New here!

Hi Everyone! My name is Tausha and I just joined this morning. I saw a link for this site on another forum where I visit often. I'm scared and excited to start here.

I am a new mom who has gained around 60 pounds in the last 6 years. My ultimate goal is to lose around 85 pounds.

Feel free to ask me any questions. I would love to get to know some people on here to have a support system.


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the new born

    This sight is is a real eye will realize just how much you usually eat and you can see where you need to fix it......

    Goodluck on your journey
  • jruiz2058
    jruiz2058 Posts: 2

    My name is Jeannette and I just started this morning. I am starting a journey to lose weight today. Excited and scared. I am a mother of 6 and I want to be healthy.
  • KaySaver
    KaySaver Posts: 92 Member
    Hello and welcome!

    I recommend taking a few days to just log everything you eat before you start your "diet" or a better word(s) would be lifestyle change. Once you see what you are eating and just how many calories you are taking in, you can start to change your old eating habits and replace them with better ones.

    And what ever you do, don't get down on yourself if you mess up or have a bad day or a couple of bad days, just get back on that horse and keep moving forward.

    Good luck!
  • Kamila02
    Kamila02 Posts: 54 Member
    WELCOME Tausha and Jeannette!!! I'm glad you're here! You're going to find this site VERY helpful!

    I really like the idea of logging in what you eat before you start "dieting". It helped me see HOW MUCH I ate and that my portions were HUGE!! I want to challenge you to not think of what you're doing as dieting, but as learning what is GOOD for your body and what destroys your body. My goal isn't to be "skinny" but be healthy. I'm not healthy when my 5'2" frame is 160 lbs. Lifestyle change is a GOOD term for what we're learning to do...

    I'm so glad you're here! Congrats on the kids, guys...

  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Hi and congrats on the new baby! My babies are 20, almost 18 and 4 already! :( Miss the days when they were so tiny!

    I agree with the other posters - get a little notebook (dollar store always has some cute ones!) and keep with you at all times. Write down what you eat and how much you eat and be honest in there! It is a big eye-opener to see what, when, and how much your eating. It's also helped me cut out the grazing eating all the time. I keep my book with me in my purse and have it everywhere and then I log everything into the online journal here and it does all the calculations. I still do watch labels and make sure they match up with the online journal too but so far everything has been right on!

    Good luck!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Thanks for welcoming me! I'm excited to get started. After doing my first food log, for breakfast alone I ate almost HALF of my daily caloric intake! Wow.! What an eye opener. Thanks for the well wishes!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Thanks! I love my snuggle buddy! His name is Eli! I can't imagine him being all grown. I know you miss yours being small I'm sure. I really look forward to getting to know some people around here and I'm excited to get started. I just told someone else that for breakfast alone I learned that I am eating almost HALF of my daily caloric intake! Sheesh!!..... Makes me think!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Thanks! I'm 5'2" as well but a much larger girl than yourself! I'm really excited to start having a "healthy lifestyle" again! I was a 3 sport athlete in school..and now....blah.. haha.. I'm looking forward to enjoying bike rides again with my hubby!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi Jeanette! I'm excited that we started on the same day! Maybe we can be fitness buddies! Good luck on your journey to healthy.
  • Emdiee2014
    Hi everyone,
    I'm new here too & had a terrible day today!! So I needed some support :)
    I'm glad to be surrounded by others that have the same goal. I have a terrible memory though- it's going to be tough for me to remember to add everything! AhH! Am setting reminders on my phone now!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    One of the posters had a great idea. She said to take a little notebook with you everywhere in your purse, or pocket, or whatever. Write it down and post at the end of the day. So, if you go out to eat you won't forget by the time you get home! I'm excited to start here too! Add me as a friend if you want!