No More Excuses -- Week 29



  • slimkitty
    slimkitty Posts: 418
    Hello everyone. I have been off line for a few days. There was an electrical fire in my neighborhood and we were without power for a few days. I am afraid that wasn't good for my weight loss progress. Between not being able to track my food and the all the barbecues with out neighbors, my clothes don't feel so loose anymore.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Memorial Day weekend all...Hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday. I had my salad last night and again today for lunch. I may have another one at dinner with my grilled venison burger instead of the fries I am making for hubby and kids. I made it to the gym today, had lunch with a friend for my birthday (I really milked my birthday this year) and got in some shopping to redeem all of my freebie coupons. I love those shopping trips. See y'all Monday.

    Jack...Hope you have a great vacation.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    OMGosh.....what a wonderful Memorial Day Week-end.....Family wise anyway....not eating or exercise wise!!!! It was so bad, I was afraid to weigh in. OM MY!!!!! We were on the motorcycles all day on Saturday so ate yummy food......and then sat......Then yesterday the "boys" all went fishing and I did get a little exercise by mowing the yard! HA HA HA.....But then had a wonderful bar-be-Que last night! WOW!!!!

    Anyway.....Back on the wagon today. I don't want to gain everything back. So here we go...... Hope everyone has a great "short" week!

  • Hello everyone!! It has been quite sometime since I have been on this group. I have failed miserably at keeping the weight off. I got on the scales this morning and I was not pleased at what I saw. I have gained all of the 52 pounds back plus 1.6 pounds. No more, I am sick of being fat. I am back on this thing and I will do it no matter what life throws my way, or what happens. I will not let things get to me, I am sick of doing that. I am BACK, and I am here to stay until I lose all the weight I want to lose. I can do it, I know I can, I lost 52 pounds before using this site and I can and will do it again!!! I can do all things thru Christ which strengtheneth me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Good Tuesday afternoon all...I had a good weekend but didn't get to celebrate the holiday too much. It rained here all day yesterday. We had a family cookout planned but it got cancelled. I got my jog in this morning. I have missed a couple of weeks except for here and there and it is a little like starting over. I will jog 2 more days this week at least and make it to the gym two days. That is my challenge AND DRINKING ENOUGH WATER!!! That is a constant for me. I don't know why it is so hard to realize that my body needs water. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Laura...Good to see you back!
  • Good Tuesday afternoon all...I had a good weekend but didn't get to celebrate the holiday too much. It rained here all day yesterday. We had a family cookout planned but it got cancelled. I got my jog in this morning. I have missed a couple of weeks except for here and there and it is a little like starting over. I will jog 2 more days this week at least and make it to the gym two days. That is my challenge AND DRINKING ENOUGH WATER!!! That is a constant for me. I don't know why it is so hard to realize that my body needs water. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Laura...Good to see you back!

    Thanks, I am very glad to be back.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Hello everyone!! It has been quite sometime since I have been on this group. I have failed miserably at keeping the weight off. I got on the scales this morning and I was not pleased at what I saw. I have gained all of the 52 pounds back plus 1.6 pounds. No more, I am sick of being fat. I am back on this thing and I will do it no matter what life throws my way, or what happens. I will not let things get to me, I am sick of doing that. I am BACK, and I am here to stay until I lose all the weight I want to lose. I can do it, I know I can, I lost 52 pounds before using this site and I can and will do it again!!! I can do all things thru Christ which strengtheneth me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Laura....Nice to see you again!!! Glad you are back. I am so determined as well after this past week-end. GEEZ!!!! It amazes me how fast it can come back. I didn't weigh in, but I know my clothes are a little snugger which is not a good thing!

    Tammy....Sorry you had ucky weather. We were so thrilled to finally get some good weather!! ;)

    Make it a good one!
  • Hello everyone!! It has been quite sometime since I have been on this group. I have failed miserably at keeping the weight off. I got on the scales this morning and I was not pleased at what I saw. I have gained all of the 52 pounds back plus 1.6 pounds. No more, I am sick of being fat. I am back on this thing and I will do it no matter what life throws my way, or what happens. I will not let things get to me, I am sick of doing that. I am BACK, and I am here to stay until I lose all the weight I want to lose. I can do it, I know I can, I lost 52 pounds before using this site and I can and will do it again!!! I can do all things thru Christ which strengtheneth me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Laura....Nice to see you again!!! Glad you are back. I am so determined as well after this past week-end. GEEZ!!!! It amazes me how fast it can come back. I didn't weigh in, but I know my clothes are a little snugger which is not a good thing!

    Tammy....Sorry you had ucky weather. We were so thrilled to finally get some good weather!! ;)

    Make it a good one!

    thanks I am very glad to be back and more determined than ever!! I will not weigh 300 pounds, I want to be less than 200 too. I will do it.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Hello all...I've been very busy trying to get ready for the beach. I'm soooo ready mentally, still not physically ready as far as the bathing suit but oh well, I'm going to wear one anyway!!! I have missed doing the Nautilus machines at the gym and have lost a couple of pounds. I'm sure I'm losing my muscle. I have got to get back but it is harder for me in the summer, so many extra things to do. I plan to get in a lot of biking and kayaking at the beach so hopefully that will help. Everyone have a great day!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Good afternoon all! Hope everyone is having a great week. I am getting better. I was not happy with myself the beginning of the week for making such rotten choices over the week-end. Have a feeling I will pay for them for a while but I am getting back on track and have been getting my exercise and water in every day! Just have to stay away from the ice cream and all the sweets!!!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • smwert
    smwert Posts: 300
    I am not happy with myself either. Bad week. Too much sodium, too much food, too much alcohol. And this weekend is full of events. I feel like staying home - but that will make me feel worse. I just need to find some motivation to make god choices.
    Usually I lose during the week and gain it back on the weekend. Have to turn it around this weekend or I will gain more back.
    The bigger I get the more depressed I feel. The more depressed I feel the more I want to eat and drink. Must get off the hamster wheel.

