Is it possible to not lose weight but just inches?

Hi there - I have been losing and gaining the same 2 or 3 lbs for the past 4 months....
Meanwhile I walk at least 10k steps (fitbit) per day and see a trainer once a week and do body pump twice a week and spin occasionally.
The good thing is that since December I have lost 5 inches from hips, 4 from waist and 3 from bust and feel much more toned. The weight just isn't budging! I am 200lbs today, 5'9. I am eating at 20% below my TDEE and following the roadmap. I am eating more protein and reducing carbs especially in the evening.
I know that it's inches that count but I'd really like to lose some weight by my wedding in June - any thoughts gratefully received.


  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Yes I believe it is completely possible. We have very similar stats, last summer I stayed at 205 for 5 months but went down 2 dress sizes and everyone kept telling me how skinny I was getting. I lift heavy 4 times/week and do a bit of cardio so I'm sure that has a lot to with it. Since I'm still hovering around 200 but still wearing the smaller size.
  • ElizabethKG1983
    ElizabethKG1983 Posts: 76 Member
    I was wondering about this too! I have gone down a size and feel like I look much more toned but the weight is not going down very fast!
  • Wimbledongal
    Wimbledongal Posts: 64 Member
    It's silly isn't it really - I am feeling great and getting compliments but it is the psychological thing of actually losing lbs!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    It's silly isn't it really - I am feeling great and getting compliments but it is the psychological thing of actually losing lbs!

    I know! Such a hard thing to grasp! I look at it like this "Even if I'm not losing scale weight, I look better, feel better, I'm stronger, I'm much more confident, others do notice and I am way better off than I was 5 years ago before I started this lifestyle."
  • nicruns
    nicruns Posts: 201 Member
    I have HIP-envy!!!
  • bioniccheese
    Inches are certainly the main thing for me, weight is not an issue but I am a chap so it's a bit different. You should certainly be proud because losing that many inches easy. It's great you're feeling better too, I am sure the lb's will follow.
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    yep, it's possible.

    5 lbs of fat & 5 lbs of muscle weigh the same 5lbs!!!!

    BUT the muscle you have built takes up much less space - - - so you see inches lost instead lbs. :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Inches are what matters. The number on the scale represents a variety of things...bone density, fat, muscle, water, waste, etc...but people only tend to identify the number on the scale as they don't see the scale move, or watch it fluctuate and they just automatically jump to fat without taking into account a bunch of other stuff that number represents.
  • heatherhbeardall
    So glad you posted this! I have been struggling with the same thing. Down 3-4 inches around my waist and hips but only down 4 lbs on the scale. I agree with you, I know it is silly to focus on the scale rather than getting smaller, but I can't help it. You see people loosing 5 lbs a week and wonder "what am I doing wrong". Sorry I am not much help, but know that I totally understand where you are coming from!
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    before my kids, I lost a lot of inches. I lost 2-3 pants sizes and didn't lose any weight at all. It was kinda surprising, but cool.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    Yes, it's possible. I've only lost a couple of pounds in the last 3 or 4 months but am much smaller, sod the scales! :flowerforyou:
  • perfectionisntme
    perfectionisntme Posts: 205 Member
    You and I are in the same boat and following the same plan. My thought on it is, forget the scale. If the clothes are getting smaller, why does the scale even matter? If thats what's happening, then it show how fit you are. It become a good number. So, don't let it fool you.

    Good luck! You're dong great!
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    Absolutely- muscle and fat don't have the same density.
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    Yes I believe it is completely possible. We have very similar stats, last summer I stayed at 205 for 5 months but went down 2 dress sizes and everyone kept telling me how skinny I was getting. I lift heavy 4 times/week and do a bit of cardio so I'm sure that has a lot to with it. Since I'm still hovering around 200 but still wearing the smaller size.

    Exactly. We too have similar stats, but I've been stuck at same number since last March - :( I only just realized it's been a YEAR at the same weight. But I can wear smallest size I've been at since I had my daughter 12 yrs ago, so something is working. To answer your question, yes, I'm living proof...for better or for worse. And regarding your wedding, just keep doing what you're doing because you will notice inches lost far more than pounds!! Congrats btw.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Just means you are eating at a very small deficit to burn fat, but still increase LBM (maybe muscle if new at lifting).

    Eventually, if truly at a deficit, you'll increase LBM for all it is able to, and then just the fat will drop.

    If not really at a deficit, you can keep trading fat for LBM at a very slow pace. And if working out for a while and done with initial gains, that is probably what is actually happening - no deficit really in place. That could be because of under-eating for level of activity and body too stressed to allow a deficit so it slowed down, or just eating too much.

    If lifting though, and really want the weight down to, just have to accept not making progress in the lifting, plateau the progress you might say, and just lose the fat and weight.
    That means bigger deficit. More protein and the lifting will retain muscle mass you got, so no concern there.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Yup. :)
  • reyna99
    reyna99 Posts: 489 Member
    I weigh about the same that I did last year at this time, but i'm 3 sizes smaller!
    and hello muscle :))

    When it come to health and fitness the scale doesn't know anything/ :noway:
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    If you are losing inches and getting skinnier, why do you care what the scale says? Why would it even matter? Unless you're the type to brag about how much she weighs...which I hope is not the case, cuz that's just classless.

    Screw the scale, it jut gives you a meaningless number. It does not accurately tell you how healthy/strong/beautiful you really are.
  • Mamalea32
    Mamalea32 Posts: 134
    My weight has been a steady 116 but people say I lost weight even though I didn't. I think I firmed up a bit, which means my muscle gain has been equal to any fat loss that may have occured. Muscle weights more than fat!