Please help with my calorie intake

Hi all

Age 47, 6'0", 220 lbs.

I'm very confused. Trying to calculate my proper daily calorie requirements, and have an issue with my BF estimate. I am pretty lean all over, but have a massive gut when I relax it - 45 inches. It pains me to look at it. The military bodyfat calculator says my BF is 31%. This means I am technically obese. Is this really accurate? No-one would call me obese to look at me.

I've been training with weights since Jan 1st, 3 x week, one set of 12 on squat, bench press, bent over row and shoulder press.

I eat about 2200 cals a day, 5 small meals a day and have protein with every meal. Does this sound about right?

I do seem to be losing a bit of fat, but I guess I thought it would happen quicker. I feel an inclination to eat less. Could I safley do so, or should I just keep doing what I'm doing?

Many thanks



  • redole
    redole Posts: 3 Member
    Hey Joe

    Having been there and done that while in the Military, I know your pain. Trust me it don't get any better after retirement. Try cutting your caloric intake down to 6 meals a day and lower your sugar content on a daily basis.

    Would be interested to know if you are using the calculation capability of this program to determine your dietary needs. I used it and it took me a while to figure it out but I seem to be on track now and one of the things I was missing was that I was eating the right calories, fat, protein, etc., but my sugars were high (over 30g) daily. The high sugars were putting my body into "fat storing" mode. Once I got into keeping those down, I lost 9 lbs in 10 days.

    Try it.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hi Joe,

    I'm in the same boat - at 5'7" (female) and 246lbs, I am obese. Morbidly so, in fact. Yet people in real life are shocked and dismayed when I say I need to lose 100+ pounds! I carry my weight very well, no one would ever peg me at 246, even with my pregnant-looking gut. My chiropractor works out of the same office as a medical weight loss outfit - she was in such disbelief of my actual weight that I took her to the back room and showed her the scale!

    Now, obviously the charts and calculators can be off if you're really muscled up, because muscle weighs so much more than fat. But at least in my case, that's not the issue at all.
  • redole
    redole Posts: 3 Member

    See my post to Joe.