Exercising with pain

I don't know if anyone else has this problem, I'm going to ask anyway. I have Achilles' tendinitis in both ankles. I've had it for ten years. Years ago I told my doctor about it but he didn't do anything. It used to improve with rest but came right back again when I started doing any exercising. Now it's getting worse because I am doing this paper route and walking every night of the week with no rest.

I do not have medical insurance and I don't have the money to go to a doctor. I want to get more exercise than the paper route but I don't know if I can with this pain, and I'm afraid if I do I'll tear the tendon and really be in a bind. The only treatment I've done is occasional ice. I'm going to start using ice every day after my route and sleeping with my legs elevated to see if that helps, but I was wondering if anyone else has this issue and what you're doing to help it?


  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'm dealing with a bad ankle myself-- severe osteoarthritis that basically makes it extremely difficult to walk.

    I've been going to physical therapy for several weeks, and

    There are some exercises you can do that will help. The ones that seem to do the most good are writing the alphabet with my feet while sitting in a chair, and standing on one leg (the bad one) for 1 minute using only one finger to balance against a wall or hard surface. The standing on one leg is very wobbly but that's the point-- the wobbling helps strengthen the little muscles in the foot and take some of the stress off of the ankle, and writing the alphabet helps keep the synovial fluid in the joint moving around.

    Exercise-wise, I've adjusted by switching to low-impact activities such as the stationary bike and the eliptical . . .and I can't wait until my schedule allows me to get back in the pool!

    I also picked up an inexpensive brace at the drug store. that gives me some relief as well.
  • heather86RN
    If you can add weights to strengthen your muscles, that would be something you could do that is not going to add to your problem, but will help with your progress. My husband is a Massage Therapist and says that a lot of problems with tendons goes back to the muscles that they are connected to. If you are having pain in both tendons, it is probably related to the calf muscles in your legs. You might try to find a good Massage Therapist and see if working on your legs might be a solution.