Running bores me

I can't really afford any other kind of cardio except for running, but oh my god, does it bore me. I have a kickass playlist, nice workout clothes, I run along a beautiful river... and all I can think is "ugh, another X minutes before I can do something that's fun".
Anyone else have the same problem? What do you do about it?


  • CarlKRobbo
    CarlKRobbo Posts: 390 Member
    Have you not tried Sprinting? Short bursts, preferrably uphill. Grab a few cheap cones and do some shuttle runs.

    I'm the same, hate running, am bad at it, and too competitive (try and catch up to the better runners!) Sprint work's in that case. Of course it helps that I'm more built for Speed\Power

    Depends on your goal as well, If it's just wieght loss\body shape, sprints will be just as good, I'd only look at running a long time If I was planning on running over 10K
  • defeatmylazyself
    defeatmylazyself Posts: 17 Member
    Sprinting is what I hate the most! ^^ I'm doing this and today is another sprints day. Blergh. I just need to get over it, I guess.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    When you say another x minutes until I can do something fun... what's fun?

    Is there a reason you are running if you hate it so much?

  • jilules
    jilules Posts: 2
    I run with my dog, and I really enjoy the company. It also means that I need to be looking out for squirrels or people or other distractions for him, which helps. Also, I switch up my route often. I run in the city, so sometimes I adopt the "I wonder how far it is to _____________" and run there.
  • tanetti
    tanetti Posts: 38 Member
    Can you find a friend to run with? Runners are very social and many are looking for running buddies, and after that first "date" with the right partner (nerve-wracking just like a romantic date), it can make a huge difference and make the time go by so much faster. Look online or at a running store for local groups--they're usually free. Also change up your route, or think about something else (my favorite trick is to listen carefully to try to learn all the words to a song). I hated hated hated running when I first started but after a month or two I loved it, as it got (a little) easier and I figured out what worked for me.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Instead of running, would you enjoy something like doing jumping jacks, jump rope, etc? Those are also very cheap, but could be more fun for you. I only enjoy running if it is in a group. By myself it just goes so slowly....
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    You can do other things you enjoy more. I really enjoy running. It's a break for me. But if I hated it I'd be hiking or riding my bike or something like that. Find something you enjoy or you won't be able to stick to it. You could try signing up for a 5k too. Maybe training for something would be more exciting.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Run backwards.

    The danger makes it more exciting.
  • tabbydog
    tabbydog Posts: 4,925 Member
    Have you tried that app Zombie Run? That might entertain you, I have heard a lot of people say it makes the time go by faster. I have not tried it, but my understanding is that there is a story line and you get chased by zombies. I think that you might be able to play your own playlist with it too, but not sure.
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    then don't run! go on youtube they have fitness channels my favorite is fitnessblender. they have many many workouts. or make up your own routine. jumping jacks, high knees, burpees, mountain climbers, step ups, push ups, lunges, jump twist, skaters, planks, v-sits, squats, punches, front-back-side kicks, ballet barre stuff, plyo anything the list goes on and on if you do variations
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    I love running. But it wasn't always that way. I had to set goals, first one was to complete a 5k. Training was a chore at first, but then I was motivated more when I saw progress.

    For the longest time, maybe until I did my first 5k, it was only the goals that kept me motivated.

    And eventually, something just clicked, and I started to really enjoy it.

    The first mile is still not my favorite, but I'm okay with that.
  • NotBonJovi
    NotBonJovi Posts: 187 Member
    If I had to run the same route, it would bore me to death. I explore different routes including sometimes getting lost. (-:
    Also, during the weekend I try to join a nearby runners group for company. And if constant running bores you, try Jeff Galloway's run-walk-run method which I adopt many times.
  • frankyk89
    frankyk89 Posts: 173 Member
    running is boring to me too.... i started doing interval running; i downloaded the C25K app on my phone and do week 2 all of the time, i have no desire to go past that and run 3 miles straight. i do 3 miles total but not just a straight run and i can do 3 miles in a good time also....
  • hswhitten
    hswhitten Posts: 3 Member
    I'm the same way, I really dislike running but I do it because it's probably one of the best things for you. I just invested in a $5 app for my phone that turns your running into a Zombie Apocolypse story, it uses GPS or the movement of your arm (when your phone is in an armband) to measure your distance and speed and will even add in interval training if you select it by making you sprint away from an incoming horde. It can be pretty cheesy at times but it makes running more entertaining for me because I want to keep going and hear what happens next. You also collect items as you go that you need to survive and it syncs your own playlist and then in between songs you hear updates on your story. It's pretty nerdy but it makes me excited to go running so I don't care. It's called "Zombies, Run!"
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Keep running. Learn to love it. Or not. You already have a great playlist and a beautiful place to run, not much to add to be honest.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Make yourself an obstacle course, or just do a fitness video or something if you don't like running. It really isn't your only option. Go to the park and find things to push around, and jump over.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Download Zombies, Run! A distracting storyline to intersperse your playlist and having to speed up in places to stop being bitten by the undead is a motivation like no other!

    Run different routes. Run to visit friends. Run to pick up the groceries. Go running with friends. Join a running club. Do online challenges if you can't run with other people in person. Power-walk for a change of pace (if you're a great runner, you can actually get more out of breath trying to walk fast). Make yourself a circuit - run to one corner of the park and do jumping jacks, run to the next and do push-ups. Run backwards. Run sidewards. Skip. Run up hills. Run with high knees. Run doing bum-kicks. Enter a race and train using an online plan with different targets for each running workout and aim for a PB. Leave your watch, HRM, phone, MP3 player and everything else at home and just enjoy the changing seasons.

    For other free cardio, YouTube workouts, or borrow exercise DVDs from friends. Power walk for a change of pace. Go for a swim in a public pool (not entirely free but very cheap!). Get a skipping rope. Dance around to your favourite music. Borrow a bike. Google bodyweight exercises and callisthenics.

    Still bored? Don't know about you, but I'm exhausted just typing that! :tongue:
  • scott1111111
    scott1111111 Posts: 53 Member
    Pay someone to chase you with an axe?
  • tadpole242
    tadpole242 Posts: 507 Member
    I can't really afford any other kind of cardio except for running, but oh my god, does it bore me. I have a kickass playlist, nice workout clothes, I run along a beautiful river... and all I can think is "ugh, another X minutes before I can do something that's fun".
    Anyone else have the same problem? What do you do about it?
    What do you want? A medal! so it bores you, do something else, stay at home, eat cheese... Get a bike, cycle for an hour, or is that to boring too.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Pay someone to chase you with an axe?

    OP...if you really hate it so much...don't do it! Find something you DO like....