Switching Over From WW



  • Let's face it - we know what to do, it is just doing it. Save that money and put it towards all those fresh veggies and fruits we know we should be eating!


    I have used and been successful with both, but now I know that WW is just another "product". They have to keep changing it up and keep everyone guessing (how many points is in X??) so that they get paid. MFP is FREE, EASY, and totally TRANSPARENT.
  • Welcome! I was on WW as well and a friend told me about this site. Same thing but free. I see a few differences but for the most part it is the same. I just got an iphone so I like that I can enter my stuff on the go and it is updated on the web.

    I really didn't chat with people on WW but I am a lot more active on this site which has helped.

    Good luck.
  • sallyaj
    sallyaj Posts: 207 Member
    As a former WW leader, I think it's smart to get off the point system and start to learn what your most effective eating plan means in terms of fat/protein/calories. Go, you!
  • deluda
    deluda Posts: 146 Member
    I, too, have done WW. I worked for them for 14 years also. I never understood why someone would pay the weekly fee and not work the program. I don't like their PPS system though. MFP fits into my budget better since it's free! A couple weeks ago I felt I needed a little more accountability so I dug out my old WW material, made a journal and now I'm recording in both places. So far I'm happy with this progress.
  • randilynn113
    randilynn113 Posts: 227 Member
    I've done WW 3 times twice online only. I found that I got bored with no interaction with people, and there was something about the points that I just got too hung up on - I don't know what my problem was. After a lot of research, I find that I like the idea of seeing my actual calorie intake on here. (this is my third go-around on MFP because I wasn't as motivated as I thought before, and I let "life" get in the way. Now I am on board, I track everything I eat no matter what - and I love the app on my phone, what a tremendous help. I love to see the calories I'm burning with my HRM. I guess I feel like this is more "real" and more of a lifestyle for me rather than always worrying about the points for the rest of my life. I also like the motivation and support on here... and I don't miss the monthly fee from WW. :smile: Good luck to you!
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member
    i did ww a few years ago. somebody at the meeting made me so mad i refused to go back. so i gained a lot of weight (that'll show them!) and was miserable. and when i'd had enough of myself, someone told me about mfp. i love that it's free, it's more user-friendly than the ww site (but it's been quite some time since i viewed the ww site, so it could be different now), and i count calories instead of points. i like that my 'friends' are all over the place and help keep each other encouraged and motivated, and comforted but held accountable if someone has a bad day and doesn't make the best choices. i also think that the community is much more varied. i see people on mfp who are interested in fitness - seriously interested in killing it at the gym, or running a marathon. at ww, i was encouraged to 'push' myself by walking a mile or so a few times a week.
    at ww, everyone wanted to lose weight. at mfp, it's easy to find people who have similar goals, whether it is losing weight, getting stronger, being healthier, whatever. ww was solely concentrated on weigh loss.

    it's true that ww is a nutritionally sound program. on mfp, you have to be careful to make sure you are eating correctly, not just counting calories. ww does try to make sure you get all the dairy you need, all the protein, etc., and on mfp you can eat pop tarts and taco bell every day - as long as you stay inside your calorie limit. but that's not so healthy. so ww gets my thumbs up for being nutritionally sound.

    if ww wasn't a great program, people would not have success. but they do. ww has been around for decades and has proven it's worth, as evidenced by the millions of people it has helped.

    it just wasn't the best fit for me.

    and the only way to know which is best for you is to try them both. welcome to mfp!
  • ladyrider55
    ladyrider55 Posts: 316 Member
    It's about time you left WW :smile: Welcome to MFP, it's a million times better! :wink: :happy: :love: :flowerforyou:

