Newbie - one more time!

While I've had this account for awhile, I haven't used it. You probably hear that a lot. Got a new FitBit and just synced up to MyFitnessPal and am anxious to make a go of this.

To make a long story short, I am looking for fitness buddies. I'm 58, been through hell and back physically over the last 9 months, and would like to lose at least 50 pounds. More importantly, I want to eat right, get healthy, be more active, and just enjoy life!

There are some things I can't do, like run, due to a hip replacement a few years ago. But I'm willing to learn to compensate any way I can.

So if there is anyone out there near my age, kind of in the same situation as I am, I would absolutely LOVE a buddy for the motivation and accountability!

Any takers? :smile:


  • mdepko
    mdepko Posts: 283 Member
    I'm 55, got a bad knee and have dropped 43 lbs since 21 Jan 2013 and still have 57 lbs to go. Feel free to friend me, I have customized my workouts around my knee and they seem to be working. Plus I pretty much do all my own cooking. Would love to give and get support.
  • sharolynp
    sharolynp Posts: 2 Member
    I am also 58, in pretty good physical shape but have kidney problems so I have to watch things like Protein intake and potassium which makes eating healthy somewhat of a challenge. No dialysis or anything but don't want to get to that point so I am determined to lose this weight finally. I usually walk or do a "walking" DVD in the morning to jump start my metabolism before work. I force myself to eat breakfast (I know, I know) and eat a healthy lunch. I don't usually snack at work but by 5 pm I am ready to eat. I live with my daughter and her two girls so we alternate who does the cooking. Sometimes kid-friendly is not diet friendly! So, I am trying to eat a little bit of what the rest of the family has. Let's compare notes along the way.