    Wish me luck!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    I am not happy with myself either. Bad week. Too much sodium, too much food, too much alcohol. And this weekend is full of events. I feel like staying home - but that will make me feel worse. I just need to find some motivation to make god choices.
    Usually I lose during the week and gain it back on the weekend. Have to turn it around this weekend or I will gain more back.
    The bigger I get the more depressed I feel. The more depressed I feel the more I want to eat and drink. Must get off the hamster wheel.

    Wish me luck!

    I am soooooo with you on this. I am on the same wheel!!!! I was so upset with myself all week. I think I am pulling out of it though! I HOPE!!! Went to Curves last night, and then went for a walk as well. As I suspected it is TOM time!! YUCK! But I have GOT to quit using that as an excuse. It is convenient and I need to get away from it. I need to find something to change up my routine a bit I think. My hubby and I have talked about playing tennis at night. Neither of us are really good, but running around the court would do me some I think that is going to be a plan for at least 3 nights a week!

    Hope you have a better week-end!!!!
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Okay so here I go.......This is the beginning of a new week, and a great opportunity to start a new!!!!! I saw this bulletin on a local church about "Failure is only the opportunity to start a new journey with a better plan!" Well that is me this week. I did step on the scale this morning and it wasn't good. Not as bad as I was afraid after the last two weeks, was 3 lbs higher.. YUCK>>>>>and I refuse to sit idly by and accept it. we go. I am going to log every day, make smart food decisions, and exercise everyday. Here is my plan: Log what I am eating in the morning, then as far as exercise... Curves every night, M-W-F walk my 2 miles, T-TH work out on the Wii, Then Saturday....Have fun but still make smart food choices..... :) So, now that I have made my plan public.....I need you all to hold me accountable!!!!

    Okay so now I feel better. I am off to finish my housework for the day. Talk to you all tomorrow to check in!
  • justjack51
    justjack51 Posts: 340 Member
    Well I am back on the grid. Been stuck in a log cabin in Minnesota for a week with internet so slow, anything beyond checking email was a huge hassel. My diet has been terrible but I have been working on the cabin for about 15 hours a day (cabin looks great), so I didn't gain any weight.

    Now the bad news, my 94 year old grandfather fell and broke his hip a week ago and then died from complications a few days after the surgery. Funeral is tomorrow, to make things worse, a tornado hit about a quarter mile away from where my grandparents live, (google dwight, ill to read about it.

    Send me your weight ins, I should be able to get the chart updated by tomorrow evening.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Well I am back on the grid. Been stuck in a log cabin in Minnesota for a week with internet so slow, anything beyond checking email was a huge hassel. My diet has been terrible but I have been working on the cabin for about 15 hours a day (cabin looks great), so I didn't gain any weight.

    Now the bad news, my 94 year old grandfather fell and broke his hip a week ago and then died from complications a few days after the surgery. Funeral is tomorrow, to make things worse, a tornado hit about a quarter mile away from where my grandparents live, (google dwight, ill to read about it.

    Send me your weight ins, I should be able to get the chart updated by tomorrow evening.

    Jack...I'm terribly sorry to hear about your grandfather. I'll be praying for you and your family.
  • tamelab
    tamelab Posts: 892 Member
    Happy Sunday all...I helped my aunt move yesterday. It was a 2 hour drive to her house and then a 3 hour drive to her new place. It was a terribly long and hard day but we got it done. I ate at McDonald's for lunch and dinner but I think I burned it off on the 112th trip up the stairs of the historic Victorian house she was living in. I am sore and extremely tired today but I got a good nap. It is very hot here, about 94. We won't have our new pool up until we get back from the beach so I am hiding from the heat. I will be packing M, T and W this week and leaving Th. I will do my very best to log and exercise but I can't promise anything. Hope you all have a great ending to your weekend. Talk to you soon.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    Well I am back on the grid. Been stuck in a log cabin in Minnesota for a week with internet so slow, anything beyond checking email was a huge hassel. My diet has been terrible but I have been working on the cabin for about 15 hours a day (cabin looks great), so I didn't gain any weight.

    Now the bad news, my 94 year old grandfather fell and broke his hip a week ago and then died from complications a few days after the surgery. Funeral is tomorrow, to make things worse, a tornado hit about a quarter mile away from where my grandparents live, (google dwight, ill to read about it.

    Send me your weight ins, I should be able to get the chart updated by tomorrow evening.

    Jack....that is terrible news about your grandfather. I am so sorry and will be sending prayers your way. When it rains it poors.
  • tigermom79
    tigermom79 Posts: 740
    True to my word so far......I have completed my food log for today up to dinner. I have about 450 calories for dinner. Any suggestions? That doesn't include the exercise for today though....which should add about 400 -450 more. It is suppose to be 105 here today!!!! EGADS!!!! My walk may happen at midnight when it cools down!! :laugh:

    Here is to everyone having a great week!:drinker:

  • Good morning everyone! Jack I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather, you and your family are in my prayers. I am ready to start today and end today well. I know that I can do this and I will finish today well, no matter what happens.
  • lazygalina
    lazygalina Posts: 38
    Jack, I am really sorry about your grandfather.. will strong..
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