CC's Biggest Loser Challenge- The Final Weeks



  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    sorry, girls... i know i have dropped off of the face of the planet basically with posting my weight. the thing is, that i am basically considering myself to be at goal right now, and my weight has been fluctuating a little bit within a couple of pounds.

    i am trying to not be so obsessed with weighing myself in every day, and also i'm trying to not drive myself crazy with posting my weight weekly in here or even updating it on MFP. it just frustrates me too much to see my weight go up even by a pound over the course of a week, even though my body is still actually shrinking.

    so i'm not trying to abandon the group, but i am trying to keep a healthy state of mind right now, and i think that backing off of my OCD-ness just a little bit is the best way for me to do it!!! :ohwell:

    =) charity
  • cc_campbell81
    cc_campbell81 Posts: 622
    welcome back clheide!

    I am watching the BL finale right now. So inspiring. Hope everyone posts their weights so we can see how great everyone did.
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    so i did weigh in this morning and was 149.2...which may or may not be down from the last time i posted a weight here. i really have no idea anymore!

    the BL finale was awesome. i was kinda rooting for ashley but not surprised that mike won. they all look amazing and as always, it was very inspiring!

    =) charity
  • cc_campbell81
    cc_campbell81 Posts: 622
    my final weigh in is 123lbs.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    I didn't see the finale last night. I was at Taekwondo. I actually haven't seen any of this season. I hope you all had a great time watching it!

    My final weight is up 1 pounds since last week (stupid TOM).

    Last week: 160 lbs.
    This week: 161 lbs.
    My starting weight during week 1 of this Biggest Loser Challenge: 191 lbs.

    So I've lost exactly 30 pounds since the first week of January! WOOHOO!

    I'll try to dig up some before/after photos. Take care!
  • constancemwj
    constancemwj Posts: 290
    BL was great last night..and most everyone looked great... (i'm excited for Julians new show next week) as for me I know I'm not the biggest loser eather, but still proud of myself for what I have accomplished.

    I started out In Jan. at 154.4
    and today I weighted in at 142.2.
    12 lbs lost total. :bigsmile:

    congrats to everyone for all your losses...
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    I didn't see the finale last night. I was at Taekwondo. I actually haven't seen any of this season. I hope you all had a great time watching it!

    My final weight is up 1 pounds since last week (stupid TOM).

    Last week: 160 lbs.
    This week: 161 lbs.
    My starting weight during week 1 of this Biggest Loser Challenge: 191 lbs.

    So I've lost exactly 30 pounds since the first week of January! WOOHOO!

    I'll try to dig up some before/after photos. Take care!

    30 pounds is awesome!!!! go you!!! :drinker:
  • cc_campbell81
    cc_campbell81 Posts: 622
    Well 5 months has flown by. I am so proud of you all for sticking with it. Congrats to wachugan for being the biggest loser!:flowerforyou:

    Name SW final weight Total lost
    wachugan 191.0 161 15.71%
    clheide 176.4 149.2 15.42%
    cc_campbell81 141.2 123 12.89%
    constancemwj 154.0 142.2 7.66%

    I don't know how to post pics here so I will post them on my profile.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Really? I'm the biggest loser? That's only because several of you are at your goal weight already. I still have 20 pounds to go.

    So here's a before photo from 2006:

    And here's one from November 2009:

    And here's one from January 2010, about a half month into this challenge:

    And here's one from a few weeks ago:

    I don't have a full length one from this week yet. But here's one of me doing Insanity with my 3 year old daughter a few weeks ago:
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    waguchan, you look flippin' fantastic! keep up the great work!!!!!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Thank clheide! So do you! I love your latest profile picture. Very elegant!!

    CC said she didn't know how to post pictures. So here's some instructions:

    I just upload them to my profile first. But if you save them to an external web site (like and share them for anyone to view them, that should work too. Right click on the picture and select "Copy Image URL".

    Then past the Image URL in the post, like:

    Then type <img> in front of the URL and </img> after the URL like this:


    But to get the picture to show up in the post, you have to replace the angle brackets < > with square brackets [ ]:

  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    thanks for the instructions! giving this a try for my first time, hopefully it works!!

    this is basically where i started, march 2009. i had lost maybe 30 pounds so far. i'm with my very pregnant daughter (and yes, i'm bigger than she is...)

    Christmas 2009

    made my hubby take new "skinny" pics of me...march 2010

    "prom" with my hubby, may 2010:

    =) charity
  • dcsswhite
    dcsswhite Posts: 1 Member
    What day does everyone weigh in? What are the rules? Is it too late to start?
  • clheide- Wow what a great transformation! Congrats!

    dcsswhite- I'm sorry we just finished the challenge but when the new season comes on maybe I will do it again.
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Wow, been very crazy week.

    Dec 1 - SW - 215
    CW - 190.5

    Mini Goal - 185 lbs by June 30th.

    My weight keeps going up and down every day by a pound. Hate that scale. LOL!!!
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member

    You look beautiful! I love your prom dress!!
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