my stomach :(

I never showed anyone my stomach til now. Its gross I know. I seriously need tips on losing the way it looks.. I know some type of surgery will be needed. But how do I lose my ugly love handles.. My stomach.. The indent on my stomach..and get my shape back, my sides look squaring! Help please.. I need a change.. Sorry for the disturbing pictures, makes me cry


  • Katetw
    Katetw Posts: 188 Member
    as far as I know, you can't target weight loss. For toning, you could try exercises that specifically work muscles in that area of the body (like crunches)?

    Good luck! It is hard work but you can do it!
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    huh! I just don't think it looks awful at all. You look mortal, but that's not so bad! Don't get so down on yourself!
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member
    Thats a mommy tummy. I know because I have one too and so do ALL my friends! lol :) But trust me I have seen a lot worse. I have a pouch and mommy marks. (as I like to call them) Your stretch marks are very light though which is good. Try tanning and they will blend in even more! Just work out hard it will tighten back up with time. After having children our stomach will never have the same elasticity BUT we can get it damn close with hard work. ;)
  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    we all have our flaws- and we all focus way too much on them, rather than seeing the total package (im guilty of it everyday). You have had a child- unless u have the trainers that the celebs do or perfect genes, it may never go back to 100% what it looked like before you had a baby. but who cares? you arent big AT ALL, and you have a healthy (I assume) child! your stomach looks worse in your eyes- TRUST ME.

    but, you can do things to make it better and make yourself happier with it- find a good calorie blance to hit your macros daily, do core strength workouts (not just ab workouts- im talking exercises where you lift and have to control your balance from your core), and certain cardio exercises that target the hips- like walking on a high incline (perferably w/o holding on!, or running).

    but stop hating yourself for it. this post, your profile, your pics that only show your stomach... it all sounds like too much self hatred on your body.

    and men dont see our flaws the way we do. women are generally the critical ones when it comes to that stuff ! a good man will love you regardless of any imperfection that you think you have :)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Same advice for everyone's "problem" area: moderate calorie deficit calculated by subtracting calories from your TDEE, a good weight lifting program to prevent lean mass loss while in that deficit, and cardio for it's many benefits. Just work hard, and you'll get there.

    And stop the self hating! I know it's hard sometimes, but it honestly is easier to do what you gotta do to improve if your thoughts and comments about yourself are positive!
  • dont feel bad my stomach is worse and hangs low,i had a transplant surgery a few years ago and lost alot and now i gained 50 lbs i just want to loose 20or 25 lbs,,we both need some goo dtips for this low stomach fat,i have not logged in for a while but i am going to try again,keep trying and lets encourage each other good luck
  • Mscastillo85
    Mscastillo85 Posts: 66 Member

    This girl did P90X and the transformation is amazing!!!
  • Lauralei36
    Lauralei36 Posts: 61 Member

    This girl did P90X and the transformation is amazing!!!
  • Thanks so much everyone for all the positive feedback. I know Im self hating about my stomach but i'm so tired of it. I am going to look for a good core workout. And try really hard because I am really tired of seeing my stomach, also try and think positive about the whole thing because I do hate negativity in general But for myself and my stomach I could go on and on lol. Not good..
    about me having a mommy tummy, I seriously feel like im the ony one, I never seen angone else with a stomach like mine. But I will take ur word for it.