    I broke free this last November & joined MFP(friends advice)and I never looked back! :love: :heart: :blushing:
  • I just did the same thing. Lost 45 pounds three years ago by going to WW meetings. Gained half of it back. Joined WW Online. Hate paying a fee just to track. Daughter-in-law hooked me up with this. So hard to get serious during the winter!
  • looopyloops
    looopyloops Posts: 84 Member
    I too have done weight watchers on the old program and had success, I learned a lot from the meetings that was the best part of ww and the part I still miss. I am not able to afford to go and tried out mfp almost 2 yrs ago, telling myself I would try it on my own, and I have found success, the message boards are great , lots of helpful info, but I do admit I still use a lot of what I learned in weight watchers, although now I track calories vs points, Welcome and good luck with mfp
  • BalmyD
    BalmyD Posts: 237 Member
    I was doing ww online program before they switched to pointsplus and I lost 20 pounds in about 3 months. I think that's where I really started to learn what the right portions for different foods are and how satisfying something small can be.

    However, when they changed to PointsPlus, there were too many variables that you were allowed to change. I ended up not losing any weight at all for a couple months even though I was trying to do exactly the same as I had before. Then I realized with all those variables, it had gotten so complicated I may as well count calories straight up.

    That brought me here, and I'm happy and losing weight again. :flowerforyou: I hope it works well for you too.
  • Lind140
    Lind140 Posts: 140 Member
    I once called myself the WW poster child because I kept on hanging on. Stopping and starting. It is a great program, and
    this one is similar and much, much easier to navigate. I lost my first 100# on WW. Now the loss is 162. I've lost
    5 and I'm just starting my 3rd week. Keep a close eye on the food diary, drink the water, and try to get in as much
    activity as you can. The people here are so nice and they post great recipes and helpful words of advice.
    Good Luck!
  • I missed the daily menus on WW too. I seem to do much better with a food plan because if left on my own I tend to stray...
  • Beckster7773
    Beckster7773 Posts: 7 Member
    Love MFP!! You will do well. You can get the online encouragement, and it basically is the same thing as far as tracking! I'm looking for some friends! I will send you a request! :smile:
  • MadMacMom0309
    MadMacMom0309 Posts: 21 Member
    I did WW online after the birth of my first child and lost 25 lbs. I continued with WW and then got pregnant with my second child, so I stopped until she was born, but when I went back I just was not losing like I did the first time. About a year ago I finally canceled my WW online to save money, but I missed tracking. A friend told me about MFP and I really like it. I like that you can track carbs, protein and fiber along with calories. I don't think I will ever pay for WW services again.
  • I did WW off and on for many years. I stopped because they kept changing programs. They constantly changed and for me...it was hard to stay faithful to something that wasn't faithful to me. My last straw was the "free foods." I was also suggested to follow programs past (when I had questions about past programs MULTIPLE leaders said they didn't know or used current programs as a reference.) MFP was and is better for me. I can count other macros and its free. I've considered doing both...but I'd rather save my money.

    WW works for a lot of people and still considered the "top diet."
  • I have yo-yo'd but always went back to WW, last time I lost 42lbs and managed to keep it off for over 2 years but in the last 6 months have gained 8lbs. I went back to WW meetings but like you I would lose 1 then gain 1. I couldn't seem to get on with the new ProPoints so I decided to stop and join MFP, I been here for 2 weeks and have lost 5lb, my weigh in day is Thursday so hope to have lost some more this week. I know its gonna be slow but I will be very happy if I lose 15lbs in total. I always liked logging my foods when doing WW, I find it keeps me on track to weigh foods and log them, makes me more aware of what I'm eating, MFP on my phone is brilliant cos I can log wherever I am .
  • cherieannjohnson
    cherieannjohnson Posts: 7 Member
    I was thinking of doing WW online, but came across myfitnesspal...hoping for your continued success!!!...great job on WW!!!
  • I do did WW and still use it. Recently joined this site and finding it great so trying a mixture of everything. What is interesting I find is how you can be within your daily point allowance but over on calories. A mixture works for me ...slow and steady weight loss:bigsmile: :bigsmile: