haters at gym!!

It really bothers me when girls talk **** about other girls at the gym. That skinny girl wearing the spandex pants and tank top who comes to walk the treadmill maybe doesn’t have the ability to run 5 minutes. That bigger girl who you think shouldn’t be wearing a tight top finally got the confidence to do so. That girl who wears makeup maybe has no self-esteem and thats the only way she’ll go to the gym. Regardless, what others are wearing or doing at the gym shouldnt affect why youre there. Stop putting a label on everyone because fitness is a lifestyle that should be welcoming to everyone.


  • RunningofftheEX
    RunningofftheEX Posts: 78 Member
    It can be somewhat comical to see and hear what some people are like in the gym. Most of it is pure ignorance. For the most part at my gym everyone is cool but there are the handful who think they so cool or whatever. I just laugh at them bc they have no clue how stupid they make themselves look.
  • hevhoyda
    hevhoyda Posts: 146 Member
    I completely agree with this...When I'm at the gym I'm there to focus on myself and my workout not to judge other people...Who cares what other people do/wear at the gym at least they are there trying to be healthier
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Also when people say they dont want to go to the gym because people are all fit and looking good in their gym gear....well this time last year they may not have done but they worked for it. I admire people at the gym and think yeh...i'd be wearing that too if i could!
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    the only people i hate at the gym... are the ones who dont put away their weights when they are done. that and the ones that circle the P L looking for the closest spot. Other than that.... we ALL have a right to be there!!!:wink:
  • hendongirl
    hendongirl Posts: 156 Member
    I love it when people look at me like "wtf is SHE doing at the gym?!" as though everyone who goes to the gym must be athletic looking and toned already.... I'm there because I'm trying to get to that level.... why knock my confidence? It took enough just to walk into the gym in the first place....!
  • RunDoozer
    RunDoozer Posts: 1,699 Member
    Skinny girls are people too. Stop hatin'.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    the only people i hate at the gym... are the ones who dont put away their weights when they are done. that and the ones that circle the P L looking for the closest spot. Other than that.... we ALL have a right to be there!!!:wink:

    Agreed. The people at my gym are notorious for doing that. Drives me nuts.
  • Dauntlessness
    Dauntlessness Posts: 1,489 Member
    These are the same ones who talk about obese people like "She's fat, she should get off her butt and do something" or about skinny ones "Look at how skinny that girl is, if the wind blew on her, shes float way". They are always going to complain about someone to try to build themselves up no matter who it is. I am sure they are calling the "fit girls" trashy or something too...
  • RunningofftheEX
    RunningofftheEX Posts: 78 Member
    Though the one thing that does get me to laugh is seeing the ones in the parking lot smoking a cig before they walk in or lighting up once they leave. But once again that is their choice. Guess at least they are starting with going to the gym them maybe quitting smoking second?????
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    I'm totally focused on myself when I'm at the gym. It's the only time during my day when I am afforded that luxury, so I shamelessly indulge. Besides that, I respect anyone who's at the gym working out. We're all there trying to improve ourselves, after all. That's a big deal.
  • Fit4Ibiza
    Fit4Ibiza Posts: 39
    This.............. makes people (like me) feel like I don't wanna go!

    Put's me off going at certain times, days etc....
  • skamnorth
    skamnorth Posts: 43
    This is why I've decided on creating a home gym. As much motivation it can be going to a proper one and meeting people, it could be devastatingly dismotivating as well..
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    Though the one thing that does get me to laugh is seeing the ones in the parking lot smoking a cig before they walk in or lighting up once they leave. But once again that is their choice. Guess at least they are starting with going to the gym them maybe quitting smoking second?????

    That used to be me, back when I smoked and belonged to a gym. Now I work out at home...and quit smoking, hell, I just realized it will be a year on the 12th! I used to feel like an idiot lighting up when I got done, but I was addicted.
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    Doesn't phase me any more. Some chick kept staring at me last night and I can only assume it's because I was sweating up a storm. That's what we're all suppose to be there for...
  • k_town78
    k_town78 Posts: 21
    Doesn't phase me any more. Some chick kept staring at me last night and I can only assume it's because I was sweating up a storm. That's what we're all suppose to be there for...

    Yup! I always leave the gym a mess. Lets me know I'm doing it right :)
  • Just stop judging others...period. The gym is for working out and looking/feeling good.

    Start living and enjoying the gym! Physical fitness and mental fitness are both relevant to health....being gorgeous on the outside and ugly on the inside is worse than smoking a cig in the parking lot!
  • Fit4Ibiza
    Fit4Ibiza Posts: 39
    This is why I've decided on creating a home gym. As much motivation it can be going to a proper one and meeting people, it could be devastatingly dismotivating as well..

    Totally dismotivating!!!
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    . That girl who wears makeup maybe has no self-esteem and thats the only way she’ll go to the gym.

    LOLOL sure. I wear make-up to the gym for many reasons. No self-esteem isn't one of them

    Also this whole message is ironic.

    But I agree. I don't see many haters at all at the gym. People are there for them and focused usually from what I see.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Skinny girls are people too. Stop hatin'.

  • People at the gym don't bother me and I don't bother them. I'm not there to judge but to get my work out on.