Lost motivation



  • leketchup
    leketchup Posts: 27 Member
    It's hilarious how people manages to put themselfs in such a situations. What do you generaly do in your life if you need somthing to be done? You go and do it, if it's not working out perhaps its not for you.
  • redphoenix64
    redphoenix64 Posts: 47 Member
    You have done a great job so far, don't give up!!! I know its hard I joined a gym with my bf and we went for the first month and then it just fizzled out. But my doctor said to me that everyone has the own way to exercise and she found the gym wasn't it. I just exercise at home and go to the gym when I can make the time with my work schedule. Maybe you can alternate between the gym and something else. See if you can get a friend to walk with you or do a class that corresponds with your work schedule. I hope this helps
  • squinz
    squinz Posts: 136
    I've felt this many times too.

    Do you actually enjoy the gym?! I think the key to maintaining an exercise regime is to do the activities you enjoy. I actually look forward to exercising now by picking classes that are fun and varied.

    Having a gym buddy is nice, but as others have said you can only rely on yourself as they have their own lives and different levels of motivation to you.
  • htimsm87
    htimsm87 Posts: 104 Member
    Sometimes as you said it only takes one "miss" at the gym and all of a sudden you find that it becomes a streak. HOWEVER, it often only takes a single "hit" and all of a sudden you are right back in the swing of things and going regularly. My recommendation is to find the ability to force yourself to go once or twice. Once this happens the routine will probably just come back. As they often say the hardest part in running or excersing is often times the 10 seconds it takes to get off the couch. Once you are up and out the door it gets much easier. So.. Just do it..
  • Vrouq
    Vrouq Posts: 2
    Your right 'just do it' its only that little bit of time for your own good health - a better future! Like you have get up for work and children why not for your health thats important to.... Im so close to my goal weight why stop now! Hehe
  • SuziSuzuki
    SuziSuzuki Posts: 6 Member
    Many thanks to everyone for their input, I have to admit that the gym isn't really my favourite form of exercise but its the easy option during winter/bad weather. Reading all the posts and trawling through the other topics has given me some new inspiration and I'm feeling more positive about going forward now. Thanks to everyone for your support :smile:
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    Just Remeber the gym is a magical place that you get to do whatever you want.. you wanna lift you can, you wanna do cardio you can, you can combine it anyway you want, and my gym has a steam shower and a sauana for afterwards, i mean how is that not something to look forward too :D
  • SuziSuzuki
    SuziSuzuki Posts: 6 Member
    LOL! You've got a very valid point there :happy: Got to admit one of the things that made me stick with the routine in the first place was the thought of the the steam room / sauna / jacuzzi that I could have after my workout!