Do you allow yourself a "Free Day" ?



  • koshkasmum
    koshkasmum Posts: 276 Member
    A free day or cheat day would kill my progress. (At my size and age I have very little leeway between losing slowly and not losing at all.) But there are some meals when I decide to set the strict diet aside. These come up every few weeks - a special occasion not just every Saturday or whatever. I still watch portions on these meals and try not to make utterly disasterous choices, but beyond that I relax. I also allow little treats within my calorie allowances - a couple of slices of bacon, a 100 calorie mini dark chocolate bar, a bowl of creamed clam chowder - generally this works as "eating back" some of my exercise calories..
  • Better4Summer
    Just started today but I will not be havin a day off as if I do I will find it difficult to get back on again.. My reward will be the weight I lose not something that got me here :O Lol admire people who can but I can not!
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Don't deprive yourself of fruit and yogurt! As treats go, those are very healthy choices. Allow for the calories in your daily calorie goal. I don't have any set free day, but if they happen, they happen...that's being flexible. I agree with the other posters that have said maybe a free meal is a better idea than a whole day.
  • Better4Summer
    i used to have cheat days... then they turned into cheat weeks and then the diet was just right out the window. This time around, i genuinely believe in everything in moderation. If we have pizza at home, i eat some. I may not eat as much as i used to, but i don't abstain. The biggest thing that has helped me is to log EVERYTHING that i eat. Then i can look at my diary and say... ehh maybe that peanut butter egg that took me 15 seconds to eat, probably wasn't worth the 90 calories.

    I agree with this.. ;)
  • kariannmbc
    kariannmbc Posts: 144
    If the promise of yogurt at the end of the day keeps you on track during the day, why can't you add that back in? If you're worried about sugars, find one that's lower in sugar or have less of it, like 1/2 a cup instead of a full cup. Or get plain Greek yogurt, and add a few berries.

    For me, starting my day with creamer in my coffee gives me something to look forward to, and if I have a super bad day, I take away my creamer the next day. Silly, yes, but that little rewards help me stay on track. And those calories are totally empty.
  • khayashi80
    khayashi80 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks for having the courage to share. We all have those moments where it's like...oh goodness. I would agree with others, I would allow yourself the natural sugars in fruit and yogurt. They are healthy ways to get something you enjoy. I don't personally have a cheat day, but if there is something that I just can't seem to get past craving after a week or 2, I will give in and have a taste or a piece. I try not to do a bunch of "cheat foods" at once. That way it's specific and focused. I add in exercise and then the next day I get right back on my plan.

    For me, this is a lifestyle change so every time I jump back on my plan, it's a success, even if it takes a week to get back on track. Good luck and again thanks for sharing this! Have a great day.
  • cowgirlup327
    cowgirlup327 Posts: 58 Member
    I agree with the "cheat meal." My boyfriend and I go out to dinner every Saturday night. For me, this works well because I spend about 4 hours working with horses on Saturdays so I know I've done more physical activity than any other day of the week. But regardless, it's nice to enjoy a restaurant meal, maybe a couple margaritas or glasses of sangria, and not worry about trying to enter every last ingredient into MFP. Most other dinners I prepare at home and know what the ingredients are, can prepare larger servings of vegetables, etc. As for trying to cut yogurt and fruit from your diet, is there a reason other than the sugar? If it's mainly about the sugar, do a little research into the glycemic index and eat fruits with lower natural sugar. In the end though, even if you eat some higher sugar fruits, you're eating whole/real food - not shoveling handfuls of candy into your mouth - and there's a huge difference between the two when it comes to sugar. Also, check the ingredients for the types of yogurt your grocery store carries. There's probably some variety in the type of sugar used. I'm a big believer in Michael Pollan's philosophies so I will still eat something that has a little bit of real sugar in it versus a chemically-made substitute sweetener. If you're really struggling with finding the balance to keep your stomach and your brain happy with your choices, I would really suggest picking up a copy of Michael Pollan's "Food Rules." It's a tiny book with a wonderful set up and good advice for how to eat well while not going to extremes that become counterproductive.
  • traccie2
    traccie2 Posts: 28 Member
    I've read everyone's replies and I want to say thanks. I've always been pretty much a loner and the only reason I really came to MFP was to have an easy way to log my food and to use the app. I'm learning though, that having a support system can be so helpful.

    I cut my sugars because I had plateaued, and I was trying to figure out how to get around that. I was looking over my diary for the few days prior to see what I had done different, if anything, and that's when I noticed the sugars. I didn't worry about it before because I knew I was eating clean. Well, I looked back over all of the weeks and noticed how high it was and I figured that must be the problem. So I cut them out. And here I am.

    The idea of the cheat day, or free day, came about because I did come to feel deprived. I had gone from being flexible to being too strict and too hard on myself and then I bounced all over the place. It seems odd that the simple idea of eating my yogurt or my fruit was to me, very flexible and very satisfying.

    I think I am going to go back to square one and do like I was before.
  • Dulcemami4ever
    Dulcemami4ever Posts: 344 Member
    I have 1 cheat meal per week. Something I have been craving etc. I don't cheat the whole day as I would feel guilty and probably screw my weightloss. I have seen that this one cheat meal per week actually seems to boost my metabolism. Also I don't keep junk food in my house. If I want a cheat meal, I usually go to a restaurant or go get the ingredients to cook. Having it in the house if you have a big weakness is not that smart.