Just wanted to say Hello...

Hi, my name is gennia, and I am about a week new to my fitness pal. I am loving it so far, and can not believe the amts. of calories, in alot of the foods that I eat. I never really paid attention to it, until now. My goal is to lose right at 60 lbs. and I need lots of encouragement. I tried for yrs all kinds of diets. and found that nothing really works for me. I am now seeing my Dr. and we are both working toward this goal. The good thing with starting this diet right now, is that it is garden time, and I will soon have all the fresh vegetable i can eat. We are just plain, country folk; so mostly country type foods for us.
I could go on and on, but as I said in the beginning subject: Just wanted to say hello..!!


  • brendaboo88
    brendaboo88 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello there Gennia, and good luck!!!
  • mkwade7380
    mkwade7380 Posts: 37
    hey Gennia, welcome
  • genniab
    genniab Posts: 4
    Hey, thanks.... I'm gonna need lots of encouragement, but; i'm gonna give it my best shot.
  • lola92501
    lola92501 Posts: 1
    Hello there Gennia! My name is Stacey and I too have about 60 lbs I want to lose. I had a health scare a while back and just really want to be as healthy as I can be for myself and my 4 kids! I started working with a personal trainer and she is adamant about getting me where I need to be. I'm excited because I am still sore and i worked with her 3 days ago. I LOVE this calorie counter as well. Its great and lets me keep track as well. Its amazing how much every little "bite" adds up!
    I'm here for you! Hopefully we can lose this 60 lbs together! Please keep in touch and let me know how you are doing.

  • genniab
    genniab Posts: 4
    Thanks Stacey.. I will keep in touch.... I think we will make it, I am very positive this time on losing weight, I love this calorie counter, I never realized how many calories were in a lot of the food I was eating....!!!! Now before we eat anything, I'll say, wait I have to go check the calories. haha I would add you as a friend, but I don't know how yet:sad: Still very new to my fitness pal. Good Luck with your weight loss.
  • bikinikillaer
    Dude, same here - until using this program I had no idea what my caloric intake was a day. And talk about after a night out at the bar! HOLY CRAPPERS was I surprised!!

    Good luck and don't forget, we're all here for ya!
  • runningman1203
    hi and welcome to a very friendly and supportive site. Im sure with some determination you'll reach your goals