People that have lost 80lbs+

I'd like to hear some great testimonies WITH Struggles and how you pressed on( maybe even points where your weight stalled or you lacked motivation) . I've lost 50lbs and have been stuck at this weight for 2 years- gaining and losing the same 10-15lbs. I'm glad to say that I am finally sticking with it and pressing on- but at this point, my weight loss has slowed to about 1lb a week. I know that 1lb a weeks is great and blah blah blah doctor recommended, but the first 40 came off at about 3-4 a week (and I was able to eat Doritos and chocolate daily!), so 1lb a week is really annoying when I am working out hard at the gym week after week and watching my diet closer.

This is normally the point where I get discouraged and go back to my old lifestyle- but I really want to push through this. So, I'd like to hear from you guys and motivate myself to keep it up!


  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    I have lost 64 pounds so far. my journey has been up and down. learning on eating correctly, learning on level of exercise, calories, trial and error. back in 1996 when my mom and step dad got married I weighed 250+ pounds and wore a size 26W. the one thing that kept me going was I never gave up. when I hit a stall in weight i would get back and try again. I have two mantras that keep me going.

    1. the only time you fail is if you fail to try and sit and do nothing

    2. don't look at how far you have to go but look at how far you have come.

    if you would have asked me last year at this time when I weighed 220 pounds if I would think 1 year later I would be 1 size away from where I was as a sophomore in High school I would say no way. but yet here I am 1 year later exactly at that place.

    I told myself there are no quick fixes in life I have to work for it. sure the media offers quick fixes diet pills, fad diets etc but these won't help me learn anything about managing my eating. I need to learn on my own trying new things finding what works for me.
    most of your quick fixes are for those who are lazy and want the weight loss without the effort. it doesn't work that way. of course I've always been a fighter ever since I was born part of being strong willed. but that is also what brought me this far in my journey.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580

    Did you find it hard to get out of the 50lbs lost range? I been seeing all of my MFP's lose about 2-3lbs a week and my scale hardly budges, lately. I definatly want to do something that sticks forever... so I'm not trying to lose weight at a really fast pace... but it just seems like the 50's are crawwwwwwling by!
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Don't give up. It will come off.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    defintely ! it seemed like I was at a stand still and my as you mentioned my scale just seemed stuck. I would weigh and see I was still at 200 pounds and would wallow in discouragement. I had to come to the place where I said you know I am not going to let the scale number define me as a person. i am going to get back up and try again make little changes that can help me on this weight loss. I had heard that the changes you make can all add up. the first change I made was soda. I realized I was drinking 4-5 cans of soda per day. so I decreased myself from soda gradually and eventually I stopped all together . have been without it for 2 years.

    It's the little changes that can really add up. when I stopped focusing on the scale I still struggle with at times but I found that these little changes added up to big results. the next time I decided to weigh I saw 190 pounds. it boosted my confidence okay Katie your changes are working keep going. last week I weighed in at 186 pounds. I stalled a bit but instead of focusing on the scale I asked myself okay katie is there something you need to change a missing element that you need to work on? then it came to me my portions. I eat double the portions I should be. so I said okay what can I do to change this? a friend told me what she did so I bought a plate from wal mart that shows the amount of fruits, grains, veggies, proten and dairy on it. I bough that plate. my focus is on that change and not on the scale.

    I would not focus on the scale but rather ask yourself is there any small changes I can make to make my finish line? Do I need ot bump my activity, eat less, am I eating to many calories, to little of them etc? every small change you make really adds up to big results in the end.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    i know what you're talking about! For me,the first 55 lbs came off like anything and i was eating ice creams,chocolates anything i wanted as long as i was under my cal goal.But around christmas i just couldnt lose weight any more and got stuck for a month at 55 lbs.After a lot of reading and searching,i finally decided to go low carb and i have been dropping steadily since then.
  • carolemsmall
    Youve done so well Carry on the good work Bet you look fantastic x
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    congrats Sam on the weight loss.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    thank you!
  • Schmelvie
    Schmelvie Posts: 233 Member
    My question for you is this... When you finally reach your goal, is your intention to go back to your old lifestyle? If the answer is yes, then you might as well quit now because you'll probably put all the weight back on anyway. If the answer is no, then why would something as simple as a stall force you back to a not-as-healthy lifestyle?

    Too many people see this process as having a distinct "end point". There is no end point, only a healthier way of living. Once that's realized, the stalls and setbacks are much easier to deal with emotionally.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    My question for you is this... When you finally reach your goal, is your intention to go back to your old lifestyle? If the answer is yes, then you might as well quit now because you'll probably put all the weight back on anyway. If the answer is no, then why would something as simple as a stall force you back to a not-as-healthy lifestyle?

    Too many people see this process as having a distinct "end point". There is no end point, only a healthier way of living. Once that's realized, the stalls and setbacks are much easier to deal with emotionally.

    It is not my intention to go back to my old lifestyle- I've kept the 50lbs off for 2 years now because my lifestyle is different. I'm not ready to be "done" as you are implying but ready to lose more weight. Thanks for the lesson, anyways.

    No lie- when I am working out 5+ days a week, counting calories, spending countless amount of time in the kitchen preparing my healthy meals for the week and losing very little, my motivation dwindles down. This is a lifestyle change- but no sir, I don't plan on doing exactly what I am doing now forever. *Dun dun dun dunnnnn* I don't plan on counting every single calorie that goes into my mouth forever... I am trying to educate myself on foods now so that later, I will naturally go for what my body needs. I don't plan to spend my whole life obsessing over food (thats what got me here in the first place.) I don't plan on living in the sticks-45minutes from my current gym forever. And I don't plan on spending 1-2 hours there everyday for the rest of my life.

    So yeah, right now... it's alot of work and thats not to say that maintaining isn't work... but I am still educating myself/changing/learningrecipes/spendinganungodlyamountoftimeatthegym and when I see no pounds lost this week, I want to say, "Forget all this work... I'm going curl on the couch and watch season 2 of Madmen."

    Just keeping it real. Looking for motivation from others that have gone through it, so that I can kick myself in the behind and say to myself, "Keep it moving, sister."
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