crazy how nutritional, hormonal, scientific, and unique each persons weight is. The important thing is, that even with a 10lb change, (which technically should be going up one size) I haven't noticed any tightness in clothes.

    I will let y'all know how things go and consider adding calories into my 5-6 meals.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Thanks for the things to consider! 1.) no I'm not pregnant, and no offense taken :) 2.) I really doubted that it was all muscle weight. Especially with running so much last month. I figure maybe a few lbs muscle weight a few lbs of extra water/retention/sodium. I'm being REALLY careful about my calories and def trying not to over/under too much. Stress at work has been crazy, (i hear that can affect weight) and I know females have random mid cycle changes in weight. My weight has dropped 3-4 lbs then gone back up. It's crazy how nutritional, hormonal, scientific, and unique each persons weight is. The important thing is, that even with a 10lb change, (which technically should be going up one size) I haven't noticed any tightness in clothes.

    I will let y'all know how things go and consider adding calories into my 5-6 meals.

    Yes, stress will cause you to pump out stress hormones like cortisol (which will make you retain water, among other things).
  • jadams1650
    jadams1650 Posts: 139 Member
    The first several weeks/months of heavy lifting can cause your muscles to retain water to repair the tissue. I think this, combined with a reduction in cardio (and possible reduction in latent dehydration) is likely the cause for a temporary weight gain. Don't fret, the weight will come off once your muscles acclimate to the new lifting stresses.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    too much sodium, taking laxatives, not enough water can all make you retain pounds of water weight. hormonal changes, changed in supplements/vitamins, stress. if you're being good on your diet i wouldnt worry too much about it, because you know you havent eaten 3,500 calories over your maintenance almost every other day to gain 10 "real" pounds in a month.

    also, talk to your doctor about gluten sensitivity testing, IBS testing...those can all cause false or real weight gain rapidly.
  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    Bump to hear how you get on.Experiencing something similiar myself having started lifting 2/52 ago.:huh:
  • ltruns
    ltruns Posts: 21
    Hey! SO sorry how long it took to get back on here. It's track season which means my life is crazy (I'm a track coach) I had body fat done, and I've lost body fat.. also ended up dropping 3-4 lbs down and weight has stayed steady. My squat and bench max have gone up 20/10 lbs respectively and in pictures I've noticed my arms are bigger, yes, but in a muscular way. legs also look wayy stronger. SO i guess All that to say- yes I hve gained legitimate weight- but it's the kind of weight I wanted to gain. I'm just not used to it and having to deal with seeing a different number on the scale. But seeing my max go up and seeing my arms in a picture was encouraging!
  • ltruns
    ltruns Posts: 21
    I do think this is accurate- about lifting and the "new stress" it puts on your body plus the repairing of tissues and i would definitely agree!
  • kcrowers
    kcrowers Posts: 17
    hi, i noticed to that i've begun to hold onto a lot of waterwith running. i took a week off for vacation and ate more than i usually do ( i still walked a lot) and i dropped 15lbs in a week it was pretty i'm thinking its water