ARUGULA - Healthiest foods for FERTILITY

00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
from the book: 100 Healthiest Foods to Eat During Pregnancy


Blast off to good health with these delicious peppery greens. Arugula, also known as rocket, is a sophisticated change from the usual lettuce in any favorite salad recipe, and it's packed with nutrients that may support healthy fertility.

* Green leafy vegetables are the ultimate superfood. One of the most nutrient-packed vegetables, leafy greens contain amino acids, iron, f\olate, B vitamins, antioxidants, and countless other nutrients that not only hel your body function properly but also help fight off disease. So arugula is not just a great addition to your fertility diet but also a great addition throughout your pregnancy and postpartum diets.

* Always look for the freshest arugula; it should be dark green and lush. Avoid buying arugula that's even beginning to turn yellow or limp. Aging leaves contain few nutrients and simply taste terrible.

* You'll love the spicy flavor of arugula s well as its dark green color and beautiful shape. It makes a gogeous salad and goes well with less common salad ingredients, such as grapefruit or orange selections.

* A man's ideal meal may not be a pretty salad of arugula with a few slices of pink grapefruit and some red onion, but put your masculine pride aside, boys, and dig in. Arugula is a good source of folate. In one and a half cups of arugula, there are 30mcg of folate. Folate is an important nutrient that's needed for male fertifily (effects a man's ability to produce sperm with the beest genetics)

* Healthy sperm is vital to conception. Most importantly, the genetic material a sperm contains needs to be perfect. A study showed that men twho consumed more folate had fewer sperm with genetic problems.

* Arugula is also a good source of vitamins A, C, and K. Plus, Aarugula contains 15 mg of choline. THis nutrient is not well known, but it is vital to your baby's growth and health. Choline is important for early devlopment because it plays a role in brain development.

* A bone building bonanza, arugula contains calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and manganese. All of these nutrients help ensure that your bones are strong and healthy. This is important as you start your pregnancy since your baby needs a lot of calcium and minerals from your body in order to grow.

Is arugula an aphrodisiac? Well, that's what the ancient Egyptians and Romans thought. I don't know about that, but I do know that it's the uberfood of nutritional bargains: Not only is it packed iwth vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids, one cup contains a whopping 5 calories!

If you haven't tasted arugula, you are in for one fabulous treat. Those little leaves pack a big, spicy flavor and a rich, meaty texture that will make your mouth water. Arugula's outsized flavor helps it stand up to bold ingredients in a salad, whether you like yours with citrus, almonds, and shaved Parmesan (try a dressing of lemon juice and extra-virgin olive oil on this) or anchovies, feta, and kalamatoa olives (with a classic Greek dressing or a simple olive oil-balsamic vinegar mix). Or try this favorite: a bed of arugula topped with grilled portobello mushrooms and a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic vinegar or your favorite marinade.

But arugula's not just for salads. You can use it any way you'd use spinach: Just wilted in the water it's washed in and served with a splash of balsamic viegar; sauteed in a little olive oil with minced onion or garlic; or added to omelets, soups, or lentil stew (it's great in black bean soup and as a topping for refried beans, too).

Fertility Foods:


1st Timester:


2nd trimester:


3rd Trimester:



  • krisolso
    krisolso Posts: 29 Member
    That's really interesting. I had no idea that arugula could improve fertility. thanks for the upate
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    cool. thanks for the info.:bigsmile: